Truthful Movie Poster

Assignment Value:

3 votes, average: 3.00 out of 53 votes, average: 3.00 out of 53 votes, average: 3.00 out of 53 votes, average: 3.00 out of 53 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5

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So far, this assignment has been completed 26 times.

Imagine if movie posters told the REAL story about the fillm they’re advertising. Redesign an existing movie poster by changing the text/images to tell us the real story. More examples at

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Submissions So Far

For the truthful movie poster I decided to incorporate our course theme of the 80’s and use one of my favorite 80’s movies The Breakfast

Guns, Bullets, Action… As Expected.

This assignment was fairly easy as compared to some of the other ones I have worked on as of late.

Can you dance…

Can you jive…

Are you having the time of your life…

Well then you my friend are a Dancing Queen!

Mamma Mia is one of my

I do love this movie, and my first time watching it, I had no real idea what was going on. I imagined it would

The Story Behind the Story–

The human existence is sorrowful and futile, we are alone or we are insincerely together. We are traversing along a

This assignment was to take a movie poster and add the truth to it. While I’m sure there are some people who are genuinely interested

As suggested in Dr. Polack’s guide for this week, I chose the Truthful movie poster assignment from the Digital Storytelling Assignment Bank, in the <a

Truthful Movie Poster – “Imagine if movie posters told the REAL story about the fillm they’re advertising. Redesign an existing movie poster by changing the

Design Assignments – Truthful Movie Poster – (3 stars)

The Hunger Games movie is one of my favorite movies. It has a great plot, fantastic



I thought this assignment was really funny, and I knew I wanted to do it, but it was hard for me

Help Someone Else Do this Assignment

If you create a tutorial for this assignment, share it! To have your tutorials appear below, make sure your posts are showing up on theĀ main DS106 siteĀ and that you use the following tags (or labels on Blogger) when writing the post on your own blog (You must use BOTH !):

Submissions So Far

Here’s my tutorial for my attempt at a truthful movie poster. 1. Even though I’m beyond raw with Photoshop, I still stuck with it for this