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Yowie Call

As with the last post, I decided to work on my radio show when my group was still deciding on the parts such as the bumper, etc. I decided to work on another noise in the story that is not the background, as while the noise comes from somewhere not where the characters are, it triggers events in the story-basically it is the start of the rising action. It is the yowie call.

For this, I first decided to research “actual” yowie calls. I couldn’t find any calls for the yowie, but its cousin the Bigfoot I could. I settled on the 1994 Ohio Howl, which seems to be a pretty prominent, well-known Sasquatch call among Bigfoot researchers. I found it here: http://www.bfro.net/avevid/SierraSounds/911.asp#howls 

Then, I searched Freesound.org for a human yell, which is recognizable. The assignment I chose says to take a recognizable sound and turn it unrecognizable. A yowie call is pretty unrecognizable! I wanted an angry yell, so it was scary. I am not sure if the yell I used it from anger or fear!

I then: took yell, slowed it down twice, changed pitch to make it higher, as the Bigfoot recording isn’t that deep, copied it twice to mimic the recording, used reverb to make it sound echo-y and distant, made it a bit quieter so it wouldn’t sound crackly because it was hitting to edge of being too loud (of course, may make it even more quiet in the story), slowed it down even more, and changed pitch to make it better match the recording.

Despite all of the steps, it really wasn’t too hard to do. I wanted the call to sound scary, inhuman, and unknown, yet also human, since yowies “are” also hominids.  If it sounds different than the Sasquatch recording, well then, its because its a yowie, not a Sasquatch! (and because there’s no definitive proof of their existence or what their howl actually sounds like!)

This is the assignment that I made this for:



This is where the yell came from:





This is where the Featured image is from:


English: Yowie Statue, Yowie Park, Kilcoy, Queensland. Photo taken on 21 April 2013


Techno Beethoven

For this assignment (4.5 stars), I wanted to find some music and make it sound totally different. I started by searching for music on free sound and found this Beethoven remix. I decided to use this because I knew it was a very recognizable sound that would be a good song to try and make sound different. I dowloaded it and then used Audacity to edit it. I added the “wah-wah” effect and then added more tempo. I also adjusted the base and treble.


I think it is pretty hard to recognize that it is Beethoven. It definitely has a very techno, electronic sound which is interesting to hear when you know it is a Beethoven song. I found this to be a good introduction to all of the effects you can do on Audacity and enjoyed and that it is easy to use.


Until next time,


Wavy Seashells


Hey all!

For this assignment (Assignment 2298) I decided to create something using a sound from freesounds.org as my basis. The name of the original sound is “Drums Trap Beat”. I downloaded this song from the website and then opened up Audacity. Audacity is very easy to use, and the more I use it the more brilliant I think it is for being a free software. I imported the beat into Audacity and then got to work on it using the editing software in Audacity. The first thing I did was changed the speed, and sped it all of the way up. Then I applied what’s called “Paulstretch” to the segment I chose to edit. I made sure to leave the first half of the beat untouched so my viewers would see where I was coming from. I didn’t know what Paulstretch was before using it but after I did a little bit of research I discovered that it is a filter that just stretches audio up to a billion times its original length. This explains why the sound after the filter sounded similar to a seashell or a wave.

I enjoyed this assignment and had fun playing around with the beat that I decided to use. I didn’t really have a plan before beginning the editing, but once I got into it I decided I would try to make it into a wave sound. This was accomplished but I think if I had to do it again I would try to figure out how to make it sound less tinny. To me it sounds like listening to a big seashell, while on the beach between high and low tide. What does this mean to me? Well who the heck wouldn’t want to be at a beach right now!
Just Zaying…

From Laughing to Crying

As one of my assignments I completed the Make Noise From a Normal Sample assignment (4 stars). I was nervous for this one because I wasn’t sure how to turn the noise into something meaningful rather than just static. After further thought, I decided to play with the audio of children laughing. I used audacity to edit the clip and applied multiple different effects to it including change pitch, fade in, fade out, reverb, and (most importantly) invert. All of the effects before invert made the children sound goofy, but once I inverted the sound it sounded like crying. People always say they can’t tell if someone is laughing or crying & how closely related the two are… so I played with it. My clip is below. Notice that I played the children laughing first, then copied it and only edited the copied part. I wanted you to have a clear understanding of the original clip before I messed with it. Let me know if it sounds like crying to you!

