Send a message back in time

These are the steps I took to make the video “letter” to my sixteen year old self.

I first used Photo Booth on my iMac to record my video. In Photo Booth I used the comic book filter (that’s my favorite). I then opened up iMovie to begin editing.

I began by selecting the background that I wanted for my title and credits screen. As you’ll see I later changed my mind. To select this I clicked the maps & backgrounds option on the left hand side. I then selected how I wanted my title by choosing one from the title option. To insert these into my actual movie all I had to do was drag what I wanted to the bottom portion of the screen. You can extend or decrease the length of the tittle and credits by dragging them left to right.From there I imported the video I made in Photo Booth.

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I then chose to change the filter on the video by using the options at the top of the video photo. I did this to enhance the photo quality. I also edited the font by selecting from the options that appeared above the text box.

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I then inserted my transitioning slide by dragging down the one I wanted in between the tittle background and my actual video. Here is where I decided to change my initial background. I figured this one flowed more with the video. After doing all of that I inserted some music to the background from the iTunes option on the left. I chose two songs since my video was a little long. I then inserted another transition slide and began working on my credits. Again I had to insert a background and tittle from the options on the left.  To slow my credits down I extended the length of the background.

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Once your credits are all done, play the video and make sure you like the outcome. If you do go ahead and save it. Upload it to youtube in order to get a like to insert into your blog post.

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To see my final outcome, click here.

Dear Sixteen Year Old Me Tutorial

I thought that since this was one of my favorite assignments of the class that I would give a run down of how I approached this assignment!

Step one: Open up a word document. When you are writing a letter to yourself in the past there is no way that you can come up with that off the top of your head so the best thing to do is to type it out or write it down. Keep in mind that when you are writing this down you are eventually going to be recording yourself reading it so you might want to read over it once or twice to make sure everything you want to say makes sense.

Step two: Use either your movie maker or even record on Youtube you reading the letter. My best advice to you is to have the letter up on the screen while you are recording so the video won’t be of you looking down and reading it.

Step three: Recording the video. The best way to record this video is to be as authentic as possible. There doesn’t need to be fluff and crazy music to add in the background but if that’s what you want for your video that is totally up to you. I think that by having you reading it out loud to yourself actually makes the assignment stronger. It allows the audience also known as your classmates to get a better glimpse into you and who you were in your past.

Step four: Upload the video. If you are recording it live on Youtube then you life will be a whole ton easier since the work is pretty much done for you. If not then I suggest you share it to YouTube or whatever video site that you use the most.

Step five: Last but not least create a post about the video. It is one thing to write a letter and to record yourself reading it but in the post reflect on everything that you did. How you got to that final video and the process it took to make the final product!

Final Product

I hope this helps you out and good luck!


Dear Sixteen year old, me

This could really be a video or audio. But write a letter to your 16 year old self. Talk about anything you want. (I.E: Don’t cut your hair, you will look crazy. Or, don’t stress out about college, you will get it!) Just talk about things that you wish the 16 year old version of you knew back then.