More Than Just A “Gringa”


I picked this assignment from the Design bank because I thought it weaved into my Final Project narrative nicely. I think if I had anything to suggest or provide a “how-to” it would be for discovering or even reclaiming culture or identity that has been lost because you were born and raised somewhere else. I’ve done a lot of work on myself by researching and talking to my Panamanian relatives and learning about their culture and language and it has really helped me. This was my little way of hypothetically passing on that knowledge.

First, I got an image from Google images. I searched mixed race people and I found this image. I inserted it into GIMP.


I used the Text tool to place text over the cover of my “book”. I used the font “Times Italic” because I liked how it looked like a real psychology-genre book that you would see in Barnes and Noble.


I saved it, uploaded it to Flickr and that’s all she wrote! Or…I wrote…

Anyways, this assignment was perfect for my final project and I liked how it provided me with a great ending to my story because it shows my character channeled her struggle into a creative venture. I think it fit well with what I was trying to tell in my story.



How To _________

For this design assignment, you will first need to pick one of your favorite persons from a tv show or movie–make sure it is someone with LOTS of character that displays their characteristics frequently. This is important; it should be something that defines them (i.e. Sterling Archer, from Archer). Next, create either a book cover, or a smartphone app icon, or the like. Add some text that says “How To [insert the name of the character you choose here]”. Make sure you tell who this app/book teaches the user/reader to be like. (NOTE: it doesn’t HAVE to be an app or a book. Get creative with it. What else can you come up with?)