Three words

Here is a haiku about my character using the 3 random Wednesday words.


Amicable ugh

Am I Frivolous? No

I am Unrefined

Seussified Art and Politicized Sneetches

Then they yelled at the darken ones who had badges at the start, “We’re still the best Sneetches and they are the liability. But now, how in the world will we know”, they all frowned, “If which badge is what, or the other way round?”

Ever inspired and more than ever distracted, Wednesday finds me trawling the DS106 Assignment Bank for a writing assignment–something to gnaw on throughout the day. I find that part of the way I stay creatively active throughout my work day is by having something open that I’m reading, writing, or thinking about. Today I selected to explore the “Three Word Wednesday” site submitted as a DS106 assignment of the same name by my sister-friend Giulia Forsythe.

Today’s words are: badge, darken, and liability

To make the assignment more challenging, I remixed it. Remixing a DS106 assignment is always fun for me because you never know what you’re gonna get. This time the remix was a “Dr. Seuss it” which calls on the artist to transform their piece into something with recognizable Seussical properties.

I elected to find the story about star-bellied Sneetches and found the full-text online. The star-bellied Sneetches are prominent character’s in The Sneetches and Other Stories, a collection of stories by American author Dr. Seuss, published in 1961.”

The original text:

Then they yelled at the ones who had stars at the start, “We’re still the best Sneetches and they are the worst. But now, how in the world will we know”, they all frowned, “If which kind is what, or the other way round?”

I then replaced a few key words in the text with today’s Three Word Wednesday words. I knew this would prove an easy task because I elected the story after seeing today’s three words. The words badges, darken, and liability lend themselves to a story of prejudice.

Dr. Seuss’ story provides a simple, child-friendly critique of dehumanizing sorting practices. The message of this story is clear and continues to be salient in too many community and institutional spaces. Doing some quick research I found a few resources for those who teach, and parents of the little dudes.

Civil and Human Rights Themes in Dr. Seuss’ [The Sneetches] and [Yertle the Turtle] – C-SPAN Video Library via @cspanvl

Example Lesson Plan

You can teach a Sneetch from Peacework.

3 Word Wednesday

I chose to incorporate the 3 words into inspirational quotes. I personally love to read quotes, because they set my mood for the day. I wanted to choose three inspirational quotes to ensure that anyone reading my blog would have an optimistic Wednesday!

Three-Word Wednesday

So for today, I chose to do the 3-word Wednesday challenge (this is awesome! Check out the site: Every week, three new words are posted. You can do anything with them. These are the three words:
Chance; noun: A possibility of something happening; the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design; adjective: Fortuitous; accidental; verb: [no object] do something by accident or without design; [with object] informal do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome.
Entice; verb [with object]: Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.

Savor; verb: Relish, enjoy, (to the full), appreciate, delight in, revel in, luxuriate in, bask in; noun: Smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, perfume, bouquet; taste, flavor, tang, smack.

So…what to do with 3-word Wednesday? I have chosen to find quotes that incorporate each of these words, so you can go throughout your day (or week) with these in mind.

Chance: “That is life, isn’t it? Fate. Luck. Chance. A long series of what-if’s that lead from one moment to the next, time never pausing for you to catch your breath, to make sense of the cards that have been handed to you. And all you can do is play your cards and hope for the best, because in the end, it all comes back to those three basics.
Fate. Luck. Chance.”
? Kelseyleigh Reber, If I Fall

Entice: “You yourself are beautiful, and you yourself entice the world. You yourself, by your kind mercy, weave the thread of the world.”

-Sri Guru Granth Sahib quotes

Savor: “Remember where you have been and where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.”

–Nikita Koloff

Here’s a picture to demonstrate savor (because let’s be honest, the first thing we all think of when we see the word “savor” is food)


Adachi. Outskirts of Tokyo. Old and filthy. Unforgivable sins in the city of the sleek and the new. Large arcade, full of acrid smoke. Tobacco scented. Lights dim. Late night. Everyone focused, numb and obsessed. Lanky geeks, sweaty schizoids, forlorn losers. Oblivious to the passage of time.  Atmospheric electronic thumping beats the preferred music of the evening.

Tense stand offs abound. Violent contests in virtual landscapes. Angelic female figures on projected screens slide and dash. Rending vibrating electric samurai weapons with blue tracers. Red blood. Game over.  ”Uso! Konoyaro!”

Talent, when combined with competition, fosters betting. Shark sniff out marks. Shark looks new to the game. Shark even throws the game once or twice. Then its all “Hey, Bud, lets go, one more game.” “Bakatare, jyozujanai yo.” goes the mark. “Just one more game. Lets put some yen on it.”

