Zombie Sweetheart

Dear Future Husband,

In these trying times, I often think of you to get through the days. Will you be tall or short? Will you have brown eyes or blue? Will you eat hot dogs or brains? Simple questions like that run through my mind when I go out for the day into the treacherous wilderness. I never know if I’ll make it back alive or if I’ll be shot, burned or hacked to pieces before I can get to shelter. It’s good to have something to hope for, something to keep me going.

You see, there’s something you should know, my future love. I’m a Zombie American. When the infection came to my town, my pet dog, Sammy, got the virus and I had no idea. We were playing like usual until he bit me. Sammy had never bit me before, that was my first sign something was wrong. Then came the deathly pallor to my skin and the loosening of my joints. Then, the hunger. Please don’t get freaked out. I can do all the normal things wives can do. I can cook, clean, and sometimes if I can muster it, I can stand up straight and look attractive.

Couple goals. : )

Even though I am a zombie, that doesn’t mean I don’t have expectations for you. I don’t want just any guy. In fact, my expectations have only gone up now that life has gotten harder for me. I hope you’re kind and have a sense of humor. The days are long and it would help to have someone understanding and who can make light of a terrible situation, like every day out here in this scary world. I hope you’re resourceful. It’s hard to find food with swarms of zombies around and even shelter can be hard to find for you humans. And most of all, I hope you can run fast. Sometimes the cravings get the best of me and what would be more delicious than the brain of the person I love most? I bet you’d taste so sweet. The soft tendrils of your brain between my maws, your flesh chewy and tender and… anyways.

When we’re married, I want to live in an abandoned mansion. One of those antebellum kinds. I once heard that zombies can’t climb so if we destroy the staircases and you help me up, the upper floor will be all ours. I dream of dancing with you in wide open rooms. I want to feel your touch on my peeling skin. I want to consume you so you’re mine and mine alone. In, like, a totally cute way. Haha…

Maybe I’ve met you already and you ran away. Maybe you’ll be a zombie yourself but I’m not attracted to those kinds of guys. I like sweet guys. With flavorful personalities and delicious looking lips. Zombies just don’t have that, I would know. One day you’ll get to read this, I imagine. I hope it doesn’t change anything between us. I hope that you love me and I trust you enough to be able to share my secret with you.

I look forward to walking down the aisle to you and you running right back up it while I chase you.

Until then,

Your Loving Wife

10 Seconds of Being the Blandest Person

To start off my evening of writing assignments for DS106 I decided to do this 10 seconds of thanks prompt because there’s nothing like rushing to say all the things you’re grateful for to wake you up. Here’s what I managed to pull together, including my 10 second portrait (beautiful, I know):

What I’m Thankful For






Introducing, the most generic woman in the world.

I wasn’t able to pull my thoughts together enough for a cohesive and well thought out list but I think I got the key points. Nobody’s left out in the generalization of family and the rest came from what I was feeling in the moment. Air may seem like a comical thing to be thankful for but when you have asthma you really mean it. So that’s what I’m feeling thankful for in the moment, comment down below doing your own list or sharing what you’re feeling thankful for in the moment!

The Re-Ending of the World

An alternate ending to The Defenders by Philip K. Dick.Ā 

The tube back to beneath the surface had been sealed. Moss, Franks and Taylor shared a look between them that communicated sheer panic and a loss of words. There was no way back to their society underground, no way to see their families again or to live like they once did. They were stuck above ground with the leadys and the knowledge that the world that they thought they had been protected from was actually a world they were kept from.

Franks lifted his Bender gun, gesturing towards the nearby leadys.

“What do you say? With the lot of us, we could probably blast them all out of here and then we could take back what’s meant to be ours. They didn’t tell us about all this, who knows what else they’re hiding from us.”

The other men nodded and waved over the small group of soldiers they’d brought along. The leadys looked on impassively and didn’t make a move or sound, even as they all lifted their guns.


In blasts of dust and metallic noises, the group of humans shot at the leadys until they were all decimated, the only remaining sign of them being a faint smell of molten metal and tart rust left in the air. As they destroyed the first group, more and more spilled out from the facilities around them. The men fought furiously, if it could be called fighting, because the leadys took their deaths without a single show of retaliation. By the time the sun had rose above them, revealing a lush and healed earth, they were alone.

“That was the last of them, I think. Good work, guys.” Moss waved to the soldiers and they all lowered their guns. Without the leadys, it was unsettlingly quiet save for a soft wind that would gust by them and chill them through their lead suits.

“So what are we going to do now that we can’t go back down? This world is all ours again but it’s nothing without our families,” Taylor said, tossing his gun to the ground. Now that there was nothing to fight, it seemed like a waste to hold a weapon in such a beautiful area.

“I say we get the Soviets. If we build a base and then dig our way down their tubes while they’re digging up, we can ambush them and kill them all. War won, problem solved. Then we can work on getting our own people out.” It was Franks who suggested this and they all agreed, their original mission still in mind. They grabbed their guns once more and began to march out down a path that was clear in the almost untouched grass. A full day passed before they spotted them. A line of Soviet soldiers standing feet ahead of them.

