Tutorial: Swap Shop



– Come up with some crazy idea for an item to sell. The more unrealistic it is, the better.

– Have a good audio recording device. I personally used the one that was built into my laptop.

– If you can, try to get a friend to help you with this assignment by being another character in the recording (they will typically be the person asking you questions about the product).

– Try to make it 30sec-1min in length.

– Remember, the more inventive the item, the more you can get carried away with it! Enjoy!

Swap Shop

Welcome to the Swap Shop! Try to sell the most interesting item you can think of! Go on and on about it, be silly and have fun with it! Have a friend be the radio dj ready for the call in and ask you lots of questions about your item. [You can also ask yourself questions too–just try to change your voice].