Original Assignment


I must say, creating my first GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format, was much easier than I thought, thanks to GIPHY’s programming system that was made for a computer amateur like me. All I had to do was visit GIPHY’s site, click the “Create” button, copy the URL of YouTube clip that I wanted to use, and decide the “Start time,” “Duration,” and “Caption” for my GIF.

I thought that this was definitely an effective and efficient way to create GIFs and that I intend to make GIFs more often especially for PowerPoint presentations, to highlight my introduction and conclusion. My story here is that the caption, “Moose!” pretty much sums up the reaction of general population since sighting of a moose in one’s backyard is a rare thing these days.

AnimatedGIFAssignments, AnimatedGIFAssignments1789

When Balloon’s Attack

Since my first assignment was a brand new concept I decided to try another more in my previous experience. I decided to pick the Animal’s Doing Funny Things GIF assignment. Before this class I had already created GIF’s for other classes, as well as had the honor of helping with a GIF workshop for incoming freshmen. So it is safe to say that I really like GIF’s and have practice in making them. However I had never made a GIF from my own video so I decided that would be a fun way to take this assignment and do something new with GIFs.

Since the assignment of animal’s doing funny things I used a video of my dog I took awhile back. We had attached a balloon to her collar and she thought it was chasing her. I decided to pull a few seconds from the clip of her trying to see the balloon as it kept disappearing behind her. Once I had decided what to choose for my GIF I opened the video in the program MPEG Stream Clip. MPEG Stream Clip is a pretty simple to use video editor, I selected where I wanted my GIF to start and end and then trimmed the video. Since I knew I was going to use GIMP I chose to export my video into still images at 8 frames a second. (I ended up with 21 frames)

I created the GIF in GIMP which I had not used in quiet a time (usually I use the university computers that have Photoshop on them). GIMP is a great free image editor and you can do a lot with it. To refresh my brain I went to a look at a quick GIF tutorial. After I remembered how to make the GIF, I took all the series of image layers and saved it as a GIF from there. In the end I got a goofy GIF of my dog. Except! I went to upload my GIF and realized I had made a mistake. I forgot that to get a GIF to run on WordPress you have to display it at full size. I had forgotten to scale down my GIF so it was huge and you had to scroll through it. So I had to go back and recreate the GIF again in order to get it to appear in the proper standard size of about 500px.

Then finally I had finished it correctly. So here is Sugar sneezing in fear of a balloon.


Bailey, the funny snow bunny


If you haven’t gathered it by now, I love my dog. Her name is Bailey and she’s the worlds greatest snow bunny. So for the assignment “Animals Doing Funny Things” I figured what a better opportunity than making a GIF of Bay playing in the snow. It’ll warm your heart and make you chilled from the snow at the same time. I’ll never understand how dogs can stay so warm and have so much fun in the snow for such a prolonged period of time. She also reminds me of the road runner from Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote when she shoves her head into the snow.


Onto the process of building this GIF. It literally took a jiff! I uploaded my video to YouTube and uploaded my live video link to After the video was uploaded I was able to select how long I want it to run and when I wanted it to start. It was fun to play with (full of giggles) and super easy! Go make a GIF today!

Creating a GIF!

For this animated GIF assignmentyou have to take a video of an animal doing something funny and turn it into a GIF! This assignment is worth 1.5 stars. 


The best site I found for creating a GIF is GIPHYFirst, find the video you want to use. I found this one on Youtube:

Upload this video to the GIPHY website


Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 10.13.47 PM

Then choose when to start the video and the duration:

Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 1.46.14 PM

Upload the GIF to your computer or embed it into different media forms! Good luck!

Animals having fun

animals making fun

Assignment details are available at the following link:

Well different animals have their own way of laughing. In the GIF Animation I have tried to look into the animal world and find out how they laugh at humans. I gathered different images of animals laughing and converted them to let humans know that animals have their own ways of having fun. Especially this is how they must be making fun of those who think that animals cannot have fun.

When Garfield falls short for his lasagna

Animals Doing Funny Things – “Find any thing that has something to do with an animal doing something funny. Turn it into a GIF!”


