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Animate 2600: Missile Command

In the midst of the ds106 GIFfest came a flurry of posts from Jim Groom in which he animated some classic Atari 2600 games. His 8-bit Noir was brilliant, comparing Night Driver to the classic black and white film, The Killers. What really got me jonesing pretty bad to create one of my own was his Haunted House GIF. I’m not going to try and pretend that I have the same sort of nostalgia for Atari 2600 games the same way Jim and those a few years older than me do; I was born in 1979, and while my house was filled with bleeps and bloops in the 80s, I played most of the classic Atari games a few years after many of the era experienced these classics during their “first runs”. Still, I’d like to think my memories of these 8-bit wonders aren’t any less significant.


Missile Command is probably one of the fondest memories of gaming from my formative years. I’ve played it in most of its incarnations, from the Atari 2600 and Macintosh, to the re-imagined versions on the Nintendo Gameboy and even the iOS platform. What makes this game such a memorable piece of my gaming history is the opportunity it gave me to garner a class period free from work and lab write ups in Chemistry. Mr. L had an aging Mac in the corner of his room that had a few graphing applications and some video games, one of which was Missile Command. Having endeared myself to him earlier in the year by memorizing the theme song to the Road Runner Show, he gave me a turn at Missile Command while I waited for a paper to be graded. Not realizing how practiced I was at the game, he turned back towards his desk, leaving me to spend the next 15 minutes blasting nuclear missiles from the digital sky.

When he finally realized how much time I had wasted (his fault entirely of course), he tried to kick me off the computer. I invoked his unofficial “but I haven’t died yet” rule, which gave him pause. Would he risk losing his status of the coolest science teacher in school by kicking a kid off the computer despite having all my work mostly done, or let me continue to monopolize the machine? His solution was rather brilliant; he taped a piece of paper over the top half of the screen, and grinned at me. “Go ahead and see how well you do now, Rimes”, he challenged me. Thinking he had gotten the better of me, and that I would soon be dead, he called over a few other students to see how long it would take me before I choked. 5 minutes later I was still blasting away, and in a fit of annoyance, Mr. L lowered the paper so only the bottom third of the screen was visible, making it impossibly difficult to catch all of the missiles before they hit. I shifted strategies from the typical “high orbit intercept strikes” to defending just a few cities. I watched a couple go up in nuclear flames, the millions of virtual inhabitants turned into casualties of war, and feverishly watched for missiles coming towards the two cities closest to the central launch pad.

By this time a small gathering of the class was behind me, cheering me on, and eagerly watching both the computer screen and the clock; I had managed to derail any meaning productive work for at least 25 minutes now, and with another 10 minutes of “must defend” mode, I had successfully helped many in the class avoid their work for the better half of the class period. I wish I could say how the class period ended; whether I gave up or the pressure of having all of those eyeballs behind me getting the better of my missile-launching trigger finger. I don’t actually recall how the class period ended, but neither I nor anyone else in the classroom got to play any of the games on Mr. L’s old Mac again. I had destroyed his goodwill, and despite enjoying a day without worrying about whether my lab write up fit the proper grading template, I still had to do the work at home that evening.

I’d like to think that everyone has a story like this to tell about a teacher they’ve had; a time when you had a chance to “escape” the usual routine of the classroom and steal a moment or two to connect. I had a blast in Mr. L’s class, and despite spending a good half an hour goofing off that day, I did really well in in the Honors Chemistry course. That, and for a nerd like myself, it helped give me a little boost to my ego, something a heck of a lot of teenagers can appreciate.

What counts is that the rhymes designed to fill your mind (Turn up the radio)

MOO(c) MOO(c) MOO(c)

Stanford is doing it. Harvard is doing it. MIT is doing it. We better do it. Just keep mooing along.


Giulia got the GIF going this before me (and cleverly wrapped it into an Instagram-like GIF with dancing panda, speaking of herding behavior, look at the stampeded over to flickr). I knew when I saw this Cow & Cow & Cow & video that I had to GIF it or do something with it.

