Create a ds106 radio bumper

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13 votes, average: 4.08 out of 513 votes, average: 4.08 out of 513 votes, average: 4.08 out of 513 votes, average: 4.08 out of 513 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 350 times.
_cokwr: Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station., _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Jim Groom, _ciyn3: 36, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

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Submissions So Far

Time for some radio fun! For this project, I’ve created a radio bumper for the DS106 Radio Show! Hope you guys enjoy!

My goal for this

Here is my DS106 Radio bumper! The original assignment can be found here.

I used just the ery beginning seconds of one of my favorite

My abnormal radio bumper is based off an inside joke that my roommate Stella, and I have. Stella recently showed me a meme, where I

Like many of my classmates before this assignment I was not sure what a radio bumper was. After doing some research I found out that

Here is my 12 second Radio Bump that I used with Audacity and Free Sounds to introduce my “radio station”…

I really enjoyed creating my first bumper ever!! I used my voice memo on my phone to record myself, and uploaded it onto my computer.

I had no idea what a bumper was before starting this assignment. Little did I know, it was something I’ve been hearing since as long

My first attempt mixing a voice recording with sound effects in Audacity.…

This assingment was fun to make! I followed Kollin’s advice and used Bensound‘s Royalty Free Music for my background music. At the beginning

Below is the ds106 radio bumper that I created for the assignment Create A Ds106 Radio Bumper where you create a radio bumper for

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

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Submissions So Far