Tutorial: BuzzFeed Personality Quiz

To create a BuzzFeed Quiz, you first need to create an account. Once you have done that, you can really begin.

On the upper right hand side of the screen, there is a little face icon. Move your mouse to the icon, and a list of options should appear. Click “new post”:

From there, your screen should look something like this.

Hover your mouse above the “Quiz” option, and from there you can choose which type of BuzzFeed quiz you would like to create. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are looking to make a Personality Quiz.

Once you have clicked on the Personality option, your screen should look like this:

This is the section where you will input your results. For my personality quiz, I had three results. Each result was a spy character from my group’s radio show project. At this point, it is helpful to have images that represent each result option. Canva is a great option for creating quick copyright free images.

If you continue to scroll down, you will see the section to input your questions and answers.

You can adjust the text font, size, and color by clicking on the pencil icon. You also have the option to insert an image, you can do so by clicking the icon at the bottom right hand size of the colored square.

Each answer you list, you will assign a result to. For mine, I had questions that related to the personality of each spy character. When I was done with the questions and answers, I assigned the correct Spy character to the personality answer. I also changed the color of the squares to mix it up, but you can keep the standard coloring if you would like.

My example:

Once you are done inputting all you questions, answers, and assigning a result, you will have a screen that looks like this:

You have the opportunity to make final edits before you post, choose a thumbnail, and even preview your quiz. Once you feel finished, go ahead and publish!

Congratulation, you have just created a BuzzFeed Personality Quiz.

If you would like to view my example, or to read my original post about it, feel free to check it out.

Assignment Bank #1

For this assignment, I had to make a simple Buzzfeed quiz. This sounded like it would be easy enough, as I am very familiar with them. I would sit in class and take these in high school, and even had to make a few.

The first step was to create an account. We have all made plenty of accounts for this to be a simple task, and it was. Next I had to come up with the idea behind the quiz. We’ve been focusing a lot on our spy theme, so I though this would be a perfect way to incorporate it. I chose to do “what spy are you.” I had to choose at least three results, and I chose 4 well known secret agents: James Bond, Mrs.Smith, Evelyn Salt, and Austin Powers. I then had to make at least 6 questions to follow them up and give the viewer a result. Finding the questions was more difficult than finding the results, but I made it work and soon had the basic outline for my quiz. The process was just as easy as I remembered it being, and it did not take long at all. After I finished the results and questions, I added a thumbnail and posted it! This assignment was 4 stars. I feel like for someone who is unfamiliar with Buzzfeed and their quizzes, this might have been a more struggling assignment, but I personally think it could have passed for a 2 to 3 star assignment. Buzzfeed really does do all of the hard work for you. If you have the results and questions, you essentially just fill in the blanks and eventually have a completed quiz. Check out my quiz and leave me a comment below for what secret agent you received!


Buzzfeed Personality Quiz

This is silly. I made a buzzfeed quiz of which ambient (i misspelled ambient on the quiz lol) piano album you should listen to. I know it’s a very niche thing, but I thought it fit me well, and hopefully I can turn some people on to some really cool music. I’ve also always wondered how buzzfeed quizzes work and making one was a little more in depth than I thought was put into it. Check out my quiz and comment what album you get and listen to it!! All four are really good for just mindless listening while doing work!


Buzzfeed Personality Quiz

For this assignment, I created a Buzzfeed Personality Quiz that determines what meme you are.

As a lover of memes I picked my top three: Condescending Wonka, Bad Luck Bryan, and Harambe. Now, I’m a sucker for these quizzes and memes so this combination is perfection.

To make the quiz I had to make a Buzzfeed account. That was honestly the hardest part because it refused to link me to my Twitter for a very long time. Once I was in, I went to create a post. They have many option to choose from but since I was making a quiz, I chose quiz. There were different quiz options and I picked personality.

Then you begin. First, you must select what your personality answers will be. I gave each answer a name, an image, and a small description. From there, you select your question, and your answers. For the answers there are different choices. You can do a picture or a text. But no matter what type of answer you select, you must assign each answer to a corresponding personality match.

Write out as many questions/answers as you want and boom. You have yourself a quiz!

And I got Harambe. Big surprise.

Tutorial for BuzzFeed Personality Quiz

BuzzFeed Quiz Tutorial

This assignment appears daunting because you are creating an account on yet another media site, but it is actually not as bad as you think. You may log in using a gmail account, which almost everyone has at this point and then you click button “Make a Post” under the “More” tab on the BuzzFeed homepage. Once under this tab then select the quiz option button on the page:

buzzfeed tutorial step 1

So select create a personality quiz and begin by entering the descriptions of the different results. Be sure you have a minimum of 3 results. Typically BuzzFeed quizzes provide a couple sentences to describe each personality result.

Next create the questions. Type in each question with the answers. If you want the text to appear large, then put it in the “Title” section, but if you want it to be small put it in the “text” section. I chose to make all of my questions in the title boxes and all of my answers in the text boxes. You can also easily add images to either the question or the answers. The website provides space to cite where the image came from and who made it.

buzzfeed tutorial step 2

Once you have created your desired amount of questions then preview your quiz to make sure it is working properly and everything looks as it should. Make sure you add a title and quiz description. BuzzFeed will also prompt you to add a thumbnail for your quiz in the toolbar on the righthand side of the screen. This should just be a small picture to represent your quiz.

buzzfeed tutorial step 3

If everything looks fine, then click the publish button in the top right corner and you have successfully created a BuzzFeed personality quiz. It should post immediately so you can share with friends.

buzzfeed tutorial step 4

Buzzfeed Personality Quiz

Have you taken one of those fun personality quizzes on Buzzfeed? Now make your own! Sign in with Buzzfeed to create a community account (you can use gmail). Then start making a quiz for people to find out which character they are. Use any characters you like. There must be at least 3 results with descriptions and at least 6 questions. Be sure to include photographs as well. Once you have made the page publish it and share.