Apple Pie Haiku Recipe

This is for my Haiku Recipe Assignment.

“Apple Pie”

Sugar, flour, salt,
Cinnamon, apple, in crust,
Bake forty minutes.


Chocolate Tres Leches: A Tasty Haiku

chocolate cake; milk:

condensed, evaporated,

half-and-half on top


then put some icing,

chocolate is the best kind,

and eat that cake, yum!

It’s gone over well every time I’ve made it! I brought it in for Spanish class before and it was a major hit; everybody liked it better than the plain tres leches. Here’s the full recipe if anybody wants to try it.

I Can Follow a Chili Nachos Recipe Haiku, Can You?

This is “nacho” normal recipe… (get it??) Super Bowl Sunday is approaching and a thought popped into my head: I don’t know how to make anything. Sure, I have made a sandwich here and there, but I really want to dazzle my family with something brand new. Chili nachos seem like the perfect fit. There … Continue reading I Can Follow a Chili Nachos Recipe Haiku, Can You?

Honey Ham Hakiu

For another final project assignment, I decided to create a recipe haiku. While pinning the board for Beatrice’s dream vacation I came across this recipe for Honey Hame Biscuits. I thought this was perfect for a haiku. It’s an easy recipe with that beatrice could make on a weeknight, while helping her kids with homework and the nightly routine. I used PicMonkey again to add the text. I grabbed the picture that was used on the pin itself then I added the text. Here is the final product!


Gravy Time

In this day and age of technology, the art of making gravy seems to have been lost. The time has come when the grocery store has gravy in jars upon the shelves. It takes far less effort and money to simply make it in a pan at home than most people realize. No special tools or materials required.

Gravy time
One pat of butter,
Whisk with flour in a pan
Stir in broth, gravy’s done


This is based on one of my favourite foods, HUMMUS!

Chickpeas, Tahini,

Lemon, Garlic & Cumin,

Olive Oil. Blend.

Recipe Haiku Assignment

ds106 Assignment #2

For this assignment I incorporated a recipe into a haiku.


Recipe Haiku

avacado with

lemon juice and chopped garlic

that’s guacamole

Recipe Haiku

This assignment asked you to write down a recipe as a Haiku (using the traditional 5/7/5 pattern). The key was not to leave out any important details. As a bonus, you could also include pictures with each step, which I am doing for the sake of visual aid.

So You Want Eggs?

Hot pan on the stove,

Crack the eggs over the heat,

Guess what? You made eggs.


Recipe Haiku (On DS106)

Recipes with Haiku

For this assignment, you are asked to create a recipe using haiku.

“Write an entire recipe only in haiku. Stick to the 5/7/5 syllable pattern as much as possible, but don’t leave out any key instructions!”

When I think of recipes, there is one that stands out in my mind – mainly because of how it warped me in my impressionable teens.


This Tool song might have been the first recipe I ever heard.  Talk about dark and demented, it really is a recipe for hash brownies.  Remember, no eggs!

Die Eier Von Satan

Half a cup sugar-5

Then one quarter teaspoon salt – 7

One ounce Turkish hash – 5

Then half a pound of butter – 7

Teaspoon vanilla – 5

Half a pound of sifted flour – 7

Half a cup of nuts – 5

‘member never any eggs -7

Place in a  big bowl – 5

Add butter to the nuts and – 7

Knead the dough extra – 5

Form round pieces of the dough – 7

Roll in the sugar – 5

say the following Magic Words: – 7

“Sim sala bim bam – 5

ba sala do saladim” – 7

Place on a  pan and – 5

Bake at 200 degrees – 7

for 15 minutes – 5


Bake at 200 degrees

for 15 minutes

‘member never any eggs…

Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips

A tasty treat, perfect for a summer barbeque or a potluck at any time of year! A little bit tedious to make but definitely worth the effort.