A Ghostly Siren

The Noise I Made:

The Original Audio I used:

So, for this assignment, I used my roommate’s electric pencil sharpener as the noise to change. Not only is it something we all recognize (I’m everyone has heard an electric pencil sharpener), but it is a steady noise, which makes distorting it and make the noise go up and down easier. Basically, it’s a solid base. The idea of a siren came from the tornado siren that I heard last week.

To get the noise I made, I used the recording of the pencil sharpener, cut it down to a smaller length, then I amplified it, so when it gets softer and louder the differences are more noticeable. I then slowed it down, which made it spookier sounding. I wasn’t necessarily going for that, but it worked in my favor! I then faded it in until about half way, and then faded out the second half. I added some reverb to further distort the sound, and then I repeated the noise 4 times to make it longer and actually sound like a siren. Finally, I condensed it, which amplified the sound some more and further distorted it.

Overall, I had fun doing this assignment. Audacity was simple enough to use. I’m still not sure what the different between distortion and compression are, as they sounded pretty similar to me. I’m definitely glad that the undo feature work well, so I could experiment and get what I liked! The only thing that I couldn’t figure out how to do was click removal. There’s still a click in the sound, and when I tried to use the “click remover” function it didn’t seem to work. All-in-all, I’m happy with what I created!

This is the assignment that I created this for:



This is where my Featured image is from:


Federal Signal Tornado/Civil Alert Siren

Tony Webster

Taken on July 28, 2017



So this little post here is going to be about “The Screwfly Solution” by Raccoona Sheldon. I do recommend reading it, but if you are not one who likes to read about violent things and really screwy situations I would not recommend this story.

That being said, everything below here is straight up SPOILERS.

The Screwfly Solution- How It Ended

“The thing I have to write down is that I saw an angel too. This morning. It was big and sparkly, like the man said; like a Christmas tree without the tree. But I knew it was real because the frogs stopped croaking and two bluejays gave alarm calls. That’s important; it was really there.

I watched it, sitting under my rock. It didn’t move much. It sort of bent over and picked up something, leaves or twigs, I couldn’t see. Then it did something with them around its middle, like putting them into an invisible sample-pocket.

Let me repeat—it was there. Barney, if you’re reading this, THERE ARE THINGS HERE. And I think they’ve done whatever it is to us. Made us kill ourselves off.

Why? Well, it’s a nice place, if it wasn’t for people. How do you get rid of people? Bombs, death-rays—all very primitive. Leave a big mess. Destroy everything, craters, radioactivity, ruin the place.

This way there’s no muss, no fuss. Just like what we did to the screwfly. Pinpoint the weak link, wait a bit while we do it for them. Only a few bones around; make good fertilizer.

Barney dear, good-bye. I saw it. It was there.

But it wasn’t an angel.

I think I saw a real-estate agent.”

TLDR: Anne is dying and sees an alien/angel. She concludes that it is a real estate agent who (with their alien species) caused the femicide and the desire to murder in humans so that they could live on Earth.

I really like this ending, but I think that it could have given Anne a better, more badass exit.

Anne is a badass because she:

  • Grabs a knife and almost kills her husband to protect her daughter
  • Leaves everything she knows to hide away from the men trying to kill her
  • Was most likely the last woman on Earth

Because she is a badass she needs a badass exit not some lame death. So I decided to give her the ending she really deserves.

The Screwfly Solution- How It Should Have Ended

Good-bye, dearest dearest Barney.

I lay here on the rock looking at the moon. The smell of iron exuding out of hole in my side. I have to tell you something, Barney. I finally saw the reason for all this madness.

A few days ago while I was getting water I saw it. I was bent over slurping water greedily into my mouth when I heard silence. Not a single animal dared to make a noise. That’s when I saw the angel. It was a large man floating around looking at the trees and patting the earth. Every once in a while he would scoop dirt up and place it into this invisible pocket in his middle. He didn’t see me or if he did he didn’t care. He left as soon as he came.

I promise I’m not going crazy, Barney. I know I have been left to my own devices, but I saw what I saw. And you know what Barney, I think I know what’s happening. I think some alien race is trying to pick us off. Just like with screw flies, they made the females disappear and made the men turn on each other.

Even worse, I think the alien was a real-estate agent.

I don’t know, but I have a strong feeling about it. They wanted us to kill each other so they could have our planet.

After that I got really scared. I was afraid that one may come back and see me this time. So I did what any person does in fear: started collecting weapons to protect myself. I fashioned a spear of sorts and even made a makeshift knife.

I think it’s ironic that I’m more scared of the aliens than the men who could be in the forest right now for hunting season (of course hunting females). But I decided that I have to fight back. This is our planet. They can’t put me and the whole world through this–this shit just so they can take it from us.

