Okay, So the process for this video was another easy one. I also had a lot of fun completing it. The first step I did was searching on google for pictures that represents the number 1. Next, I decided to make my video using ‘stupeflix” on YouTube.com/create and I imported the pictures on there, asnd then i chose a audio from the selections they had. After that, I just organized the slide and the transition effects to the way i wanted them to turn out in the movie. So check it out:)!
This was the last video assignment. It is worth 4 stars! This assignment was to make a compilation of findings of a number in nature or other places. I thought the easiest one would be “0”.
I started by typing in oval shapes in nature. This gave me a lot of responses. The only change-up I did was some of those objects would be in some kind of relation with the character I have created, Olivia. I kept it hidden and want you to guess which objects would go with Olivia? If you have been following this character, then it shouldn’t be too hard of a game.
I used the song:Symphony by Anna O because that’s what zero seems to me. Just a very simple number. It’s an incredible song! You can listen to this whole song here:
This video was very fun to make and to hide in meanings.
Here is my progress page from it!
AND finally the final product! Let me know in the comments what you think belongs/related to Olivia!
The video below explains how to send money to another Bank of America account. My inspiration for this video is mainly because I am tired of waiting 2 days for my mom to transfer money from her account to my bank account, but she won’t take the time to learn how to send money based on someone’s cell phone number. So I created this tutorial for her to learn how to do this. I am finding making tutorials is a lot of fun. I enjoy helping others.
This image and quote are from one of my favorite movies, Step Brothers. This is one of the best parts of the movie. Dale and Brennan are trying to get investors for their entertainment company at a family birthday dinner, so they set up a presentation and a song to get people excited. It doesn’t go as planned, due to Brennan and Dale crashing their dad’s boat during the music video filming, and everyone gets a good laugh at their expense.
For this assignment, I had to create a highlight reel for an athlete. It was worth 5 stars. I picked Peyton Manning, the former quarterback for the Broncos and the Colts. To complete this assignment, I looked at the tutorial that was posted with the assignment. It was very helpful.
First, I downloaded some Youtube videos using the fastest youtube video downloader, of Peyton Manning. Next I uploaded them to iMovie. I cut down some of the clips and picked some of my favorite plays. After, I downloaded the instrumental version of All I Do Is Win, for background music. Finally, I inserted an opening title and ending credits.
Overall, I thought this assignment was fairly easy. I am getting more comfortable with iMovie, the more I use it. I uploaded it to Youtube for everyone to view.
What is juggling exactly? According to the dictionary, to juggle is “to continuously toss into the air and catch (a number of objects) so as to keep at least one in the air while handling the others, typically for the entertainment of others.” While this is the literal interpretation of juggling, it is not going to be what I focus on in this story. Focusing solely on the literal interpretation of things is often times boring and if I had to assign a grade to someone who could only do things literally I would probably give him or her a C.
Below is my tutorial on how to literally juggle:
In order to go beyond the bounds of literalness, I am going to teach you about about figuratively juggling. Juggling activities. This summer I am “juggling” three major activities as captured in the image below.
The first activity I am juggling is a full time job. I am a full time summer swim coach for a summer league swim team. My job requires me to work close to 40 hours per week. There are practices every morning from 8:30am until noon and every afternoon from 4:00pm-6:00pm and meets every Wednesday night. In these meets, warm ups begin at 4pm and the final heat is usually not swum until well past 10 pm. Throw in meet entries, which are usually done on Sundays and the team cookouts, bowling trip, and other social events and you’ve got yourself a full time job.
My second activity, by the way these are not in any order of importance or difficulty, is my own personal competitive swim training and competition. I swim everyday except Sundays from 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning. This requires me to wake up at 5:15 every morning. My goal is to swim in both the Commonwealth Games in Waynesboro, Virginia as well as at the Virginia Senior Championship Meet. Senior Champs has “cut off” times (on pages 9-10) that are required to even enter the meet. Believe it or not this meet is swum in the same pool as the 2008 Olympic Trials, which were held in Omaha, Nebraska. The pool was then moved to Richmond, Virginia and is now in the GRAP facility. Don’t ask how they managed to move an entire long course pool half way across the country.
Morning Alarms
Competitive swim training is a very significant physical and mental challenge. In addition to the many hours training in the water, usually 10-12 early morning hours of hard training per week, there is the significant “recovery time” for muscles and joints to rebuild and clear lactic acid. Even finding enough time to eat a properly balanced diet and getting enough sleep can be daunting on scorching summer days.
