The First to Admit It (Checking Out)

Checking Out Album Art
Visual Assignment 44ā€”Album Cover (2 stars). This was a fun and fairly simple project that I could do on my lunch hour at work. It also gave me a good opportunity to try a few free web-based photo editors. For this project, I used FotoFlexer (

In keeping with the instructions of the assignment, hereā€™s how I ended up with a voyeuristic bird on the album cover of a curiously named band:

Followed the linkĀ The title of the article that that this link generates now becomes the name of my band. Thus, my band became ā€œChecking Outā€.Ā 

The title of the album is generated by using the last 4-5 words of the last quote of this page:Ā 

Checking Outā€™s debut album is now called ā€œThe First to Admit Itā€.

The cover art is based off a randomly generated Flickr photo. The 3rd image that shows up here: is the foundation for ā€œThe First to Admit Itā€ album cover.

Ā Ā 

Hereā€™s a closer look at the original:

Credit to luciaĀ bianchi for the photography:

I used FotoFlexer to assemble the random elements to create the complete album cover. Specifically, I applied a filter and adjusted it to soften the image and blur the edges to frame the birds. Then I added and manipulated the text until I found a compilation that I like and viola! Checking Outā€™s very first album art is ready for releaseā€¦complete with a dirty bird watching the birdie couple like a green-eyed stalker!

Album Art

So I definitely enjoy this type of assignment.Ā  This is the folk black metal band Krasno??ka, they hail from Poland and get their name from the their home town.Ā  This is their 15th album release and they have really been rolling with the times the past 27 years.Ā  They have moved through many genres of music including,Ā  disco, country and Tuvan throat singing.Ā  They were pretty bad at all that so they ended up getting thrown into the folk black metal genre.Ā  they have toured extensively in Poland and Japan.Ā  I personally designed this last album cover using imagery of a man on fire from Flickr.and I was told that they got the title from a Oprah Winfry Quote.

You can take from every experience what it has to offer you. And you cannot be defeated if you just keep taking one breath followed by another.
Oprah Winfrey (1954 – ), O Magazine, What I Know For Sure, January 2004
They really like Oprah and her plan to dominate the world.Ā  I simply used Photoshop to mesh together a stellar album cover conveying the bands love for rainbows and violence.Ā  All in all a success.

An Album Cover

_cokwr: So here's something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words of the last quote are the title of your first album Lastly, go here: Select the 3rd image. It is the picture for your album cover. Manipulate the picture, resize it, add some other color, whatever. Do the same with the band name and album title, put them over top. However you wanna do it. Make it look cool., _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Crazylegs, _ciyn3: 44, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: