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Twilight Zone “The Invaders” Animated GIF Assignment

From The Twilight Zone, And Beyond …Assignment, this is when the lady strikes the “invader” out of the attic.

click here for the gif:

twilight zone



My Animated GIF Birthday!

It’s April 12th! It’s my Birthday! What better way to celebrate than a special edition of “My Animated GIF Day“! Come back throughout the day for updates with new GIFs…if you’re into that sort of thing :)


5:56 am
I’ve been up for about 30 minutes or so. I woke up before my alarm went off, putting me in a slightly off mood. Sometimes I welcome an early start, and sometimes I feel as though I’ve been cheated out of a few minutes sleep when my body decides it’s time to wake up before the alarm. Regardless, toast helps right any early morning grumpiness, especially toast with butter and jam. Yes, my toaster is a bit grubby. It’s my birthday today, I’ll clean it tomorrow.


morning-crunches6:24 am
In the last year I’ve taken up running 3-4 days a week with 50-60 crunches, 20-30 push ups, and a few other exercises on most days. I’ve lost nearly 25 pounds, so while I’m not terribly fit, I’m getting there. Yes, I know I have terrible form. Yes, I know my bedroom looks cluttered. No, I will not show you my pathetic attempts at push ups.



GIF animate your day like Ben.

Here’s my attempt at animating my day through GIFs. The assignment can be found here. I didn’t do my entire day, but a pretty good portion is represented.

I usually begin my day frantically flipping through my daily planner to see what homework I need to finish. On this particular day, I needed to work on an ENGL4340 essay. Instead…

I washed some dishes. I wash approximately 50000 dishes per day. It’s quite an accomplishment. Every day I go to sleep amazed at the amount of dishes I have cleaned. When I was done, I remembered I still needed to brainstorm on that Shakespeare assignment. Instead…

I browsed Reddit for nearly 3 hours. My mother called me, ripping me from my trance, and reminded me I needed to come visit her today.

That’s my mom. She’s really my gran, but she adopted me when I was born making her REALLY my mom. Don’t think too much into it. She can talk forever. I sat in the floor and listened to her talk about everything from my twin sister, Jana, to some person who died at her church. I decided I needed to really get on this Shakespeare essay. So, I went home and stared at my computer for a few hours.

Then I took a nap.

GIF Animate Your Day Like Ben

Ben Rimes regularly takes a day (February 2012 and December 2012) to capture key moments each as an animated GIF – as you go through a day look around and identify places, moments, things that are well represented in the infinite looping form. Assemble at least 5 of them to capture the essences of your day, start to end and publish as a single blog post, with narrative.

What does it mean to see your day in just this form?

Animated GIF: Za Stalina!

So for my first animated GIF I chose to make a clip from one of my all time favorites, quite possibly the most epic war movie ever made, Liberation!. This Soviet film (well, series of films) tells the story of … Continue reading

Animated GIFs Galore!

I came into DS 106 rather late, so I’m playing catch-up and will be posting the bootcamp content out of order. Just for fun, I thought I would start with the animated GIF project (Say It Like The Peanut Butter).

I decided to create a GIF from my favorite movie, American Beauty. The film is rife with shots and moments that would lend themselves well to this medium. The famous footage of the plastic bag floating down the street would probably be the most obvious choice, as well as the most overdone, so I decided to go with the brief but important scene when Lester Burnham catches his wife Carolyn in her affair when she stops at the fast food chain where he works. The dialogue is sharp, the situation is characteristic of the film, and Jeanine’s interjections into what could be a very dramatic scene solidifies the element of irreverence that runs throughout the film.

This particular shot is of Lester’s look of approval to Jeanine and her authoritative dismissal of Carolyn, demonstrating that through this misstep Carolyn has lost her position of control.

Video Source: http://youtu.be/LYmO9oXsTF8

Software Used: PwnYouTube, MPEG Streamclip, Adobe Photoshop CS5

I had a lot of fun using the Animate feature in Photoshop, so I decided to also create a GIF of the full version of the Kurt Vonnegut quote that I use as my blog header:

Quotation Source: Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A Country

Software Used: PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS5

Note: For some reason the GIFs aren’t playing in the published version of the blog post, but if you click on the image it will open in a new window and play. Still trying to figure out why this is happening…

The Killers Animated GIF: Headlights

This is the opening scene from Robert Siodomak’s 1946 noir classic The Killers, which is an extrapolation of Ernest Hemingway’s short story by the same name. That’s part of why Hemingway starts off the hardboiled course, and this film is one of my favorites, if not my favorite, noir of all time. Ava Gardner is the most seductie femme fatale ever, and while no Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity, Kitty was still ferocious. And Burt Lancaster plays the greatest sap in noir history between this film and Siodomak’s other noir masterpiece Criss Cross (1948)

This animated GIF is interesting in that this scene of the headlights in the dark is a recurring visual theme in not only noir films (think the beginning of Kiss Me Deadly) but a motif David Lynch comes back to again and again, particularly in Lost Highway. I won’t be so bold as to say this is the “first” example of it in cinema, because I would ultimately be proven wrong. Nonetheless, it’s certainly an early noir visual motif of cars, killers, shadows and night which brings that sense of impending doom and blind fate to the fore.

Animated Giff’n

Finally.  I got around to making a few animated Gifs.  I chose Ghost World.  I love Thora Birch’s interpretation of Enid.  Birch’s expressions are priceless, and kind of capture what I feel at least a few times a week.  Is it healthy to possess so much teenage angst at 36?  I’m not so sure.

I decided to use the first day of summer school since the expressions in this scene sum up how Enid feels about a lot of the bullsh**ery that exists in the adult world.  For those of you who haven’t seen the movie or read the comic, Enid has just graduated from high school with the provision that she take and pass a summer art class since she failed the class during the school year.  Enid happens to be a talented artist.  I wonder how Enid would have done if she were in a class structured more like an independent study…

Here are those Gifs…

There’s too much dead time at the beginning of this first clip, but it was the first attempt.

Thora Birch in Ghost World


This one didn’t turn out quite as I had imagined either.  I also screwed up on the resizing.  But these things happen.

More Enid in art class


This one is my favorite:

Yup. Enid in art class


I followed Jim Groom’s tutorial.  Very helpful stuff there.