We’ve Found Your Match

Haha,  my boy is gonna kill me when he says this. The above picture is Knicks forward Kurt Thomas. The picture below is my best friend.

We Found Your Match

CelebrityLook A Like Blog Post


I’m doing a blog post on the celebrity look alikevisual look alike assignment. That was titled  “We Found Your Match” the objective of theassignment was to use a picture of a close friend and put it up next to a celebrity’sphoto to see the likeness. I used a picture of one of my best high schoolfriends Dustin I did get his permission to use the photo beforehand and then I useda photo of Zac Efron I found by googling free images. I used this comparison ofMy good buddy Dustin to Zac Efron because all throughout high school I gave himthe nickname of Zac Efron. We gave it to him due to the perfect looks, popularityand uncanny similarities. We specifically say he is just like Zac Efron’s characterhe plays in the high school musical films.  This is my opinion and I gave you all twoexamples and gave the link to the project on DS 106 let me know what you think.

My First Visual Assignment!!! Go Me!

Celebrity Look-Alike

Visual Assignment Number 1: The Process…

So I saw this two-star assignment and knew right away I had to do it. I featured a very close friend of mine named Matt in my creation. He bears striking resemblance, in my opinion to the  well-known actor, Shia Labeouf. Anyways, moving on, I decided to take a picture from Matthew with him looking all spiffy in his tuxedo. I then acquired a similar picture of Shia off of google, also in a tuxedo.

It wasn’t too incredibly difficult to get these two photos merged onto the same canvas. To be honest, I’m a novice when it comes to Adobe Photoshop, which is the program I used to get these photos together. To do this, I first checked the specs of the first photo and doubled the width after going to the “Images” and selecting “Canvas Size“. To get the picture of Shia onto the now enlarged canvas, I opened up a new layer and then opened up my picture of Shia. I then dragged him onto the Canvas, allowing me to place both pictures side-by-side. I also added text by clicking on the Horizontal Type Tool on the left          sidebar.

The final step to the image creating process was to do some editing in iPhoto. I added the Vignette effect and bumped it up to level two, which I thought gave the photo a view when comparing the two handsome devils. I also messed around with the contrast, sharpness and definition levels to make sure it looked good. This was basically my process, and like I said, I am a total novice so, as always, any and all feedback is appreciated. Hope you guys check this out, and see you next time! Ciao..


We’ve Found Your Match

_cokwr: Take a picture of one of your closest friends and put it beside their celebrity look-a-like. , _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brobenson/5451916224/, _chk2m: BRobenson, _ciyn3: 66, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: