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My Dad, My Hero

“Everyone has someone who they admire or who inspires them. For this assignment, write about that person and why you admire them.”

For the assignment bank assignment, Who Inspires You, I decided to write about my father.

I can’t say “thank you” enough to express how grateful I am for you. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you.

When life was hard in my earlier years, you never stopped loving me or caring for me. You worked hard to give Zach and I a life when everything seemed to be falling apart. I am sure you were always tired after working and coming home to being a single parent, but you always showed me so much strength.

Your passion to help others is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into helping anyone and everyone in need. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an experience I’m grateful to be apart of and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have for helping others. One day I wish to be able to put others before myself the way you do.

The love you have for your family is wonderful. Watching you interact with loved ones makes me smile and warms my soul. You are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family like your heart is overflowing with joy.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that everyone that knows you is inspired by you.You may be down and not yourself at times but you always put others first. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. I love you.

My Inspiration


Each and every time I am asked who I am most inspired by I always think of one person in particular, my grandma.

When my sister and I were little my grandma was always there to watch us while our parents worked full time jobs. Normally children hated to be babysat, but we always looked forward to it. She would video tape us dancing, singing, or interviewing us. We would sit at the table and drum up ideas for new products that should be invented. We weren’t allowed to play video games or watch cartoons when she was there, we were always doing something productive and something that would teach us a thing or two. Oh and did I mention we would get the best home cooked lunch each day? My grandma is the best chef. She worked for many years at a bakery where she learned all her skills. She can take any leftovers and make them into a completely different meal the next day or make the most delicious desserts. Each summer I would spend a few weeks with her at her house in the mountains. She would teach me how to cook and bake and give me all the advice anyone could ever need. When I need advice about boys or why my leg hurts or what medicine I need to take if I am not feeling well, she always has the answer. I admire her classiness. She always dresses up to go just to the store and never speaks wrong about anybody. I love her humor and her laugh that is contagious. I am so much like my grandma and I would not change I thing about it. I have her looks, personality, cooking skills, and humor. My inspiration provided me with my wonderful mother and I am forever grateful.

Last year I almost lost my grandma and it was one of the worst moments of my life. She could have been gone and I could have never seen her again and that broke my heart. She is still recovering from the incident in some ways and it is painful to see. I strive to be strong and brave like her. My life goal is to be just like her. She is my teacher, therapist, chef, doctor, and most importantly my grandma. I appreciate all she gives up for her family. I am lucky to have her in my life and glad that I am so much like her already. It will take me many many years to get even close to the amazing woman that she is.

I would say she is my superhero. Always there to help when I need her to save the day. You know, not all superheroes wear capes. 


Who Inspires you – 3 Stars

My Mother: A Constant Source of Inspiration

Hello Everyone,

the person that inspires me most is definitely my Mom, Ellen Burns. My Mom has been a constant companion of mine since the day I was born; she has taught me valuable life lessons which are unparalleled to anything else I have ever learned. Not only is she an amazing mother, she is also an incredibly talented artist who’s range of expertise is unmatched with anyone I have met. She has been there for me when no one else has and has helped me through some very difficult points in my life. My mom is my rock and I am blessed to have her in my life.

assignment: Who Inspires You?

Create Your Dream Room.









My idea of my dream room, is a cozy room with a fireplace and a great mountain view. Some place that would be quite, and has a air of mystery and would hopefully inspire creative dreams to fuel stories that I could write at a later time. I like have a room upstairs with large windows over looking a view of trees. Dark colors, with wood accents. My dream room would have to be a place that inspires creativity and also a place that will allow me to escape reality when the world begins to overwhelm me.

Lessons Learned

What does a song mean to you? Check out this assignment! Hopefully my assignment will inspire you to do the same!

Going through life, we all experience hard times and tough experiences.

Sometimes life gets difficult and we have to learn to work through these times. Whether it be problems with a job, a relationship or everyday struggles, it is important to remember to keep going and to not beat yourself up about everything! I need a constant daily reminder of this and and I know many of you do as well! Here is a little reminder from me to you!


Now that we have received a few wise words from these two lovely penguins, the song below speaks directly about this problem and encourages everyone to enjoy life and to not sweat the little things.


In this audio message below, I explain my understanding of this song and how it personally inspires me:



I chose this assignment because I am a big advocate for music and music having the ability to convey a relatable message. Music has the power to motivate, inspire and educate people all around the world. The messages within songs such as the one above, can change a person’s perspective and inspire people to change or to grow. This aspect is very important to me as I have stated before- the constant desire to learn and to grow as a person. Music has opened me up to a world of creativity and discovery as I continue my life. I hope that music can and will do the same for many of you. It is an extremely powerful and effective tool that is utilized in many ways and should be celebrated.