Game changes, Shark now shows skills. Practiced and true. A veteran. Intense blitz positioning. Jet fighter maneuvering. Blue light weaving. Blades brought to bare on over confident knave. The expert strikes. Crimson trails feather out from delicate limbs and torso. Enemy’s digital cadaver lies in ruin.”Shinjiraranai…” the mark laments.

Back alley. Smell of broiled fish and old wet garbage. Fresh winnings lining leather jacket pockets. Shark had his full. Lights up cheap Chinese cigarette. Waits for his girl in the neon glow. Sound of drunken revelers passing in the street. She’s late, she’s always late.

This was a writing assignment called Three Word Wednesday. You visit this site and it offers three words for you to try and incorporate into a poem or a story. It’s supposed to help over come writers block. My words were angelic, foster and ruin. My inspiration was Gibson and his adoration for all things Japanese cool. I got the arcade image from here


Adachi. Outskirts of Tokyo. Old and filthy. Unforgivable sins in the city of the sleek and the new. Large arcade, full of acrid smoke. Tobacco scented. Lights dim. Late night. Everyone focused, numb and obsessed. Lanky geeks, sweaty schizoids, forlorn losers. Oblivious to the passage of time.  Atmospheric electronic thumping beats the preferred music of the evening.

Tense stand offs abound. Violent contests in virtual landscapes. Angelic female figures on projected screens slide and dash. Rending vibrating electric samurai weapons with blue tracers. Red blood. Game over.  ”Uso! Konoyaro!”

Talent, when combined with competition, fosters betting. Shark sniff out marks. Shark looks new to the game. Shark even throws the game once or twice. Then its all “Hey, Bud, lets go, one more game.” “Bakatare, jyozujanai yo.” goes the mark. “Just one more game. Lets put some yen on it.”

Game changes, Shark now shows skills. Practiced and true. A veteran. Intense blitz positioning. Jet fighter maneuvering. Blue light weaving. Blades brought to bare on over confident knave. The expert strikes. Crimson trails feather out from delicate limbs and torso. Enemy’s digital cadaver lies in ruin.”Shinjiraranai…” the mark laments.

Back alley. Smell of broiled fish and old wet garbage. Fresh winnings lining leather jacket pockets. Shark had his full. Lights up cheap Chinese cigarette. Waits for his girl in the neon glow. Sound of drunken revelers passing in the street. She’s late, she’s always late.

This was a writing assignment called Three Word Wednesday. You visit this site and it offers three words for you to try and incorporate into a poem or a story. It’s supposed to help over come writers block. My words were angelic, foster and ruin. My inspiration was Gibson and his adoration for all things Japanese cool. I got the arcade image from here


Adachi. Outskirts of Tokyo. Old and filthy. Unforgivable sins in the city of the sleek and the new. Large arcade, full of acrid smoke. Tobacco scented. Lights dim. Late night. Everyone focused, numb and obsessed. Lanky geeks, sweaty schizoids, forlorn losers. Oblivious to the passage of time.  Atmospheric electronic thumping beats the preferred music of the evening.

Tense stand offs abound. Violent contests in virtual landscapes. Angelic female figures on projected screens slide and dash. Rending vibrating electric samurai weapons with blue tracers. Red blood. Game over.  ”Uso! Konoyaro!”

Talent, when combined with competition, fosters betting. Shark sniff out marks. Shark looks new to the game. Shark even throws the game once or twice. Then its all “Hey, Bud, lets go, one more game.” “Bakatare, jyozujanai yo.” goes the mark. “Just one more game. Lets put some yen on it.”

Game changes, Shark now shows skills. Practiced and true. A veteran. Intense blitz positioning. Jet fighter maneuvering. Blue light weaving. Blades brought to bare on over confident knave. The expert strikes. Crimson trails feather out from delicate limbs and torso. Enemy’s digital cadaver lies in ruin.”Shinjiraranai…” the mark laments.

Back alley. Smell of broiled fish and old wet garbage. Fresh winnings lining leather jacket pockets. Shark had his full. Lights up cheap Chinese cigarette. Waits for his girl in the neon glow. Sound of drunken revelers passing in the street. She’s late, she’s always late.

This was a writing assignment called Three Word Wednesday. You visit this site and it offers three words for you to try and incorporate into a poem or a story. It’s supposed to help over come writers block. My words were angelic, foster and ruin. My inspiration was Gibson and his adoration for all things Japanese cool. I got the arcade image from here

Three Word, Sunday

So for this weeks DS106 assignment I shall write a piece of prose biased on the Three Word Wednesday I went to this Website and got the words that I will use:

Angelic adjective: Of or relating to angels.
Foster; verb: Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good); bring up; adjective: Denoting someone that has a specified family connection through fostering rather than birth; involving or concerned with fostering a child.
Ruin; noun: the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed; the remains of a building, typically an old one, that has suffered much damage or disintegration; the disastrous disintegration of someone’s life; the complete loss of one’s money and other assets; verb: Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration; reduce to a state of poverty.