The video is worth it for the zany music and the metamoo-phasis of the cows (all rendered brillaintly in Adobe After Affects).

Just look at those Yes Cows. Everybody in agreement. This one was a bit tricky since the entire video had the cows panning. I ended up narrowing it to three frames, and using some pixel nudging to try and align the cows and then crop out the non-overlap. It’s not clean, but neither are cow pastures.

And given that I have GIFfed a cow in my mockubloggery on cows and cheese

dog and cow

(based on the funny wild dog and poor cow cartoon)

surely a ds106 assignment was needed in the bovine category. And Shirley it is, Moo Moo Says the GIF:

Everyone loves cows. Especially when they are animated as GIFs. They can be your garden variety Jersey milk cows, or the Massively Open Online kind. Just make them moooooooooooove.


Just to make it complete, I dabbled a bit from a single photo of a strange local sign I spotted when I was having my truck repaired. Pete’s Place is kind of a local landmark in nearby Star Valley. I cannot say I have ever been there, but you can imagine the clientele.


Yep, all those places wanting to be Harvard, Stanford, MIT… just keep your eyes on the dancing girls. Like the cow.

What are you waiting for? Moo it on over and make some GIF art, eh?

Stargazing with Kermit

Happened to read Tim Owens’ blog this morning and discover the ds106 assignment of creating an animated Muppet gif. Rainbow Connection is my favorite Muppet song so here’s my gif of Kermit singing in the swamp: What’s so amazing that keeps us star gazing and what do we think we might see? Someday we’ll find [...]

That’s why her hair is so big, it’s full of secrets.

This is design assignment 313, “Animated Movie Poster” It is worth 4 stars. The assignment reads:

“Pick a movie poster and animate it. You can see an awesome example and quick explanation by Michael Branson Smith here.

I decided to create an animated movie poster for Mean Girls to use in my final project!


In my poster. Cady (Lindsay Lohan) is sort of side glaring at the “plastics” telling each other secrets. I feel like this image depicts the story line extremely well. This group of girls is full of secrets, they aren’t true friends because none of them are really honest with one another. They are mean girls to those outside their group and in my opinion they are even meaner girls to those inside their circle. This is because they are SUPPOSED to actually be there for one another but aren’t.

I used Windows movie maker to edit the video clip down to about 2 seconds for my gif and then I opened it in GIMP over a Mean Girls poster to create my animated movie poster. DS106 has made me addicted to gifs

Original Media:


  • I completed the Character Genre Song Mashup. This was similar to the anime assignment so I found it easier to complete. We chose a theme from various movies and put it together and related a song of today to it. I looked at the example given, as there were no other examples put up. It gave me an idea of what to do, and I understood the concept of witches.
  • I chose this assignment because it was similar to the anime assignment. Then I thought of Monsters, and the first thing that came to mind was Monsters Inc. Then i decided to think of animated movies with monsters in it. This really hit my childhood, and favorite movies of mine. Though, it was hard to think of animated movies with monsters, because though you may think there are a lot, we can not get them confused. Such as Shrek, there aren’t any true monsters in there.
  • So I came up with Monsters Inc, Scooby Doos: Monsters unleashed, and Monsters vs. Aliens. This video shows how animated movies have scary characters, however in the end they always get beat, unless the Monsters are the good guys ;) For me I made this video have a twist with cute animation I chose to use the song Monster by Kanye West and Nikki Minaj.
  • So I chose trailer clips of the three movies from Youtube, and trimmed what I wanted from each trailer from MPEG streamclip. I then took the clips I wanted and opened them into Window’s Movie Maker. Where I put the Clips in the order I felt fit the audio  I made. I recorded Monster from my itunes into Audacity. Then I chose parts I wanted from the song and put it together. I used fade ins/and outs. I also amplified and and pumped up the bass in the song.
  • I actually showed this video to my friend who introduced me to this song, because Nikki Minaj says Sri Lanka in her song, which is where I’m from. So he thought it was cool that I connected it to my video and likes that some of the lyrics fitted perfectly with the video.