The Process

This assignment is very easy to recreate. First, pick a song that means something to you or you connect with.

To upload an audio response to the song you choose, go to Soundcloud and go to Upload-Start new recording:

Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 2.24.43 PM

You can record directly from this site and upload the file to your account!


I hope this was helpful. Please feel free to comment or ask any questions you might have. Always remember that life isn’t perfect and we all have those days. Give yourself a break and enjoy your life!



Link to featured image

My character for #western106


When I choose the undertaker as a character for Western106 that was because I wanted some special traits for the character.
I wanted to choose an unarmed and not aggressive person, who could participate as it were from the sidelines. And a figure with a number of attributes that could play a role in his life in the West. He did receive a special cart already.
The undertaker  now has taken on a life of its own. He inspires me to invent  dailycreates. His profession and interest in the subject of funerals did me think of  ideas for dailycreates that I would not otherwise have thought of. He is living a life of his own.

A Week of Going to the Video

funny-pictures-pro-procrastinatorI can thank my procrastination in other classes for my week of production in this class. Turns out that my avoidance of paper writing turned into doing extra work in DS106. I justified this by telling myself that I was just making up for those couple of weeks where I just didn’t quite get everything done. That’s the story I’m going with at least. With that being said, let me tell you about the work I got done over the last 7 days.


I completed three Daily Creates this week instead of the two assigned. “What is it?“, “Hung Out to Dry“, and “Share Your Best Sleepy Shot” were the three creates that I picked to do. With as cold as it is today I wish that it was warm enough to have those beach clothes in my “Hung Out to Dry” picture to hanging out on the line.



I submitted two “Inspires” to the DS106 website and blogged about them. Brittnay’s “Unity” and Ien’s “Wire 106 Epigraph” were my two sources of inspiration this week. I also blogged about why “Unity” and “Wire 106 Epigraph” inspired me.




My favorite assignments of the week were the Video Assignments. I found a video on You Tube that showed me how to download videos from You Tube. Once I had the video clips I wanted it was just a matter of playing around with iMovie (which I had never used before) and then combining my clips together and putting them to music. I think that iMovie might be my favorite app ever. I ended up doing 13 1/2 stars worth of assignments which was 3 1/2 stars over the required 10 stars. My son, his teammates, and my family were the subjects in “My Boy of Fall” music video worth 5 stars. My 3.8 pound dog, slow motion video taken with my iPhone, and Lorde were the stars of my “Crash Will Never Be a Royal” video worth 3 1/2 stars. The last video I made was a mashup of clips from Homicide: Life in the Street and The Wire, both of which were filmed in Baltimore. I even found a clip from Homicide that the late Robin Williams was in which I thought was pretty cool. I named the final product “A Mashup of Baltimore” and the trailer mashup assignment was worth 5 stars. I think I enjoyed the video assignments more than audio assignments because I hate the sound of my voice…lol.



I even managed to submit a Video Assignment to the Assignment Bank. I named it the Complete Package and included a video example that I made when I submitted my idea to the website. I made it worth 4 stars but it could easily be worth 5. The only requirements that I had for the assignment is that it had to be clips from a show that had already completed its run on tv and it had to be a minimum of two minutes long. I figured that it is  always good to have an excuse to binge watch a television series.



I had a lovely discussion on Friday around 1:30ish with our fearless leaders about episode 10 of Season 3 of The Wire. Bob Dylan and reformation were hot topics and we all found it funny that it was titled “The Reformation” when the war isn’t considered over as of yet and reformations usually happen after something is over as a rebuilding effort. All kinds of irony going on in that episode.

I did a little house keeping on my blog this week by creating two more menu items/categories (Inspired & Video Assignments) to file my blog posts under. I also noticed that there was an update for the Jetpack plugin so I went ahead and took care of that update as well.

I was able to see quite a bit of the work that my classmates did as well and comment on it. Work done by Chris, Mariana, Nicky, Stefanie, Brittnay, Alison, Ien, Melinda, Maggie, & Lauren were commented on by me. I really do enjoy seeing the different ideas that we all come up with.

I think that about covers everything that I got done for week 10 in DS106. I’ll be in a rush to get my papers finished for two of my other classes but I had art to make, dammit!!






