Don’t Call Me a Hipster!

The goal of this assignment was to recreate a famous painting and give it a modern twist. Without any hesitation, I knew I was going to do this assignment on the infamous Frida Kahlo.

The Process:

I settled on Frida’s more famous self-portrait. It was clean, colorful, and spoke to the very essence of Frida. Next, I rounded up my friend Amanda to be my muse. Considering she was Frida for Halloween I knew she would not object to the unibrow.

When concerning the composition, I wanted to portray Frida as a modern American. She was political rebel, feminist, and Surrealist or in other words, a hipster. So I designed the costume to reflect what I image a person at Occupy Wall Street might look like. However, I did want to maintain the integrity of Frida’s unibrow, because it was a critical element of her identity (modern hipsters have discovered tweezers).

During the photo shoot I captured the perfect shot on my first try. But for good measure I took 10 more just in case.

On my computer I cropped the photo, so it would be a little tighter, and adjusted the exposure by 10%. All of this was accomplished in Picnik. Below is master creation!











Art comes to Life

Take a famous painting or print and do your best to recreate it in real life. Capture it in a photo and present the two in a blog post.