For my second visual assignment, I decided to do the Splash the Color, worth 2 stars.
Here are my two color splashes (I had so much fun I had to do two).
This is passionflower, which looks really awesome in person.
Even though I took this photo a while ago, I love the way the red coat stands out. It’s also interesting because of the wing my sister is holding.
To color splash, I first downloaded the 30 day free trial of photoshop (which I will probably purchase the full version because I like photoshop). Then, I used this tutorial. I put in my first layer, the actual photo. Then I duplicated it and named the duplicate top layer. I then went to image-adjustments-black and white to make the top layer black and white. I used the eraser tool to remove the black and white layer, revealing the color beneath it. I had some trouble but with a couple quick undos, I was able to just focus and make the color I wanted to stand out. After that, I just saved the image and uploaded it to flickr.