Seeing into the Future….

Line Remix – (3 Stars)

This assignment wanted us to remix a famous line and create a short story. I decided to use the famous line from the first Spider-Man (2002); “With great power comes great responsibility.” I decided to tell a story about my future self and how I finally accomplish my goal. I reflect on my past actions into getting becoming an CEO.

She’s the Man…NOT

The “Line remix” audio assignment caught my eye immediately. Do you know why? It is simply because of the “Elf” SoundCloud cover on the example! “Elf” is one of my favorite movies! Although that is what drew me to the assignment, I read the description and knew it would be challenging and creative, so here … Continue reading She’s the Man…NOT

Line Remix (3 Stars)

I chose an assignment for this post that is very inspirational. Many of us looks to quotes from movies to remind us of inspiring moments to help us in our own lives. Well we remixed a famous one here at Harvey’s Hate Mail to tell a bit of a different story than the original. I hope you enjoy it and see the resemblance.

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life.”
? Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. But you are every reason, every fear, and every nightmare I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are apart is the greatest day of my life. ”
? Harvey Hait

This makes 9 Stars for the week! Thanks for checking in and please leave any comments below!

Audio Assignment: Line Remix (3 pts.) Graduation Speech

My line remix contains lines from the following films (in this order): Grease, Forrest Gump, The King’s Speech, Jack, and Titanic. In doing this assignment, I started out with the first line from the scene in Grease where the principal is wishing the seniors at Rydell High best wishes for their future. I felt that the quote from Forrest Gump could relate to this because the speech is meant to be a sending-off or best wishes after graduation speech, and this could be a metaphor that relates how life can be unexpected. The line from The King’s Speech was initially in the final speech of the film where King George VI addresses his country, warning them of dark days ahead in the time of war, yet tells them not to lose faith and stay strong. In a graduation-type speech, this would make sense since in life, there were be dark days ahead and we are told to be prepared to face them. The middle section is from a graduation speech Robin Williams performs in the film Jack. It is very inspiring and gives hope for the intended audience about moving forward in life to make it something great and your own. The final line is famous from the film Titanic when Leonardo DiCaprio is at the front of the ship and yells “I’m the king of the world!” I chose to close with this line after the Jack line because it ends with “Make your life spectacular. I know I did” and this leads into the Titanic line as a way to suggest that the speaker is proud of the life they’ve lived and wants the same for his/her audience. This remix is meant to inspire us to push through the troublesome times in our lives and try to make the most of the time we have here on Earth.

Final Project Summary!

The first digital media to start off my Narrative is a VideoAssignment that I created and added to the assignment bank. The assignment was to create a short video about a minute thirty seconds to two minute’s long about a character. Give the viewer an idea about what this character is like using about 3-5 short video clips.

I decided to describe the Grinch. This is the first media source in my narrative and I used this project to introduce one of the two characters into the story.

I used a youtube to mp4 converter to download the videos I needed from youtube onto my computer.

Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 12.11.36 AM

Next I imported the video clips into iMovie where I could trim them and drag them into the order that I desired.

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I then uploaded the video to Youtube and my video assignment was complete.

#VideoAssignments1542 #VideoAssignments

The next assignment introduced into my story is one that I created and added to the assignment bank. It is an audio assignment worth 3 stars. The idea was to create an audio assignment where you would take a famous line from a movie, and remix it, to tell an entirely new story. This can be kind of tricky though, you want to make sure you have a good balance between old material and new material. You don’t want to change it so much that you cannot even tell where it originated, but you want it to be changed enough so that it tells a completely new story.

I took the popular line from Elf “I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.” I remixed it to a new location to introduce the story to a new adventure by saying “Buddy walked all the way from the North Pole, traveling through the seven layers of the candy cane forest, past the sea of swirly-twirly gum drops and then hiked up the mountain to the front door of the Grinch’s cave.”

This line leads up to the rest of the story by setting the location of the remainder and majority of the story at the Grinch’s cave on the top of the mountain.

I created this recording using sound cloud, and recorded myself telling the story directly.

To find quotes from Elf you can refer to About Education 

#AudioAssignments1539 #AudioAssignments

The next assignment I also created. This assignment is a web assignment worth 4 stars, involving a very popular book The Guinness Book of World Records.  This assignment can be used for more than just a story about a character, but really anything, maybe its a story about a record you always wanted to break, or something that would be funny to find in the book. My hope with creating this assignment was that there would be no limitations to what could be done with it, just one have to use the book.

I remixed the webpage using X-Ray Goggles, to create the longest snowball fight ever. It latest 6 hours and it was between Buddy the Elf and the Grinch, in Whoville.

Screen Shot of the webpage:

Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 11.12.47 PM

Link to live page 

#WebAssignments #WebAssignments1541

Close out a story in a five second GIF. Another assignment that I created under animated GIF’s, worth 4 stars. This assignment has two big elements. Not only is it important to create a GIF, but to also tell a story. This assignment can be tricky, because it is hard to find a video clip that can also be universal and fit your story.

I used the video clip at the very end of the movie Santa Clause 2. I knew I wanted to use that scene because I remember doing a video assignment with it previous in the semester and that clip really stuck out to me as just a good way to end a story.

This assignment can be fairly simple if you can find a good GIF generator, I used Make A GIF and I would recommend using this website or another one similar to it.

santa flys away

AnimatedGIFAssignments, AnimatedGIFAssignments1540

The final assignment is a design assignment worth 3 stars, that asks you to create a promotional poster for a movie or story. I created a promotional poster to promote my new story called Elf 2: Buddy Meets the Grinch. I added in what would be my favorite scene, a snowball fight between Buddy and the Grinch that actually made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

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#DesignAssignment #DesignAssignment1543

Line remix

Take a famous line from a movie and remix it. to create an entirely new story from just this one line. Get creative, but make sure to have a good balance between what you add and keep to make sure that the line is still regonizable, but tells the story completly differently.