Ambulance to Zombies

Another exciting visual assignment for week five, “A-Z Photo Collage“. The objective is to create an alphabetical collage with a theme. My theme is ME! You could probably learn a WHOLE lot about me, who I am, and what I like by viewing my collage…

This one was actually the most time-consuming of the assignments I did this week, I guess that’s why it deserved 3 stars! It took time getting the photos, resizing them, and then making the file fit here on the page. I also enjoyed brainstorming what to use before I started the project…got stuck on a few, but the girlfriend helped me out! Do you know them all?



Daikatana Band

Don’t know what Daikatana is? Me either. BUT, I did land on it randomly by doing my fourth visual assignment, “An Album Cover“. I think this is the coolest visual assignment I’ve done yet. Click the link and learn more if you want to make your own album cover! Here’s how I made mine.

Step 1. Click for the random Wikipedia page. This will be your band name. I got Daikatana:

Step 2. Get a random quote. The last few words of the last quote is your new band’s album title. I got the quote, “After all is said and done, a lot more will be said than done.”:

Step 3. You go to a Flickr link, and the third photo is now your album cover:


Now what you do is create an album cover with what you found and customize it to your hearts content! Once again, I’m not the biggest fan of GIMP, but it will do what you need it to and save you $600 instead of buying Adobe Photoshop…although I do love it =( Anyways, I created this album cover:I think this all goes together awesomely! Daikatana, not only is a first person shooter(according to wiki) but it makes me think “Die, Katana!” The picture goes well because the black and white, as well as the style of the building give  me an impression of an older/eerie feeling. Plus it’s deserted, like everyone died…(zombie apocalypse?) So then I have the witty quote left. Which I think is cool because if there was a zombie apocalypse, I feel more should be done than said…BUT THIS IS A MUSIC ALBUM SO IT ALL MAKES SENSE! More will be said BECAUSE they will sing! I put it in “Chiller” font to give it a creepier look.

I’m sorry if you don’t get it, but it makes PERFECT sense to me! And I had a blast doing it! Go create your own!


Look What I Found!

ME!!! This is my third visual assignment and it was called “Find Yourself“. Sure, I probably could have been a little more creative in finding letters that spell R-O-B in the environment, but this place has a story with me. When I was growing up, my family used to play a game on car rides to find each members name on a store or such. My name NEVER came up. (I guess people named Rob or Robert aren’t big entrepreneurs) We would always see Mark, Bonnie, and Dan while driving around on the East Coast, but never a Rob. I kinda just figured there was no place named “Rob’s”. Glad I came to UMW/Fredericksburg AND that the owner(I’m assuming named Rob) opened this little gem! Now I know that there is at least one place that exists with my name!


A Man and His Dog

So I was clicking the good old “random” button on the Week 5 assignments and came across, “Draw It.” I figured, “Hey, I used to use Photoshop in school all the time and I remember there being a filter to just change it! Too easy!” Well, turns out, GIMP does not have that feature.(Or at least I couldn’t find it) I wish I knew where my Photoshop CS2 CD is…even though it is majorly obsolete by now! But I used the tools that GIMP gives and from what I remembered, and a little prodding on GIMP Forums, I was able to create this:

Okay, so he isn’t actually MY dog, but I was watching him while my old suite-mate’s family came to visit him. (Odd how this was almost exactly a year ago!)

So of course I wanted to see how other people’s pictures turned out. And first on the list was Kiersten Pyrtle’s How to draw a horse! I also noticed that she had made a tutorial of what she did…after I did my own! SMH. Anyways, gotta love the fact that you can use different techniques to get a similar end result! I think I may post again with my own tutorial about how to create this because it was basic use of GIMP and anyone can do it!
