10 Seconds of Thanks Tutorial

Here is a simple tutorial for the 10 seconds of thanks, it involves using a pen and pencil and not your computer. Gasp! I think sometimes we need a reminder of how to use these archaic technologies.

1) Find a time keeping utility- watch, clock, phone, etc.

2) Grab a pen/pencil and a pad of paper

3) Be sure to not think too much about what you’re going to be writing. The more naturally it comes within the 10 seconds the better!

4) start the clock and start writing. Keep an eye on the clock and drop the pen when 10 seconds hits.

5) Repeat steps 2 -4, except this time draw yourself rather than write a list.

10 seconds of thanks

10 Seconds of Thanks

1. Using a timer, write what you’re thankful for in just 10 seconds! Anything and everything that you can think of being thankful for is fair game, but stop at 10 seconds.
2. Share what you’ve written on a blog, wiki, or some other digital space that others can comment on.
3. Bonus! Complete a 10 second drawing of yourself to accompany your writing, inspired by the November 19th, 2012 Daily Create!