  1. Figure out the subject of your GIF
  2. Find video on YouTube to use
  3. Upload video on
  4. Figure out where you want the GIF to start and end
  5. Make sure the GIF is short and makes sense then SAVE
  6. Click picture and make sure it’s a GIF after upload onto website


Here is yet another post involving cats because obviously I just really love animals (mostly cats and my dog). So for this I just looked up a short cat fail video because that was basically what I did all during this past school year when I got stressed. I had to start the GIF a little later in the video because at first the cat was just sort of sitting there looking around. As for the end of the GIF I ended it a few seconds after the fall. I could have just had the fall and it would look like a funny loop but I feel like there is more character, more of a story, with more before and after the fall.

This GIF is just about a very fluffy cat that just wants to be able to fly with the birds (so he can eat them of course). I’ll call him Garfield. Garfield knows his owner is watching closely as he is about to take off. He wants to make his owner proud. Garfield also wants to live out his dream in the clouds among the flock. How cool would that be? To not only be able to fly, but to be able to actively chase the birds in the air AND catch them for dinner. What a life! So Garfield decides to gauge how high up to jump, bobbing his head up a few times, and then prepare his legs for the jump. A shake of the butt, and phew he’s off! Garfield is flying! Wait… now Garfield is… falling? THUNK! Maybe Garfield will stick to flying only in his dreams. And cut back on the lasagna.


GIF (but not the peanut butter kind)

My first ever GIF!

The task: create a gif of an animal doing something funny

My gif:

I choose to make a gif of an animal fail. I went with penguins because (in case you missed it the other 400 times I mentioned it) they are my favorite animal. I chose to make this segment of the video because I think it amusing for several reasons. First, penguins are so stinking adorable. Also, I am SUPER impressed that he (I don’t really know if it’s a boy or a girl) was able to jump that high to begin with. That rock it at the same height as his head… that is like a person being able to jump over 5 feet into the air. I also think this is funny because he just picked a terrible place to try to jump. His rock of choice 1) is slanted and 2) has very little landing space. Hopefully he will learn from his mistakes and make a better landing choice next time.

How it was made:

I created this gif using a YouTube video and the giphy website.

The website was incredibly simple to use. I simply followed the onscreen directions and pasted in the YouTube link.

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 4.30.16 PM

Then I isolated the section I wanted for the gif

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 4.30.24 PM

and copied the provided link in order to embed it into WordPress.

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 4.31.15 PM

Note: I had to use the WordPress add media tool. I was not able to just copy the URL into the post.


Back in a Giffy…

This is my final blog post for the ds106 assignments but I’m sure I’ll be back!

For my final assignment I have to end on a light note, and what’s better than a funny gif of a dog?!

Animals doing funny things is the assignment i chose because who doesn’t love watching animals barking at window wipers and trying to carry a big stick through a small door?! I love dogs, I’m definitely more of a dog person that a cat person, sorry cat people…
Also, this dog is carrying out my ultimate dream, running through a big pile of leaves! Who wouldn’t want to do that?!


I’ve done a similar assignment to this one before called ‘Grease is the Word‘ based on my favourite movie; Grease.

I made this video by watching a lot, and i mean a lot, of funny dog video’s, these are all over Youtube and Facebook. Then the hardest part was to chose just one video, this was a lot harder than you’d thinks, there was a lot more video’s to chose from than i would like to admit.
So after watching way too many video’s of dogs, I finally cut down to one video I wanted to chose, however, unfortunately it was a montage of 10 videos…

If you fast forward to 2:31 that was my final chose, a little shitzu running through some leaves. The run up was another little shitzu swinging on a chair looking like the happiest most relaxed dog ever, at 56 seconds.

Now i could load it into a converter, I have to admit now that I’m not an expert with video’s and pictures and can’t make a  gif from scratch, however, if you would like to do so ‘GIZMODO‘ shows you how. Although I did use make a gif, so i uploaded my chosen video and selected the start time and duration of the video, because this is a gif i decided the video had to be very short and no longer than 4/5 seconds. I chose the duration of my gif to be 3 seconds, so no unneeded content was in it.
Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 14.51.56

And done! All that was left to do was download it and it was ready to go, a good cheer me up for a rainy day.

Canine Workout

Treadmilling dogs #4life!

Animals Doing Funny Things: Funny Dog Workout!

View post on CANINE WORKOUT! Hey, dogs need their exercise too! And don’t you forget it! This is hilarious! Some of us humans should take a page out of their books!!! #Fitness first, #Good health is not limited to … Continue reading