Audio Assignment #2 Otis Remix Tutorial

So I decided to make my own rap song to one of my favorite songs Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West. I thought that this task would be extremely difficult to complete; however, it was quite simple. The fact that I had a MacBook made this task even more simple because I was able to use the Garage Band application.

I started my journey to music production by going to YouTube and getting the instrumental to Otis. I converted it to an mp3 song and put it into my iTunes library. I am not sure if this is entirely legal and I still try to purchase all of my music, but for the sake of this assignment I took the easy way out! Don’t worry I have the original song Purchased from the Watch the Throne Album, and I also attended the concert!

I finally had my music I sent it to my home screen and once I was in Garage Band I entered that I would be using vocals as my instrument. I placed the song into garage band and then recorded my vocal along side of it! I did some major “tweeking,” to edit the song and even went as far as using two separate versions of the song to cut it down exactly how I wanted it. Once I had my vocals the way that I felt I wanted them and the music went somewhat flawlessly I copied the song as an iTunes file. I shared it on Drop Box and Presto I am the next up and coming Diddy!

All in all this was a very fun experience and I am really pleased with how the song turned out!

DS106 Rap

Write and perform your very own rap. Create your own beat box or experiment with audacity’s audio settings. Remember to think: What Would Dirt Mcgirt Do?