“What are they doing here? They said they fused their tubes together too.” Moss muttered, readying his Bender gun.

“I don’t know but they seemed ready for us. I bet the leadys were on their side, this is no good at all. Shoot what you can then retreat, we can’t win like this.”

The group fired at command, some going down in the Soviet fire and the others fleeing. The three researchers remained but their forces were heavily lowered in number.

“Those damned robots lost us so much time. It’s like the war’s started over again but instead of square one we’re at negative two. We’re going to have to build everything back up again, thank goodness we have us three.” Franks looked at Moss and Taylor, shaking his head. “This finishes now.”

Months later and the group had managed to build barebones auxiliary weapons. They ate the worst food, mostly out of foraging, their efforts more focused on destroying the Soviets than providing. What had been a beautiful untouched field before was already full of craters, dead grass and a cemetery of metal scrap from all their tests and primitive building. But finally, they were ready to face the Soviets. Again, they marched down the beaten path to where the Soviets were situated.

“No way. They spent the same time we did building up their own forces. Fire at will, retreat if they’re too much for us!” Both sides sent bombs flying towards each other, killing some and clearing the earth beneath them in an earth-shattering blast. Soon, they retreated once again, their forces dwindled and their blood heated. They had to build better weapons, more weapons. They couldn’t let the war not end victoriously this time.

This routine continued over months until both sides were eliminated. The once lush world was once again inhabitable, a tundra of explosive discharge and hot, punishing winds. The world was quiet once more, but also a hellish landscape for any human who dared to return to it. And yet, that was when the tubes were finally cleared and the societies below re-emerged.

“Whoa–this is even worse than the leadys said. And no wonder we haven’t heard anything, they’ve been killed in this climate as well. The men we sent up above must have died as well. It’s a shame. But we have much work to do, we have to go back down and create a more powerful bot that can do what the leadys once did for us.” The leader they had sent up said. He dropped back down under the surface to begin the process over again.

And so the humans were doomed to repeat their mistakes, too selfish and individual to have accepted the utopia the leadys had created for them.

Products of the Apocalypse: A Handy Dandy Mirror

Yes, this IS product placement. I made this purchase on Amazon, not expecting it to be one of the BEST decisions I ever made. Check out my review here and get your own mirror to start living it up like I did!

So I decided to choose a compact mirror because I actually did have the experience of having to do multiple survival simulations in my Futura class in middle school. I’m not sure what surviving plane crashes and being stranded in deserts had to do with being gifted and talented but we did these simulations constantly. We’d have a list of supplies we made it out with and as a group we’d have to decide the ranking of most useful and important to least. There would be a sheet for your own individual ranking too in case you didn’t agree. For the desert one, a mirror was one of the objects and most of us ranked it very low. What would we need that for? Turns out, it was numberĀ one. It could be used for signaling and small heating uses (like when you burn bugs with a magnifying glass). I have never, ever forgotten about this and whenever I have a survival situation I need to think about, I remember the usefulness of a mirror! Even if it didn’t help me in the apocalypse, it’s at least light and wouldn’t take up too much space in my gear.

My ā€œOutstandingā€ Resumeā€¦ā€¦

Character Resume (3 Stars)

CPSC 106 Marcus Jackson Resume-page-001

If you ever was curious about my Resume that got me into the Freedom Fighters Agency…here you go. As you can see its a word document of the experiences I endured in Nevada. It seems the organization was not really interested in my school background. But they were intrigued by my skills as a hacker, “espionage skills” and martial arts background. I wanted to get across that I was a jack of all trades and they would be fools to not hire me. And of course they did accept me.

When Iā€™m Goneā€¦ā€¦

Data of The Dead(3 Stars)


Source: https://reasonswhyimstillsingle.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/batman_6.jpg

“If my untimely demise comes, which may come sooner than later since I live a crazy life style, I want to first have the Agency collect all the money I have confiscated from the mafia and give it to my family in Pasadena, California. Also, they cannot have knowledge most of my activities, So I request the agency to post all of the positive things I have done for the agency. I want my family to remember me as a crusader for the greater cause. I also want a picture of me standing on bolder, holding the American flag, with wind blowing behind while I star at the night sky. I know this didnā€™t happen, but thatā€™s Photoshop is for. I want this to be the last image of people have of me.
Make it so!”

After my initiation, I decided to write a will on what should happen to my data if I ever pass away. I pretty much wanted my family and world to remember me as a hero. My goal is to inspire other to do the right thing and fight for justice.

A Quick Thank Youā€¦.

10 Seconds of thanks


“I am thankful for the Freedom Fighter Agency for allowing for me get justice for my fallen friend Ricky.”

This task was my initiation to the Freedom Fighters Agency. We were required to recite at a 10 Second thank you at the top of my head. The first thing that came to my mind was Ricky. Hes sudden death was such a game changer. For the longest time, it was wallying in self pity. Now I am angry. I wanted to make and important statement. So this is my vow to do things right. For Ricky. For Justice.

