Assignment Idea

Animated Music Video

Take a favorite cartoon or anime like show, take some clips, mash them together and add music to it. Try to pick out a specific theme in your clips that follow the theme of the music. Keep an eye out for changes in the music and plan your clips accordingly.

For examples check out youtube and type in “AMV”, or look at this one.

Take a journey

Go to mapcrunch and take a journey through the world. Your goal is to find the nearest mass transit. Train station, airport, etc. Good luck and enjoy the culture.


Take a 2 minute video and go through the frames until you find the one that best represents the overall story of your video.

Poetry Reading

Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud in a way that itself makes it a story. Then at the ending of that poem extend it or connect it to a story — this has to be more than just reading a poem to be a story.

New Emerging Technology Writing Assignment

For this assignment, choose a new emerging technology that just came out in the past few years. Tell us about it. Be sure to include how it made the pre-existing technology better, what is can now do for us, how much is costs, what’s it’s used for, and how much it costs. Be creative, have fun with it.

Is Social Networking a Different Language?

Some professionals believe the language we use on social networking sights is different from everyday language. They say this because of the words like g2g, ttul that we use on a consistent basis over text messaging, aim, and Facebook messenger. Write a short paper on this topic. Be sure to include some of the saying we use, which one’s you understand and don’t understand, and most of all discuss if social networking language is in fact different from our every day language.

Your Own Numa Numa Video

After being inspired by tonight’s class, I thought it would be funny to see if anyone would make a video like Numa Numa. You can be creative.. Mouth it yourself, sing it for real, animate something.. Be creative!! Humor us with your hidden talents of being like Numa Numa guy.

Self Documentary

Pick something about yourself that you want to share and make a little documentary about it. Whether it’s the sport you play, your favorite place to go on vacation, or the great book you just read, give us some background, tell us the story, and try to have some video footage that goes along with it.

Movies by Numbers

Create a video that artistically presents a single number in artful ways- show how it is represented in the world or nature. Add a relevant musical track, no narration, let the number and the visuals stell the story.

See Darren Kuropatwa’s Number 9

One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

Create a five second video of one archetype from five different movies cutting together one second of each. Examples could include: Prisoners, Thieves, Beauty Queens, Kings, Robin Hoods, James Bonds, Bank Robbers, Assassins, Bad Boys, Kung Fu Masters, Femme Fatales, Sports Heroes, High School Bullies, Rogue Police Officers, Brainiacs, Pregnancies, Principals, Mean Teachers, InspirationalTeachers, Gunslingers, Gangsters, Monsters, Bartenders, Warrior Princesses, Swordsman, Knights, Mad Scientists, Nerd Girls, Obstructive Bureaucrats, Sidekicks, Wise Old Men, Hardboiled Detectives, Tough Coaches, Swooning Ladies. Check out an example here: