How To: Movie Mashup

This is a tutorial for how to do the “Movie Mashup” assignment. The assignment instructs you to “Take a movie that you really like.  Now think of a movie that has been compared to it, and make a new movie poster that incorporates the two!” I will go through my process step by step and show you how I completed this assignment.

First things first, decide on two movies that are similar and you want to mashup. For my assignment, I chose two secret agent movies, which goes with the class theme. I looked up posters from both movies and decided how I was going to edit them. I found a poster from the Bourne Identity that I decided to use.

I studied how the poster was designed, and then found an image similar to the one on the poster.

I decided to use Canva to edit the image. Canva is an extremely useful tool that I would recommend for any kind of design project. I opened Canva and clicked on “Card” in the “Create a Design” section, since the card shape is what I wanted for my design.

I clicked on uploads, which is on the left side of the screen. Then I uploaded the picture to Canva and began my editing process.

As you can see in the poster picture, there is both text and white lines on the original. I searched for “white line” in elements, which gave me the thick white line below.

I shrunk two lines down to the size that I wanted and lined them up with the + in the photo.

Then I started working on the text. As you can see on the original poster that says “THE BOURNE IDENTITY,” some of the words are bolded and larger than others. For my mashup poster, I wrote “MISSION” in big bold letters.

I followed that by writing “IMPOSSIBLE” with unbolded letters. I also lined the O up with the +, similar to the original.

After I was done editing, I saved the photo to my computer.

And that’s all! I posted the assignment normally, making sure to use the right tags. You can find my assignment here.

How to: Create a Movie Mash-Up

  1. First thing is first. You need to decide what movies are similar enough or have been compared to. For example the movies that I chose were Cop Out and Other Guys. They are both movies that are about cop buddies working together. Use this link to help you if you need it!
  2. Next, pick two images, if I was you I would pick movie posters. Here are mine. 
  3. The next step is to open up paint. I know that all of us are not rich enough for some of the more high applications. I promise paint is not like it use to be and has a lot of helpful tools. You need to decide how you are going to mash the movies. I am going to take the word “Guys” and put that on the “Cop Out” poster so it will read “Cop Out Guys”. I am also going to put Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg in the image too.
  4. Now, duplicate the poster a few times to be able to use it over and over. First I will upload the Other Guys Poster delete everything that I do no want. So I will get rid of the clouds, the names of the actors and also “The Other”.  It should look like that on the left with all the layers. Save that as a .jpeg. This step will take a little while. 
  5. After that, you want to open up the other movie poster on a separate paint document. Then also open up the other movie poster. Play around with it and adjust the images together however you want. Mine took some time to play around with to get it how I wanted it!
  6. Lastly, save this project as a .jpeg and upload it to your blog. Don’t forget to tag this assignment!

How to remove an item from a picture

For this tutorial I will show you how to remove certain things from any picture using Corel Paintshop Pro X6.

We are going to start with this picture, and remove the girl swimming.

To begin, upload the picture to Paintshop Pro

Next, go to the left tool bar and select the drop down arrow on the clone brush icon and select object remover

This will turn your cursor into a lasso.  Use this and outline the girl.  Once she is outline, a dotted line will appear around her.  Now on the top tool bar, select the sqaure source mode button.

This will bring up a square box.  Move the box over an area of the picture that you want to replace the girl with.  For this picture, I will move it over another area under the water, so that the photo matches

Now, go to the top tool bar again and select the Apply icon

And there you go! The girl is gone!

It’t not perfect but with a little practice you’ll be able to learn how to make it smoother.

Movie Mashup

Take a movie that you really like.  Now think of a movie that has been compared to it, and make a new movie poster that incorporates the two! 

Be creative and really sell your poster!