Jess Carter’s Real Houswives Tagline

For this assignment, I decided to make my secret agent the new star on the Real Housewives series. I included her slogan “every artist starts out an amateur” and altered it to fit the show and making her a bit arrogant. This was really fun! I added some background music that I felt was similar to the intro music they use on the show. I found it on and it was called “Orchestral upbeat

The Type 1 Diabetic of Fredericksburg

Beverley Hills…Orange County…New Jersey…Atlanta…and now thanks to one of this week’s visual assignments, Fredericksburg!

Looking through the audio assignments for this week, the Real Housewives tagline assignment immediately jumped out to me.

I hate to admit it, but I am a Real Housewives fanatic. My dad loves to call it ‘trash’ tv, I love to call it Real Housewives Sunday Ticket (Like the NFL Sunday ticket but you just binge watch the Real Housewives all Sunday). The Real Housewives of New Jersey, of Orange County, of Beverley Hills…you find a city and I’ve probably watched every Real Housewives show that’s available near that area.

For this less familiar with the Real Housewives franchise, every episode starts off with introductions, in which the Housewives introduce themselves with their very own tagline. Some opt for the humorous tagline. Some go for more sarcastic or snarky statements. I’ve memorized more tagline than I care to admit, and actually, have a top 10 list of the all-time best taglines for those interested (#noshame). And I know that every Real Housewife fan, myself included, has spent time and effort into coming up with their own tagline if they were ever called to be a housewife.


Well, sort of. This assignment gave me the chance to share what my tagline would be if I was on the show which I will take!

As I said, I’ve had my tagline for a long time. When I hear someone’s tagline, it is supposed to represent who they are or who they want others to perceive them as. It can be dramatic, funny, sarcastic, witty, or snarky. But these taglines represent the women and the stories that unfold throughout the season and their lives while on the show.

So, if I were to be on a show like this, my tagline would be…

Featuring “the Type 1 Diabetics of Fredericksburg” a spinoff show of the Real Housewives with Diabetics instead of Housewives!

I got the idea to complete this assignment as part of a spinoff show called the “Type 1 Diabetics of Fredericksburg” from my love of the real Real Housewives and after I saw a spoof video in which type 1 diabetics made their taglines that were similiar to the show’s taglines but fit their lives as Type 1 Diabetics.

I am a Type 1 Diabetic and found this video to be so hilarious that I decided to make up my own tagline that would fit if I was ever on the real Real Housewives of my ‘spinoff’ real housewives.

As a type 1 diabetic, sugars tend to make my blood sugar spike. In order to control my blood sugars, I have to give myself a bolus, which is an injection of insulin that counters the sugar levels in my blood. Type 1 Diabetes obviosuly runs my life, so I thought coming up with a catchy tagline that fit my life as T1D would be perfect for this assignement.

Simply using my iPhone, I downloaded an audio recording of the music used during the taglines in the Real Housewives show. Once I had the audio, I voice recorded over it saying my tagline. Then I simply uploaded it to SoundCloud and became A Type 1 Diabetic of Fredericksburg!

I had a lot of fun with this assignment and it was a great intro assignemnt to get me ecxited to making more audio projects throughout the week!

The Real Characters of DS106 Tagline

For this assignment, I had to create a tagline expressing who I am. I chose to create one expressing what my character Deidra the Determinator was like. The tagline is kind of long compared to the taglines that they use for the show Real Housewives but I think it’s ok.

It expresses Deidra’s mindset. To create this tagline, I recorded my voice using the voice memos app on my phone. I then uploaded the recording to GarageBand, a program on my laptop. As I was playing around with the different features on GarageBand, I was able to manipulate the sound of my voice and change the pitch.


The Real House Wife of King George

This assignment was super fun to me! I love the Real House Wives. I have been watching since I was in late elementary school. So when I was told to come up with a tag line, I decided that one wasn’t good enough.

