Alternative Book Covers

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So far, this assignment has been completed 25 times.

Take a title of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something entirely different. For example, the book cover for Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (an apocalyptic novel about a father and son facing the end of the world) is reframed as a feel-good book about effective parenting (see image). Original idea found through this design contest on Book Ninja in 2008.

Image credit:Ā Ingrid Paulson’s Ā reimagining of The Road by Cormac McCarthy

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Submissions So Far

I decided to take one of my fave novels, Lord of the Flies and pay homage to the dude who ruled the Drosophilia Thomas Hunt
I wasn’t able to figure out how to replace the picture with this new one so i did a fading in of the picture, it
This is my Alternative Book Cover, as per the assignment submitted by Jim Groom. I’ve been really obsessed with all of the icons offered by
I just submitted this as an assignment, and I will be doing a quick tutorial for this one in Photoshop and GIMP shortly. It is

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Submissions So Far