My third major commitment is taking Digital Storytelling 106. This course, which weirdly enough I am talking about within itself, is also a huge time commitment. It requires hours and hours of work in order to produce each assignment. However, each assignment is extremely satisfying to produce. In this course I have created tons of interesting media and have learned how to tell interesting stories that are bolstered by the media I have produced. So far I have produced visual assignments, design assignments, audio assignments and video assignments, which includes this page. I am especially enjoying learning new techniques in Word Press, Photoshop, Garageband, Audacity, and Imovie. Learning new software is challenging because the opportunities to improve your skills are seemingly endless.
So let’s put it all together and walk through an ordinary day. Wake up at 5:15 am to swim in practice from 6-8 am, rush to the pool were I coach the Fry’s Springs Beach Club and try to grab a bite to eat on the way, coach from 8:30 am until noon, eat lunch from 12:20 until 1. Nap from 1 until 2:30. Leave for afternoon practice at 3:30, coach from 4 until 6. Dinner from 6:20 until 7. Work on CPSC 106 from 7 pm until 10 pm. Sleep for a short while. Repeat. Last week’s Schedule is shown below.
Calendar Week of July 11, 2016
Oh and isn’t there something people call a social life? I’m not sure, haven’t had one of those in a while… So while juggling some small spherical balls is a fun party trick, it is important to be able to juggle your life’s commitments also.
I hope you can learn three things from me today.
How to literally juggle. ?
How to figuratively juggle many different activities. ?
How to make a cool tutorial that teaches others how to literally juggle.
Below is a tutorial that explains how I made the original tutorial on how to juggle. So if you have not learned anything yet you still have one more chance! Watch the video below and you can learn how to make a cool tutorial video.
I liked this assignment because it was right up the alley of everything I’ve done previously with video editing, which is editing competitive game footage of myself into montages with musical accompaniment. This video is one of the first ever videos I made, and I’ve learned a lot from the mistakes I made making it. That’s why I think it’s a good subject for this assignment, because when I made it, I thought it was the best thing in the world, but now it’s hard to watch because I see all the things I could have done better. When I uploaded this, I didn’t even know how to put things on YouTube in HD, which is painfully obvious. I’ve since learned their formatting and time restrictions for HD upload, and my newer videos benefited greatly from it. This video is also very looooooong, and most that have viewed it say it doesn’t hold their attention the entire way through. This was hard to hear at first, as my highlights are like my children, but it taught me this: Just because you like it doesn’t mean other people will. Others don’t have the personal connection to the moments in this video that I do, and thus can’t appreciate it on that level, to them it’s just minutia. While I love this video, it would have been much better received if I had trimmed it down to about 4-5 minutes of the very best I had to offer. I got too emotionally attached to this work, and it suffered for it. Also, I think commentary with music in the background would have gone a long way to enthrall the more casual viewers who aren’t familiar with the game, and probably have no idea what is actually going on in some parts. I also could have credentialed myself more at the beginning of the video to entice people to take it seriously. I was, for a time, one of the top ranked players in the world. I have attached screen shots below showing me in 4th place world squad score, and 5th place world obliteration wins. I had these screen shots then, why didn’t I include them?
If you’ve never encountered Reboot (the first full-length, completely computer-animatedTV series) then you’ll need a bit of background to fully appreciate this post and the Reboot Season 3 episode, “Number 7″, which references The Prisoner. Reboot was ground-breaking back in the mid 90s as personal computers, modems, and the Internet started to take off. You likely know the early animation work of show creators Ian Pearson and Gavin Blair from the 1986 MTV Video-of-the-Year by Dire Straits, Money for Nothing.
I enjoyed the show during its first run on the Canadian cable channel YTV (Reboot was animated in Vancouver by Pearson and Blair’s Mainframe Entertainment), appreciating not only the wonderful plays-on-words related to computer tech, but also the myriad pop culture references embedded within. The Prisoner was one such reference, joined over the 7 -year run by others such as Mad Max, Star Trek, Elmer Fudd, James Bond, Ash and The Evil Dead, Austin Powers, Mortal Kombat, Clint Eastwood’s The Man With No Name, and The Matrix to name just a few. The opening credits to “Firewall” and the Season 3 recap performed to the Gilbert & Sullivan “A Modern Major General,” are classic examples of the brilliance of the show (both are embedded below for your enjoyment). The day my then-young sons immediately got the Pokemon and Dragon-Ball Z references in the episode “My Two Bobs,” all was right with the world.