They have to be taught a lesson. And I was going to teach them that lesson.

So I lied in wait for days, barely leaving the top of the rock. Days turned into weeks. This anger being the only thing keeping me alive.

One night it was raining, hard. I laughed to myself remembering the time that Alan and you installed that rainfall shower head in our bathroom. I hated the thing. I always said if I wanted to feel like I was caught in a storm I would move to Seattle. My thoughts turned to Seattle. I wonder what Seattle is like now. Are there any women there? Any men? Anybody? Probably not.

All my thoughts blurred into one jumbled mess, distracting me from the surrounding rain.

All the sudden it stopped, the rain I mean. The rain stopped so suddenly that it actually frightened me. I sat up slightly, looking over the side of the rock.

He was back. It was time.

He was once again floating around, looking at the ground. Probably trying to see how the rain affects this part of the land and how the drainage is (you know like a real-estate agent).

I slid down from the rock holding my spear and knife. Silently, I edged closer to him. I then threw the spear at him. The second I threw it I thought to myself “Huh, I wonder if this will work.”

And by golly, Barney it did. It landed into the back of his head. He turned towards me, surprised. Using that to my advantage, I lunged at him with the knife and started wildly stabbing him. Anger I didn’t know I had overtook me. I just kept hitting him with the knife, wanting him to feel what I felt.

Just when I thought I had one the battle, he shot out some laser or something from his middle. The laser emitted this crazy white light that hit me on my side. I was so overcome with adrenaline though, I really didn’t feel it. I just kept going. Eventually, he stopped fighting.

I don’t really know how to kill an alien/angel, but I guess I did it Barney. I mean he turned stone cold grey, so I guess he was dead.

Injured, I somehow managed to get myself back up to the rock. Now the pain was setting in and it wracked every nerve in my body. It was like giving birth to Amy times a million.

I’ve been rocking myself back and forth since to take my mind off the pain. It hasn’t been working, Barney.

I guess this is goodbye old pal. I don’t know if you’re out there anymore. Honestly, I don’t even know if anyone is out there anymore. But, I hope by some miracle that you are alive and kicking. I hope you read this. I hope you remember me.

Goodbye, Barney.

Behind the Process

This assignment was quite difficult for me. I found it hard to write an ending that was good and could fit in what I wanted to say. I actually wrote this alternative ending in one sitting as I found that it made me focus on the story. It almost made me insert myself into the story and write like I was doing what Anne was doing. Once again, I found that the easiest part of this assignment was to add gifs. I feel that gifs add a je ne sais quoi to a post and make it less boring (for everyone). I also think that the gifs are something I did well. I think I did it well because I was selective of the gifs I chose and stuck to a color theme. Sidenote: I like black and white gifs because the simplicity of the colors makes the reader focus on the content of the gif and heightens their experience. Something I want to improve is my grammar and paragraph breaks. It’s been a while since I had an English class, so I know that my paragraph breaks and grammar are a bit rough. I did like this assignment because it allowed me to be creative in both the writing and digital arenas. I’m proud of this assignment and I learned that I have to not worry about screwing up and just do it.

Hopefully, everyone appreciated the more badass end that I gave Anne. That’s it folk, I’ll catch you on the flipside.

Featured Image


Although my favorite type of music would be generally labeled as rock (more specifically, 80s hair metal, 80s hardcore punk, and 80s thrash metal), I do enjoy some electronic music. Usually I listen to bands that combine electronic (ie: Industrial, Techno, or Ambient) with rock, like Rammstein (Industrial Metal), Burzum (Dark Ambient), or Atari Teenage Riot (Digital Hardcore), but I can get down to some Throbbing Gristle (traditional Industrial) or Chipzel (Chiptune). There’s also a subset of extreme music that combines death metal and/or hardcore punk with industrial/electronic/noise music, usually categorized as cybergrind, noise rock, or the sort. There’s so much to chose from, so combining with these noise/grind/rock influences with my love for nerd music (like the Hacker Rap of Dual Core), I was able to create the beat below, titled Anrufen (butchered German for ‘To Call’), dedicated to the Phone Phreaks of old who paved ways for the modern hackers. I made the original percussion beat in the FOSS drum program Hydrogen, and gathered a few samples of phones, dial tones, and the infamous dial up tone, layering them all together in Audacity. With some adjustments in volume and sound, the beat came out. I did release this song and a few others on a Noise EP I did a while back, but this exemplifies the creative process I went through to make the EP.


