Common everyday object

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6 votes, average: 2.00 out of 56 votes, average: 2.00 out of 56 votes, average: 2.00 out of 56 votes, average: 2.00 out of 56 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 64 times.
_cokwr: Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors., _cpzh4: Visual, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Elizabeth Castillo, _ciyn3: 107, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Common Everyday Object The Assignment After reading TUJournal’s blogĀ post, I also decided to do a Visual Assignment called Common Everyday Object by Elizabeth Castillo. The directions are: Take
Assignment: The assignment for this DS106 project, Common everyday object, is very simple; “Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the
For this ds106 assignment I chose to take a picture of an everyday object and manipulate the colors around the object. For more details on
OK..this is my third ds106 assignments. I will choose the Assignment of common everyday object that I need to take common everyday object and manipulate colors.
The assingment: Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors. First to start off with an image I shot for
…Hey, did I do too much for the colors? XD;;;…
For this assignment, I used a picture I had taken for the dailyshoots. I did a little bit of editing in Picasa but the changes
Common Everyday Object - Just experimented with some of the functions in GIMP such as posterize, hue-saturation on different colors, and slight adjustments to the color
*tweek the colors of an everday object.…
For my last assignment I decided to do the “Common Everyday Object” that is meant to take a picture of a common everyday object and

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Submissions So Far