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Guuuurlll you know we need new sounds!

So for my final assignment, I chose to do a 2 star to complete my 12 stars and upload a new sound onto freesound.org. I went a little overboard and uploaded 3 new sounds which I think will be needed, and are funny. I Made those specific sounds/phrases because those are Solenya’s (my character’s) favorite sayings. He is a very sassy wizard when he wants to be, and he doesn’t like to take anyone’s shit. So when Tade does something stupid a “get out of my face” is always in order. My sounds aren’t uploaded yet because they are still awaiting moderation, so the freesound people need to tell me if they’re good enough or not. I believe they will be because I didn’t plagiarize anything. So I will let you all know in the coming weeks if they were uploaded or not!

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

I chose to complete the “A Collection of Your Favorite Sounds” assignment. Although it is only 2 stars, it looked fun so I went for it! My top 4 favorite sounds (in order) are: a sleeping baby, a laughing baby, the ocean waves, and food frying! I used freesound.org  for all of my sounds. I had to pay with the volume of the sleeping baby sound since it was very quiet, and I faded all the clips in & out to make it smoother. Listen to it below!

Some of the Good Sounds

This assignment I had to mash up some of my favorite sounds. One of my favorite sounds that I couldn’t get into the clip was wind blowing through trees/leaves. In digital form it usually ends up sounding like wind noise (which I do like, but it just didn’t work for this mix).

Here is my finished piece:

I made it so that it felt as if I were listening to a storm outside, then I moved inside and hear the rain on a window, then I read a book (flipping through the pages, which I frequently entertain myself with), and finally I listen to music (I personally play the flute, but I love the sound of strings, especially the cello). The audio came from these YouTube videos, in this order:

Gentle rain and thunder sounds, Winter Snow Storm SoundOld Book ASMR , Stranger Things Medley by Nicholas Yee

Making the mix was relatively easy. After obtaining the sounds, the hardest part was loading the music into Audacity (since some files were an hour or more in length. Then, cutting and merging the files took merely minutes. I first uploaded the file to SoundCloud, then I realized the music at the end was unproportionally loud, so I had to lower the volume back in Audacity before re-uploading. Doing this assignment was actually really calming and I enjoyed making it my mix!

Sounds only a super chef would love

Sound Effects – 3.5 Stars

For this audio assignment I had to create my own sound effect. I decided to incorporate my super hero into this. Since she is a super chef I decided to create a sound effect of Merciful Mise en Place’s 2 favorite sounds. Dishing being washed and put into the dishwasher because this means that she completed her job and ready to move onto help a new person in need. The other sound would be someone cutting into their food. This sound makes her very happy because she cooks to make others happy. Garageband was used to record both of these sound effects.

The Sounds of my Morning

Original assignment may be found here (2.5 Stars)

The assignment tasks you with recording different noises you her throughout the day. The noises can be whatever you want. I decided to my Sunday morning routine. First I’ll explain how I did the assignment. Using my iPhone 6, I opened up the Voice Memo app. I recorded four different noises/files. I uploaded the four different files onto my computer. In Audacity, I clicked on File and then Import. I selected the four files. Once the files were imported, select the Time Shift tool. This allows you to move the different files. I wanted each file to overlap for one second with each other. Once I shifted the files by clicking on them I exported the recording. Select File and then Export Audio. Once that was done it was saved as one file instead of four. To finish, upload the file to SoundCloud.

I recorded my first noise as I walked down the stairs into the family room. I do not remember what was on TV, my guess is the Golf Channel. The next sound is in my kitchen. I tried to record the sound of bacon sizzling in the pan. The third sound is the sound of coffee pouring into a mug from a Keurig. The last sound is from the Purple Martin bird house on my parents property. The sounds of morning are my favorite. I believe they tend to be more relaxing.

It honestly just sounds like dying whales

One of our assignments this week, from the bank, was titled “Make it 800% slower.” (Very original title) The instructions were to, “Find a song to experiment with and slow it down to the point where it becomes an amazing piece of ambient music. Be sure to pitch shift so that even though the track is longer, it doesn’t become just a low pitched version.”

One of my all time favorite songs is Home, by Phillip Phillips.

Here it is slowed down:

[Worth 3 stars]


In case you missed it up top, here is the original version:

I used Audacity to slow the song down. After fiddling around a while and becoming extremely frustrated with the pitch and such, I decided to look at some examples online. I did this in hopes that someone posted a tutorial of how to work the god forsaken technology that is Audacity. Thankfully I found this kid’s blog, and he pretty much laid out how to do the assignment. Instead of changing the speed of the song using the :change speed button” he suggested that instead you use the “paulstretch” effect. Which basically slows down the song without changing the pitch.

After discovering this glorious tool, the assignment became much easier. After paulstretching it 50% the song lengthened to about 4 hours. I only used 10 minutes of it for the sake of my sanity. I was not about to sit here for three days waiting for it to upload…no thank you.

In the end, the final project came out sounding like dying whales, but hey, at least I tried? Right? Please don’t fail me.

Scott Brinkmann’s favorite song 800% slower


(Three Stars)

This is “Girl Inform Me” by the Shins, it is Scott Brinkmann’s favorite song. It might be a little hard to recognize because it is slowed down 800%. To do this I took a song off of my iTunes and put it into Audacity. I then used the effect Paulstretch to slow it down. This effect allows you to change the pitch along with the speed. After it has been slowed down it sounds like it takes forever just to change sounds in the song.