What a Fresh Coat of Memes Can do

This is my response to the Remake That Genre! assignment, worth 3 stars. I had to find two versions of the same song in different genres and compare and contrast them.  Here we have “Death By Glamour,” the theme that plays during the player’s battle against Mettaton EX in Toby Fox’s Undertale. The song is a cross between a retro video game style and a dramatic runway anthem. It is a bit of a strange combination for a boss fight anthem, but it fits the character’s over-the-top, outrageous, and showboating personality and the reality-show theme of the fight extremely well.

Now here is a cover of the song played entirely on pitch-shifted air-horn samples for a red-hot dank meme MLG (major league gaming) sound.

I picked this song and this particular cover for a very special reason. Undertale is a great example of a game that became extremely popular because of the internet. For a while, it was really difficult to go anywhere on the internet without seeing Undertale fanart. All of this fan generated noise and content got more people to play the game and then more people created fanart and music about it. It was an excellent example of an internet feedback loop.

The cover I picked is a great example of what happens to content that gets popular on the internet. “Death by Glamour” got the meme treatment. The air horn is a harsh, loud, and shrill tool often used at sporting events by fans to show support for their favorite teams. This spread to the world of video games and the humble air horn became a symbol of competitive gaming. Any song can now be turned into an MLG anthem through the use of the destroyer of eardrums.

My preference between these two versions of this song is definitely for the original. This should be no surprise, as the airhorn remix is not intended to be enjoyable to listen to. It is meant to be funny and annoying and it is meant to bring people together through common interests and the universal language of memes. It is a great example of internet culture and Undertale is a great example of what happens when content creators embrace internet culture.

Could Musical Instruments Be Obsolete Within the Next 5 Years?

This is my response to the Sound Scapes assignment, worth 4.5 stars. I had to create a piece of sound using only “found sounds.” “Found sounds” is a very nebulous term, so I interpreted it to mean “sounds from objects I found around the house.” I went ahead and decided to create a song, because that is what I like to do. This whole song has a very metallic sound to it because most of the sounds were made with metal mixing bowls. I like to think this song was created when a hip-hop beat maker sieged and took control of a scrap-yard or a machinist shop.

All recording and editing was done in Reaper. The kick drum was made by plugging an old pair of headphones into the microphone jack of my computer and tapping the back of one of the phones. The hi-hat sound is from a can of compressed air. The snare sound was created by slapping a cardboard box. The crash cymbal noise is a metal sign I struck with my thumb. I put each of these sounds in their own track and grouped them together in a drum track. I bass boosted drum track and used a plugin called IMPusher to improve the sounds.

The trippy metallic noises were made with metal bowls of various sizes. I pit a little bit of water in each bowl, then struck and shook them. The lead bell noise was made by tapping the smallest metal bowl with a spoon while it was empty and then pitch shifting the sample.

This track would sound so cool with someone rapping over the top of it.


Episode Book Cover – Hammer Into Anvil


Prisoner Episode Book Cover

Design Assignment for Week 4

Out of the two choices of the “to do” assignments – I chose the book cover recreating  the aesthetic of Spacesick .

My first thought was the Dance of the Dead episode and having multiple skeletons, a sample was too close to that content and swaying me in replicating instead of creating.

While the look and feel is replicated – the process did require using design components to create. Space, form, size, color, place, text.

I used PhotoShop as my tool.

  • Paper size canvas – black

  • Brush – Sponge edges highlight then go back in with background color to soften and break up

  • add Gaussian Blur – minimal

  • Use Blur tool – large and draw dark into light colors

  • Add rectangles for heading – fill with color

  • Find camera icon and copy paste into file – Use SKEW to lengthen lens part

  • Add Text Fields with Helvetica fonts Bold and Regular

  • Find copyright free, free icons of hammer and anvil

  • Open in new file and use color replacement tool to add color to each

  • Scale

  • Rotate

  • Copy and paste into new layer in first file – place

  • Duplicate hammer layer to make multiples to set in pattern

  • change opacity for each layer going back

  • cut out shadow of hammer – SKEW, Rotate, Scale,
  • Add Title and tag line

  • Futz around

  • Export as jpeg

  • I am also going to import to my iPad and use some photo apps to add some noise to the finished product to see what that does to age or make it look used. If they turn out  – I will add them to this post.


I used an app called Snapseed. Adds effects. The part I don’t like is the randomness and just flipping from one effect to another. There really isn’t a way for you to create or control it – or get back to one you may have liked. It is take it when you see it. It does easily add some aging. I used the Grunge filter.

Added a filter