Makers: A Zine About DIY, Hacking and Junk

I have a confession to make. I’ve never read any of Cory Doctorow’s fiction. A couple of his novels have been on my To Read list for ages, I have friends who love his work and think he is amazing, I’ve read some of his non-fiction, seen interviews with him, etc, etc. He’s one of those authors who are inescapable if you are involved in speculative fiction or know a lot of geeks. And yet, there’s still that glaring fact.

But in doing research for this project, I’ve decided to actually bring one of his novels (TBD) to the top of my reading list. Right after I finish reading a friend’s manuscript. Because, you know, priorities.

A large part of that is because I really respect his ethos. I have to respect any author who is willing to release all of his works under a creative commons license and distributes his works freely online, actively encouraging fans to remix them. Which makes participating in FTR! For The Remix! even cooler. This isn’t just an interesting DS106 assignment, this is public art in it’s truest form. People tend to get upset if you climb all over sculptures in the middle of the sidewalk or attempt to contribute your own artistic interpretation to them. But here, with FTR! we get to remix and remix the remixes and just create in whatever way inspires us.

My first contribution to the project sort of began backwards, with no concept, just two images that I found interesting (one of his office, and one of Doctorow himself). At first I thought I wanted to turn them into faux paintings, but the images were so high quality that I would have had to significantly reduce them to actually have visible brush strokes. But in toggling back and forth between them, trying to decide what to do next, I realized that I wanted to combine them. I did a simple quick select of his face to copy it onto the image of his office. And it looked very cutout-y. Like a zine. And then it hit me.

I could make the cover of a fake zine.

It was perfect. The zine represents a pre-internet DIY ethos that complements Cory Doctorow’s fan culture and how his works are distributed. Now I just needed to grab one of the titles of his novels and – wait, he has one called Makers?? About hackers who reuse tech junk? Oh this is amazing. And perfect as a faux zine. So here it is – Makers: A Zine About DIY, Hacking and Junk.

About the design:

I used the Chalk & Charcoal filter in Photoshop to create the degraded black-and-white effect on Cory Doctorow’s portrait. His office is just desaturated. To create the title, I used the “Label Brushes” brush set created by Invisibles Now which can be downloaded for free here. And to give it even more of a handmade look, I wrote the author’s name and drew a thought bubble in Photoshop Touch on my iPad and then added them as layers and changed them to white so that they would show up better on the black-and-white image. And voila! A pseudo-photocopied fake zine. About Makers.

Note(s): I created a few other contributions, which I will be posting separately. Also, these contributions fall under a different license from other content on my site. All contributions to the FTR! project are under a non-commercial, share-alike license.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Character/Genre Song Mashup ***

Character/Genre Song Mashup***

I can only review the example given on the website linked to the assignment. I’m not sure why people haven’t chosen to do this assignment. I watch the example and I really liked the idea of this assignment. To match music to video, is a great Idea. Actually, I didn’t realize how many witch movies there were!!

I chose to do this assignment 1) because for some reason people have been shying away from it.. and I wanted to figure out why! 2) because it looked a little more challenge then the previous assignments I did because it uses video rather than pictures.

I used the song “Cowboys and Angels” by Dustin Lynch because it is currently my favorite song. It also gave me the opportunity to expand my movie bases to cowboy movies and angel movies; which if you can’t think of any trust me there are a million! My story here is that cowboys and angels are an ingrained into our society! It seems that often, like in the song, boys are cowboys and girls and angels. In this video, I challenge that a little because there are numerous video where boy angels dominate. Furthermore  I challenge the that love is only between man and women, which is why I open the video with Brokeback Mountain.

Other sources of video include: Angel in America, Cowboys and Aliens, Blackthorn,  Rage At Dawn, Toy Story, Gabriel, City of Angels, Michael, Annie Oakley, Angels in the Outfield

The process might have been the cause of why so many people shied away from this assignment. While it was the same technique I’ve used in all my assignments, it was more labor intensive. Firstly,finding all YouTube videos was extremely time consuming. However, once I found them I use PWNYouTube booklet and saved them as video. I upload all of them to Movie Maker. Then, I had to mute the video (each lip individually). Last, I upload music. Once all that was done it was a matter of organizing my videos to make a story. I like the pattern of cowboy/angel/cowboy/angel. Hopefully, the clips bring back some memories, inspires some thought on what is a cowboy/angel (no so stereotypical), and you enjoy just a wonderful song.


Ask Your Audience?

This is a photo of New York City one of the greatest cities in the world. The city makes me believe that anything is possible and when i graduate I want to work and live there.The Visual assignment was to take a picture and ask the viewers of my blog a question. What inspires you?