     He was beautiful, the second the peach split open the small angelic child rolled onto her hand. Orange hair, chubby cheeks everything that was to be desired in a child of such raw becoming. Despite her old age and her humble living she decided to take him home wrapped up carefully atop the basket of peaches that she had collected for the day. The cool river had always given them what they wanted. When the old lady brought him home her husband immediately declared him their son.


The couple fostered the boy to be like their own son. He was want of nothing. They gave him any food, toy, or any clothes that he wanted. As all of their money was going to their son the skeleton of the old shack started to rot. No one had taken notice until the son displeased with one of his many gifts threw a tantrum. They were more violent and more frequent than ever before. The boy was as rotten inside as the house, and the old couple knew it, sometimes they wished the house would just collapse on them crushing everyone.

     The couple were angry, why would the river give them something so terrible? They were angry at the spirit of the water, and they were angry at themselves. He had ruined their house, he had ruined their happiness. All that was left was to ruin himself and that was not so far off. Sometimes the old woman would go to the river and wade in again, no more peaches came. She would stare into the water, angry, what she saw was to blame for all of her unhappiness. The river always just remained silent always reflecting the truth.

Three Word, Sunday

So for this weeks DS106 assignment I shall write a piece of prose biased on the Three Word Wednesday I went to this Website and got the words that I will use:

Angelic adjective: Of or relating to angels.
Foster; verb: Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good); bring up; adjective: Denoting someone that has a specified family connection through fostering rather than birth; involving or concerned with fostering a child.
Ruin; noun: the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed; the remains of a building, typically an old one, that has suffered much damage or disintegration; the disastrous disintegration of someone’s life; the complete loss of one’s money and other assets; verb: Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration; reduce to a state of poverty.


     He was beautiful, the second the peach split open the small angelic child rolled onto her hand. Orange hair, chubby cheeks everything that was to be desired in a child of such raw becoming. Despite her old age and her humble living she decided to take him home wrapped up carefully atop the basket of peaches that she had collected for the day. The cool river had always given them what they wanted. When the old lady brought him home her husband immediately declared him their son.


The couple fostered the boy to be like their own son. He was want of nothing. They gave him any food, toy, or any clothes that he wanted. As all of their money was going to their son the skeleton of the old shack started to rot. No one had taken notice until the son displeased with one of his many gifts threw a tantrum. They were more violent and more frequent than ever before. The boy was as rotten inside as the house, and the old couple knew it, sometimes they wished the house would just collapse on them crushing everyone.

     The couple were angry, why would the river give them something so terrible? They were angry at the spirit of the water, and they were angry at themselves. He had ruined their house, he had ruined their happiness. All that was left was to ruin himself and that was not so far off. Sometimes the old woman would go to the river and wade in again, no more peaches came. She would stare into the water, angry, what she saw was to blame for all of her unhappiness. The river always just remained silent always reflecting the truth.

Three Word, Sunday

So for this weeks DS106 assignment I shall write a piece of prose biased on the Three Word Wednesday I went to this Website and got the words that I will use:

Angelic adjective: Of or relating to angels.
Foster; verb: Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good); bring up; adjective: Denoting someone that has a specified family connection through fostering rather than birth; involving or concerned with fostering a child.
Ruin; noun: the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed; the remains of a building, typically an old one, that has suffered much damage or disintegration; the disastrous disintegration of someone’s life; the complete loss of one’s money and other assets; verb: Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration; reduce to a state of poverty.


     He was beautiful, the second the peach split open the small angelic child rolled onto her hand. Orange hair, chubby cheeks everything that was to be desired in a child of such raw becoming. Despite her old age and her humble living she decided to take him home wrapped up carefully atop the basket of peaches that she had collected for the day. The cool river had always given them what they wanted. When the old lady brought him home her husband immediately declared him their son.


The couple fostered the boy to be like their own son. He was want of nothing. They gave him any food, toy, or any clothes that he wanted. As all of their money was going to their son the skeleton of the old shack started to rot. No one had taken notice until the son displeased with one of his many gifts threw a tantrum. They were more violent and more frequent than ever before. The boy was as rotten inside as the house, and the old couple knew it, sometimes they wished the house would just collapse on them crushing everyone.

     The couple were angry, why would the river give them something so terrible? They were angry at the spirit of the water, and they were angry at themselves. He had ruined their house, he had ruined their happiness. All that was left was to ruin himself and that was not so far off. Sometimes the old woman would go to the river and wade in again, no more peaches came. She would stare into the water, angry, what she saw was to blame for all of her unhappiness. The river always just remained silent always reflecting the truth.