Unite Two Assignment: GIFfight



This is by no means a masterpiece, but it’s simple and straightforward. I’ll be honest, I feel like I understand how to make GIFs and had done so before this unit so I wasn’t as patient as I probably should have been. I’m probably trying to run before I’ve learned how to walk, #DS106 Gods please forgive me ?. I did learn however to make stop motion GIFs today which was pretty exciting. I look the latest image on GIFfight and was inspired by this fancy entry.

Here Giffy Giffy Gif Gif!

So I made this particular gif from scratch using Gimp. I’m doing it for the Double Gif Bonanza. It’s not exactly the assignment but I liked this picture more.

I stumbled into it and I think I can replicate the process. It’s not quite right but I’m not sure how to fix it yet. It’s a work in progress. I have this picture of Hafthor Bjornsson right after he broke a legendary strength record. By legendary I literally mean from Norse legend.

So I tried to add a mjolnir tattoo to his torso after he ripped open his shirt. He’s known as Thor, God of Thunder, very powerful etc. etc. I love tattoos as well so I thought it would be a fun way to learn this. And actually there’s some story telling element to it as well. I think I’m also inferring that he does indeed have the strength of Thor.

Fun it was not, but I think I did learn something. I grew and I will continue to learn and perfect my skills. But I have to say that for just stumbling around, I didn’t do too badly.

So here is the first one I made. Pretty annoying.


Here is my slightly more refined one:


What I would like to try to do is get the full mjolnir from the top one without the white background so it looks like a real tattoo. But as you can tell it lost some of its detail in the animation. The layers and images on their own look fine. It’s only when it gets animated does it look worse.

Moving on,

Here’s a link to my post on Gardner Campbell. I feel happy that he took the time to read my post and I’m glad to see that I’m on the right track. You can see my post here .

And the Tweet he sent me here:

Also I did some daily creates which you can find  here.

So things are coming along. It’s very challenging. Yesterday I could not, for love or money, get a gif made and this morning I was able to figure it out. I can see my brain making new neural pathways. It’s interesting but also very frustrating.

GIFing with Jean-Claude


“Oh Sheep! This is gonna look bad.” – The directors cut.   (Created by Rochelle Lockridge  for the JCVD #GIFFight)

My latest round of creativity induced OCD started with a new GIFFight challenge from Michael B Smith (@mbransons)

There’s also a DS106 Animated GIF Assignment 1190 for any of the GIFFight projects to post to.

After downloading 1.1GB of short .mov clips of Jean-Claude Van Damme from Funny or Die JCVD Make My Movie Challenge there was no turning back.  I was riding the dopamine wave.  There were some new learnings and tricky bits with the Adobe Elements software I was using that I’ve included below in the process portion of this post.

My first GIFs used downloaded images from the Tate Collectives which I had been introduced to through a previous GIFFight Challenge. Animate the crap out of 1840′s Tate Artworks as part of the Tate Museum 1840′s GIF Party. (There’s also a DS106 Animated GIF assignment 1248 for this too.)

Two of my Tate 1840′s GIF Party entries:



JCVD Erupts With Mt. Vesuvius

Vesuvius In Eruption from the Tate Collectives


JCVD To The Rescue. “I’ll protect you.”

Past and Present No. 1 from the Tate Collectives

The continued ride on that dopamine wave resulted in me making the following JCVD gifs to give a few of my DS106 mates a giggle.

Wanting to celebrate John Johnston’s hitting 106 likes on his JJGifs Tumblr site I searched through his posts and found a GIF of sheep running past that I thought would work well. Due to Tumblr size restrictions I was forced to shorten the “directors cut” version you see at the top of this post.  I just thought having him shooting the place up then realizing it was just sheep passing by added another layer of absurdity. The shortened version below is still funny watching JCVD slink away with the sheep though.


“Oh Sheep! This is gonna look bad.” Shorter version due to Tumblr size restrictions

Sheep GIF from JJGIFs

The GIFaChrome corporation recently posted that Colin’s new body guard, Jean-Claude Van Damme may need to tone down his enthusiasm somewhat.  He’s going to scare everybody off…. not just the bad guys.


JCVD is the new bodyguard for Colin the Dog (@GIFaDog). The GIFaChrome mascot.

A crazed Jean-Claude Van Damme freaked out on Twitter. His overactive testosterone levels blinded him to the fact that DS106 doesn’t need protecting from @clhendricksbc.


Jean-Claude freaks out over @clhendricksbc Twitter thumb.

Remember the DS106 Headless ’13 Riff-a-GIF spontaneous collaboration Riffs Sprouting Up Overnight? Which started out as a doctored photo of my grandson “DJ at Stonehenge“, Glad Jean-Claude wasn’t in the picture back then “protecting us”.


