Honest Game Box Tutorial

Today I am going to show how to do the Honest Game Box Visual Assignment. I did this assignment before and it was probably one of my favorite assignments because it made me think outside the box to create this.

Step 1 – Pick the game you want. And have an idea of what you want to do. For this tutorial I am going to show Mario Kart.

Step 2- Find a picture that is the box art without text or something similar to the box art without text.  To go about this go to Google and look for  ” *insert game name* box art without text” you can usually find something close to what you need. I found this picture after looking for about 10 minutes online.  Below you can compare both pictures are very similar. The one I found is just missing the extra characters. I found my picture from the Mario Wiki.

File:MK8 Pic.jpg

Step 3 – Find a box template or make your own.  Typing in ” *game system* Game Box Template” Into Google will give you a template that you need.  Try and find a PNG so it maintains transparency on the white spaces so you can just paste the box art over the blank image you have found. I found this image from Neogaf a video game forum.

Step 5- Open both images in Windows Paint and adjust them so they are approximately the same size. You can do this by using the select took and changing the size until they look similar or right clicking the image after selecting it and clicking resize and resize it by a percentage to keep the same aspect ratio. Always try and make the bigger picture smaller because making a smaller picture bigger distorts the image.

Step 6 – Take the box art image and place it over the box art image you have found. Then crop the image. To do this Select the box with the Select Tool. After selecting the box drag it over the image. Reselect the Select tool and select the out edge of the box even if you cut off a small portion of the image. After grabbing your click Crop that is next to the Select Tool and it will only display your selection.

Step 7 – Touch up your image slightly. With the different tools like pencil, paint bucket, and line tools.

Mario Kart

Step 9 – Take the image you make and put into the site PICFONT. And add your title to the picture. This site lets you add text and images to the picture so you can edit it to how you want it.  Save the picture and your are finished.

Step 10- Show off your finished product.



Honest Video Game Covers

Do you think some video games are a bit untruthful in what they advertise? Redesign an existing video game cover that by changing the text/image can tell the honest truth about a video game.