Web Storytellling

website story pic

To view the actually remixed website please click here.

The other day I found the Harry Potter Original Sorting Hat! I suppose Wizarding World forgot to spell protect this item from muggles. Now, for the first time every muggles get a sneak peak in the Magic Amazon. Fans of Harry Potter will be excited to know that the Sorting Hat is real and, therefore, so is the Wizarding World! Not only will it sort you into your house  by reading your heart, it can conjure the Gyrffindor sword, and it can sort household items like socks. Mrs. Weasley would love this product, think of all the socks she has to sort through (plus they all look a like).

This was a mentally daunting task. However, the “x-ray goggles” is really easy to use and it ended up being extremely fun.  With x-ray goggles, you simply just click and edit. When you are done, you click “p” . Select the html source code, then in your blog domain home page, click file manager.  Create a new html file, copy over the source code, and you are done. It was fun trying to create something only through alteration.

Hidden Story In A Page

Wouldn’t webpages be more interesting if the author provided commentary on the contents and went on tangents about entirely unrelated subjects? Or if a story suddenly appeared in the middle of the page? Or what if a website became self-aware?

The concept for this assignment is simple: Insert a story into an existing webpage. You don’t need to replace anything or remove anything. Just add your own content in whatever way is appropriate to the story. You can easily do this with Firebug (https://getfirebug.com/), or download the page and open it in a text editor. This shouldn’t require modifying formatting or layouts, unless you want to use a specialized font to make the story contents stand out (e.g. http://wp.me/p2IgNY-2K).