Stonehenge under attack – “Run for your lives! I’ll cover you!”

The How I Did It portion

I’m thinking it would be helpful if I were to create a screen cast tutorial for this process.  Like I said above, it’s a little tricky and has taken a fair bit of effort on my part to learn how to do it. Future project……

  1. Downloaded the 1.1GB (yes Gigabytes) of .mov clips from Funny or Die JCVD Make My Movie Challenge.
  2. Imported the clips into Adobe Premeire Elements 12 and added them to the time line.
  3. Added the still image onto a track under the JCVD clip. Premiere Elements knew that the movie clip was formatted so that it should have a transparent background and automatically created a video merge effect.
  4. Render, Publish+Share as Computer files => Scroll down to choose JPEG
  5. => Advanced => Basic Settings Click “Export as Sequence”
  6. To easily make the GIF in PSD from many images without having to drag and drop each. (A very painful process when you have 82 frames.)  The easy way…. File=>Place
  7. File => Save for web => make sure to check the “image sequence”.  Check for compliance with Tumblr size restrictions max 500px wide and must be less than 1MB

Going one step further, so that I or others (or me :-) ) could use the JCVD transparent images for their projects I produced a GIF and accompanying layered PSD file.

To create transparent background of JCVD for use in PSD files.

  1. Added JCVD movie clip to time line.
  2. This time our background will be a solid color that we can delete when it gets into Photoshop.
  3. Open project assests => New Item => Color Matte => pick color (I used green screen)
  4. Render, Publish+Share as Computer files => Scroll down to choose JPEG
  5. => Advanced => Basic Settings Click “Export as Sequence”
  6. Save
  7. Open jpg series in Photoshop Elements with File=>Place.
  8. click on layer changing it from background to layer
  9. Select a portion of the green. Select Similar. Select Inverse.
  10. Refine Edge. Output decontaminate Colors – amt 100% – Output to New Layer
  11. Smart Radius = 2.1 , Smooth = 1
  12. Edit => Cut (or ctrl-X)
  13. Delete original layers with the green background
  14. File => Save for web => make sure to check the “image sequence”.  Check for compliance with Tumblr size restrictions max 500px wide and must be less than 1MB.



GIFfight Trek Transporter

Well, everybody was doing sparkle clothes for this GIFfight, so I decided to do sparkle heads.

"GIFfight Trek Transporter" animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“GIFfight Trek Transporter” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

If you know Star Trek, then you know who the sparkle-heads are.

Plus, as one of my 2014 Non-Resolutions, I am not wasting time making GIFs work for Tumblr. MBS probably knows how he can post this to the GIFfight tumblr in a nice big size without me making it a small one.

Getting In Touch.

Gif Fight means a page where you can find every two weeks an inspiration for an animated gif. The “fight” may mean that it is a challenge to compare yourself to other participants’ creations. Still, the challenge which was designed for the headless ds106 course of 2013 makes it difficult to think about a fight. I found this, two mannequins already peacefully side by side.

Only for me it seemed they have difficulties to get in touch. With my gif version I tried to help them with this.

I drew leaves on different layers which twine around the neighbouring arms of the mannequins.

Then  I took an animated gif of a bunch of pink roses, which I found in the web.

One rose I copied to my tendril layers.

After this I animated the arms of the mannequins, the way that they finally get in touch. After the arms have gotten in touch, I added the animated bouquet as  a result of their new relation, which may mean creating together is better than fighting.

For the appropriate assignment idea of the ds106 assignment bank you can click here.

Headless Over Heels In Love


Headless Over Heals In Love [Tumblr Link]

GIFFfight_ManequinsI’m joining the GIF FIght again.  This time we were given a pair of stark white mannequins to work with. I like to give some time to thinking about my projects before I start them. I had a couple of ideas in mind that would use existing GIFs that I could riff off of like Alan Levine’s (@Cogdog) blue caterpillar. It didn’t work here, but I’m going to use it someday. I then tested out what it would take to move the arms to have them hold hands.  It could be done, but with more work than I had time for. My daughter is getting married on Saturday and if I wanted to complete this DS106 Headless13 Week 2 AnimatedGIFAssignment1190 I needed to get it done now.

graphics-hearts-230756I then had the idea of giving this lovely headless couple pumping hearts.  I tried my luck over at Microsoft Clip Art, but again nothing seemed to work.  A Google image search on animated heart and GIF was fruitful and led me to a whole bunch of free heart GIFs at:  http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/hearts/

Using Adobe Photoshop CS5

    1. graphics-hearts-741799I opened the animated heart GIFs which show up with all of the layers intact.
    2. Combined the two heart GIFs with the mannequin base layer
    3. Selected all of the layers for the hearts
    4. Moved them into place
    5. Enlarged the small heart layers to match the size of larger heart.
    6. Created the animation frames by selecting the appropriate layers.  There is no need for merging of layers when using the full version of Photoshop.
    7. Resized the entire image to 350px by 500px making sure it would be less than 1Mb so Tumblr would accept it.
    8. Previewed at 256 colors, liked it and saved as a GIF.