Anyway, here is my attempt at a one paragraph summary to set you up for the third season episode, “Number 7,” in case you choose to watch it. If you don’t watch it, you can just appreciate the references to The Prisoner in the embedded GIFs.
In all previous episodes, Enzo Matrix is a young sprite who lives within MainFrame, helping/hindering the system’s Guardian, Bob, in protecting the city from the dangers of Game Cubes and viruses such as Megabyte and Hexadecimal. Following a game loss in the previous episode, young Enzo, his dog Friskit, and his friend AndrAIa are caught in the User’s game and are uploaded from their home system. Between the last episode and this one, time has passed, and young Enzo has grown from boy to man (now going by his last name, Matrix) as they travel from computer to computer trying to find their way home. The episode “Number 7″ explores Enzo’s understanding of his own identity and place in the grand scheme. (Note: There’s a whole “golf” thread which ties back to the usual “game” aspect of each episode. It provides for a few jokes, and the “out” at the end.)
If you choose to watch the Reboot episode Number 7, it is embedded in the prisoner106.usArchive for Week Six. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions on what “Number 7″ says about our understanding of Number Six and the overall show. But I think it offers a good commentary that complements the final two episodes of The Prisoner, “16: Once Upon a Time,” and “17: Fall Out.”
If you want to know more about Reboot, you may wish to do a little background reading about the series on either the Reboot Wikipedia entry, or for deeper detail, on the show’s own wiki — and episodes are certainly available on Youtube should you wish to watch more! However, in closing, I highly recommend the two clips embedded below.
“Be Seeing You (Bob),” animated GIF by @aforgrave
“Be Seeing You (Dot),” animated GIF by @aforgrave
“Be Seeing You (Enzo),” animated GIF by @aforgrave
Dead-on Bond Parody – Opening Credits for “Firewall”
Brilliant Season 3 Recap to Gilbert & Sullivan’s “A Modern Major-General”
After a couple of days working on GIFs I have to admit – the ones from video clips come to me as storytelling and drawing out and explaining meaning or understanding from the work of others stories. Creating GIFs from scratch to add to one’s own story is different. They are both great and fun to create – but there are different GIFs for different stories and purposes. Great to be learning the difference and how to make them!Taking the GIFFING Challenge thrown out by Andrew Forgrave.
My submissions to the Prisoner repository – Assignment 1744
Fuzzy #6
#6 Thinking
Have You Resigned yet?
You Will….
I used Mac Downloader and went to YouTube to capture the opening sequence of the Prisoner.
After scrubbing through the clip I selected In and Out points and then trim. This gave me my clips.
I went to Photoshop and used Scripts- Load as files
I added and cleaned up images as needed.
Went to Timeline and then created frames from layers.
Played with timing of frames to get what I wanted.
Export>Save for Web (Legacy).
Number 6 was born in 1928! So in the first episode he was 40 years old. Today he would be 87!!! Wow!
I was quite taken aback with the introductory video for the #Prisoner106Week One: Assimilation Week. That getup of that Number 2 (@ds106Number2, on Twitter) was wearing and the odd behaviour Number 2 was displaying jumped right out of the screen and and gave me an immediate dose of that old #ds106 affliction of mine, GIF-eye-tis. Throw in a long absence from making 3D Anaglyphs (something I really got into last summer) and it was time to dust off the old 3D glasses and see if I could remember how I made things happen last year.
As it turns out, I started a series of Tutorials last summer for making Anaglyphs and Anaglyph-a-GIFs (I’m having to refer back to my terms from last summer — the badges are down a ways now in my sidebar) but it seems I only got as far as the 2nd tutorial of 5. Something called end-of-summer (or August, judging by the date of the last Tutorial) must have gotten in the way. Fortunately, a short bit of experimentation had me back in the saddle and crafting a 3D Anaglyph-a-GIF in no time. The result is up above!
I’ve checked back and see that I was about to embark next on Part 3, which is the real key, the colour separation step.
Next: Step 3: Colour Filtering (link to follow)
Then: Step 4: Positioning the Layers to Simulate Depth (link to follow)
Then: Step 5: Extending the Technique to make an Anaglyph-a-GIF (link to follow)
Since Tutorial posts link separately into the Assignment Bank, I will leave off here and pick up with Part 3 in a subsequent post. I’ve already got some static frames captured from Number 2 to explain the process. Onward with the Learning!
I think this one qualifies for multiple assignments, which is good, as I understand from Number 2 that the electricity to my bungalow in The Village gets shut off if I don’t earn enough Credit Units throughout the week.