Writing Assignment: Whatā€™s In A Name


“Write a blog in which you tell us something, anything, about either your given names or your blog name(s).”-Melinda

This is a story I wrote about my name. It’s is based on a true story mixed with a bit of, “I Wish.”Ā  Hopefully you will enjoy my story.

I’ve always hated my name. Well I guess I shouldn’t say hate, but in a family full of Anthony Nathan’s, Bryan Keith’s and Robert Earl’s, I was always puzzled why my parentsĀ  would choose to name me something as absurd and ridiculous as Mynheer Noir Jesus Carpenter. I mean seriously, what the hell is up with that. For years I felt my parents had decided to punish me before I was born and my name was my eternal burden to carry for their stupidity. Or it could have been my father was just really high when he decided to name me; which is highly probable considering his record for recreational activities, as well as his flair for the ridiculous. I had never considered any type of connection to my nationality. Growing up in a small country town outside of New York City, most people considered themselves either white or black and up until this point I had never saw myself as anything other than African American. Granted my Grand Mother was an American-Indian, however her Grand Father was a runaway slave who ended up settling with a tribe of Cherokees. So still I considered myself African American. Either way I was giving the undeniable gift of a completely foreign name that was torn to shreds and mutilated at any given moment. To the teachers at the schools I attended I was any variation of Myn-Where, Here or There. I remember seeing their faces contort and twist into unnatural positions as they chewed up the letters of my name and spit them out in any random order they felt fit, often times adding syllables and letters at will or simply skipping letters to create their own new and improved versions of my name. Teachers are such assholes some times.Ā  The children in my school were even worse. The types that thought names like Manure and Manhunt were suitable substitutes for Mynheer and insisted on chanting them as I walked through the halls. Jerks. Letā€™s just say one of the benefits of having a weird name is it helps build character, in my case it also made me very good at developing snappy comebacks.Ā  As a kid I would look my name up in the dictionary all the time. According to Webster, my name was Dutch greeting meaning my lord or Sir. It originated from the German Min-heir which to me always sounded a little to “Gestapo like”, for my taste. I remember as a child asking my Grandmother on my motherā€™s side, where the name came from. According to her, my Father was,” a drunken idiot who had nothing better to do than go around making up names.” My father wasn’t around much to defend this position so for years I simply believed this to be the case and accepted it as the way it was.

When I was Nine years old, my fatherā€™s brother Stan died suddenly. The death was a surprise to my whole family considering my uncle was so young and had shown no signs of a problem. Yet there we were at his funeral. During the reception I remember seeing my Grandmother running around nonstop, clearing plates and cleaning up. Her long black pony tail bounced around on her back as the turquoise beads she always wore made the musical chimes we all had come grown accustomed to as she shuffled around the living room. She seemed to be attempting to occupy as much of her time as possible to avoid thinking about her youngest son dying. Plates clicked together repeatedly as her wrinkled brown hands shuffled the plates and cups stacking them in neat piles on the edge of the table. I had never seen my grandmother so flustered.

ā€œYou see him yet?”

The question came from my brother Che, who had appeared suddenly behind me.

ā€œSeen who?”

“Youā€™re Grandfather.”

ā€œWhat are you talking about?” I had yet to meet either of my Grandfathers and knew very little about them besides they were both white men.

“Where?” I asked quite curiously.

“Over there by the door, I don’t think he’s come past the closet since he came in. Dad pointed him out to me a minute ago.”

I looked to the far end of the room where my brother was gesturing and noticed the large, stone faced white man standing rigidly in the corner. I didn’t remember seeing him at the funeral yet there he was plain as day. He looked extremely uncomfortable in the room standing in the corner trying not to draw to much attention to himself. Considering the stories I heard about how he abandoned my grandmother I guess it was expected. He wore a neat black suit, with shiny black shoes which looked expensive. His hair was white as snow and was slicked back, and he had two large gold rings on each of his ring fingers. His face was weathered and wrinkled, however he looked exactly like my father. He looked exactly like me. He noticed my brother and me staring at him and began to make his way towards us.Ā  I looked towards my father who was preoccupied taking pictures with cousins. He moved like a lumbering bear growing in size as he got closer. By the time he was within arm reach he had grown to over 6ft tall and even at his age, was very intimidating. He stuck out his hand to my brother and said, “Hallo Mein Sohn. Wissen sie, wer ich bin? I’m not sure if it was because we didn’t answer or the shear look of confusion on our faces but he followed up his gibberish by asking,

“You don’t speak German?”Ā  His English was good but his accent still hung thick in the air. To me and my brother this was the dumbest question in history. Why the hell would we speak German?

“No!ā€ we both answered in unison.

“We’ll I guess that is to be expected considering the circumstances.”

He extended his fat white hands to me and said,

“I am Cedric Mynheer. I am your Grandfather.”