To complete the process I uploaded my completed GIF to my Tumblr account, wrote up this blog post, and posted to Twitter and our DS106 Google plus community.

 Past GIF FIght Entries:

Other links to animated hearts I decided  not to use.

  • http://lovepeaceandharmony.org/group/twinsouls/forum/topics/things-you-need-to-know-about
  • http://www.mobilerule.org/pg-6/Categories/Mobile-ScreenSaver/Love-Mobile-ScreenSavers.html

O BLOG! my blog! our fearful creation is done!

Well, here we are. Week two.

All I am gonna say about this stuff I have seen about the gif fight and the “Down With Dull Blog Post Titles!” follows.

O BLOG! my blog! our fearful creation is done;
The site has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The first post is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady sidebar, the monitor grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of 404 errors
Where on the deck my Theme lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Blog! my blog! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Blog! Most beautiful blog!
This footer beneath your Welcome to the World
It is some dream that on the computer,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Blog does not answer, It’s frozen solid and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The site is anchor’d safe and sound, its creation closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
On the screen my theme lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

That was a slight revision of some Walt Whitman you know.

I have no clue what made me make the are below. I was going to add some lines about ds106 being “sexier” than the rest. But then I thought better.


The toys are alive – #AAG15

The toys are alive - #AAG15

I’m all about subtly in gifs lately. This one I call “Exercise in the clone tool” because that’s 99% of what I used here.

See if you can find all the animations :)

August 2013 GIF Challenge #15: GIF Fight! Superman 80s Toys Son of Krypton Puppet Theatre


THIS is the source picture for making a GIFFight! GIF. Good luck!

WELL! Have I every been busy! Not making GIFs (as I guess you may have figured), but living my life again, free and out of that silly box and away from that @Puppetmaster106 and his minion @AneuwegCentSix. More on that tomorrow.

In the meantime, another #GIFFight! is upon us! So today’s challenge is to respond to the latest image on the GIFFight tumbler site, 80s Toy Smackdown, which will be based on the prompt image shown to the left: #ds106 entries in response to the GIFFight! prompts fall into the Animated GIF Assignment 1190, “GIF Fight!” 


Well, you might ask yourself, “What in the name of all that is GIF-able am I to do with that?”
Well, that is your challenge.

Here is what I made out of it. What will you do?

"Superman Puppet Theatre" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Superman Puppet Theatre” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

What Did I Do to Make this GIF?

Well, I had to do the following things.

  1. copied part of the image as a background and extended both the sky and the ground using the Clone Tool.
  2. enhanced the colours in the puppet theatre background
  3. added a window in the backdrop and a puppet theatre header/sign
  4. sourced a Superman logo to use on the puppet theatre header and added the text using the text tool
  5. matched the water to the colour of the blue in the Superman logo.
  6. used the Quick Selection tool and the Magic Wand tool and the Eraser tool to isolate Superman, and later, Batman and Robin in the Batmobile.
  7. Added my @iamTalkyTina behind (below) the background layer (with the window) so that my face could peek out.
  8. added strings to the first frame, attaching the Superman action figure to my hand (hidden)
  9. made multiple copies of the initial frame, adjusting the location of the Tina, Superman, string, and Batmobile layers to provide the animation. Three copies of the Superman/Strings groups allowed Superman to rock back and forth as I moved the string.
  10. Once the GIF was closed to being finished, I added a return transition back to the first frame. It didn’t seem right to have the GIF flow forwards and backwards, so I put in a series of restore frames to get back to the first one.  That basically involves reducing the opacity of the layers in the last few frames, and increasing the opacity of the layers in the first frame.

Plus, because Tumblr only works with GIFs that are a maximum of 500 pixels wide, I made a 500 pixel version that is (so far fighting with Tumblr to get posted) so that it will show correctly in the GIF Fight! tumblr page. Maybe this link to the 500 pixel version will work.

So now it is time for you to enter the GIF Fight! Remember it is NOT a hurting fight. It is a nice fight for Friends with fun and GIFs. Make some good Art GIFs bub for your internal GIF Chi. Keep your GIF Chi strong!

Well, bye!

Vader Dialectics

My giffify Darth Vader: attempt 2. I’m calling it “Thus spake, Vaderthustra” gif. Vader only talks to himself. My first attempt, I called “Vader’s Flipped Classroom”, but now it gets more serious when a shaft of light from the stars serves up his own talking head.