Sounds Like an Adventure

The story I created is from the point of view of my loyal travel companion, Becki the backpack (see photos). Becki and I have been traveling together for a decade. This story is a forty-five second snapshot of a day in the life of Becki.

…I sit patiently, and empty, as she books flights on her favorite airline website. I wonder where we are going next and how soon. More importantly, what is she going to stuff me with? Hopefully, not the work laptop; it’s too big and I’m not equipped to provide the necessary cushion. Ahhh, no laptop. Just clothes and a travel pillow this time. And she remembered to remove the new Swiss Army knife before it got confiscated. Again. Whee! Off we go! I’m sitting on top of the large suitcase as she wheels us through the airport. I’ll have to say a temporary goodbye to Mr. Suitcase soon, as she’ll be taking him to the TSA folks for additional screening of checked bags. The trip through the x-ray machine was a breeze, on account of no laptop and no utility knife. I’m now safely stowed in the overhead compartment. I’ve got plenty of room since it’s not a full flight. But wait! There is disadvantage to this as I get tossed around during turbulence. Ugh, not good. Now I’m upside down. Three more hours to go. Yes, we have arrived! What a relief. And I’ve never been to this place before, so I expect I’ll be getting a new patch by the end of this trip. If only there was enough room…

I downloaded over five minutes of audio from FreeSound to create this Sound Effects Story Assignment. I tried the other websites, but found FreeSound to be the easiest to work with. After considering the story spine, I excluded three of the audio files originally downloaded and using Audacity, further edited the files I ended up using to create a story that is roughly 45 seconds long.

Below is a screenshot of my Audacity project for the Sound Effects Story:

Sounds Like an Adventure (Sound Effects Story screenshot)

Sounds Like an Adventure (Sound Effects Story screenshot)

Below is a matrix that maps each track to the audio file used for this assignment:

Key Sound File Name Duration


Keyboard Keyboard_typing.wav 00:09
2 Rummaging through luggage   00:26
3 Rolling bag Rolling bag.wav 00:16
4 X-ray Xray belt.aif 00:10
5 Airline Turbulence Airline-pilot-turbulence-announcement.wav 00:17
6 Bag Rattling Sounds for Earthquakes-textile.wav 00.09
7 Airplane arrival Arrival’s instruction/consignes arriv.wav 02:23


Female sigh Z1.aiff 00:02

Since downloading the LAME library, in order to get the MP3 encoder, I’ve had trouble with my Internet Explorer, and other web browsers. This slowed down considerably completion of this and other assignments this week, which added frustration to an already trying week.

Chipmunkd’ my favorite artist…..mixed emotions.

The first Audio assignment I chose to do was called Mainstream Chipmunkd’, worth 3 stars.  Its goal was to take one of your favorite songs and chipmunk it to make it sounds cool.  Anyone that is my friend could tell you that my favorite artist of all times is Rascal Flatts.  The first thing I did was open Audacity and go into File and select a new template to create this skeptical master piece! I went into the File tab and selected import then Audio which then led me to my itunes playlist.  I selected the song Feels Like Today by Rascal Flatts and imported it into the audacity template.  I selected the song with the curser then went and clicked onto the Effects tab and scrolled down until I found the Change Pitch selection and proceeded to click on it.  I then adjusted the scroll bar to the right and clicked ok.  I pressed play and was shocked to hear my favorite artist come across in chipmunk voices.  I was really happy with how the adjustment came out.  The next step that I did was to click on the File tab and click export, naming the file: Chipmunk Rascal Flatts.  I then opened up soundcloud.com and uploaded the new version onto my soundcloud.com account. Once it was uploaded onto soundcloud I added the tags AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments494, Rascal Flatts and ds106.

I even had soundcloud hook up to my twitter to let others view my creation

Chipmunkd’ Rascal Flatts…kindof cool :) #ds106 #soundcloud Chipmunkd Rascal Flatts http://soundcloud.com/astegemi/chipmunkd-rascal-flatts …on #SoundCloud



Mainstream Chipmunkd’ (http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/mainstream-chipmunkd/)

       The object of this assignment is to take a mainstream artist and chipmunk them. As we reflect on our childhoods we realize that all the chipmunks were an awesome bunch and it is really easy to do this assignment. All you need is any kind of musical editing software like MIXXX and Virtual DJ (which are free). Second either raise the BPM (beats per minute) or edit pitch of the track. If it is a slower track just raise the tempo and try to give the song an upbeat personality. Make sure to tag your assignment and have fun!

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site just use the following tags when writing the post on your own blog to have your example added below. (You must use BOTH tags!):AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments494

Where’s Waldo?

For my last assignment I needed a remix. I chose to do an audio assignment to get out of my comfort zone. I did an assignment that I had done in the past and really enjoyed and remixed it. This assignment was called A Collection Of Your Favorite Sounds. The remix was to add in the word Waldo to it so that it is clearly heard. In order to do this I used garage band on my laptop with some of my favorite sounds such as a cracking fire, chirping birds, and a frogs ribbit. I added in Waldo by pulling up someone pronouncing it on my phone. Let me know when you find it! From here I uploaded it to SoundCloud.