The first one talks about my major. I am super excited to be majoring in biology. However, I think it’s also important to point out that I’m not just a science girl. I also enjoy communication and I work as a speaking center consultant at Mary Washington. I love how this tagline shows you a little about me academically.

I also thought it was important to point out how I feel about my school. I hope it has become obvious, but I absolutely love the University of Mary Washington. It has become my home and I love showing and telling everyone how much I truly love it there.

For anyone who doesn’t watch the show religiously, Luann from the Real House Wives of New York sings an iconic song titled, Money Can’t Buy You Class. So I feel like this tag line really shows off that I am a true fan of the show and a broke college student.

Anyone who has ever met me in person most likely has noticed that at any given moment I will break out in song and dance. I like to live my life like I am in High School Musical, so I felt like that was important to highlight.

I love rainbows and unicorns. My residence hall was rainbow unicorn themed, my back back is covered in both, even my swim suit sports both. So I feel like that tagline really shows you who I am.

Real Housewives of …

For my second weekly assignment I became the newest “Real Housewife!” I’ll admit this series is one of my guilty pleasures. I may not be current on episodes or have seen every spinoff city, but I do guiltily watch this show from time to time.

The tagline I decided would be best is “If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.” I have often been given comments in parking lots or at the grocery store checkout like “Wow! You have YOUR hands full!” or “They look like they’re a handful.” Indicating that my children are almost too much to handle or almost out of grasp/control. I’ll admit that my children are not always the most well behaved. They can paw at each other in a shopping cart, steal each others snack, trip each other for their own amusement and blame the one who isn’t there for the mess that was created. However, at some point in the day my heart bursts with love when I hear someone say “Mama….luhh yoo” or a “Thanks, Mom! That dinner was so amazing!” (even though it was only fish sticks, rice and green beans.) So, although my kids can be a handful they fill my heart with a love I could have never imagined.

I used the instrumental from the introduction of “The Real Housewives of Orange County” as background music just like the other housewives have when saying their taglines. Then, I continued the rest of the introduction with the other housewives taglines in an effort to make my tagline sound like it was part of the show.


Real housewives tagline

This assignment was called real houswives tagline and was worth 3 stars. For this assignment you had to create a tagline for yourselves as if you were on one of the real houswives shows. I love those shows so this was great for me. I decided to make mine: my heart may not be gold, but at least my credit card is platinum. I chose this because on that show everyone has a cold black soul but they all have endless supplies of money and credit cards to I thought it would be fitting to combine the two. This has been my favorite audio assignment so far!


You Won’t Believe who the Next Real House Wife is!

This is my response to the Real Housewives Tagline assignment, worth 3 stars. I had to create a tagline to be used in a hypothetical situation where I am the next star on Real Housewives. Here is my tagline:

I wanted to go with something kind of goofy, but kind of flirty at the same time. This display of overconfidence is meant to be a thin veil for the not so well hidden insecurities of an arrogant housewife. Situations like this make me really glad Hotz is my last name. I recorded this using Reaper.

I then used Reafir, a built in plugin that comes with Reaper, to remove the background noise from the recording.

Screenshot (288).png

I then used Renaissance EQ to to slightly modify my voice. I didn’t do anything super drastic here. I mainly just cut some of the resonance out of my voice and further eliminated background noise. I also have PAZ-frequency open to help me see the frequencies I am working with.

Screenshot (289).png

I finally added DeEsser to the track to take the harshness out of my “s” consonants, such is in the word “it’s” and in my last name. I got all of these plugins except Reafir in the Waves Silver bundle while it was on sale for an amazing price. Screenshot (290).png

Real Housewives Tagline

Real Housewifes Tagline

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” I used this tagline because it is my favorite quote. I think this quote is important and I used it as my tagline because I think no matter what, the most important thing to do is to love yourself. No matter what you are going to do with your life, at lease go at it full force and be good at it. I think these days it is too stressed you need certain jobs that make certain amounts of money but why be average at a good job when you could deb great at a job you are great at?


I shouldn’t even have to explain why I did this assignment, but I will. Simply put: because I’m real. The realest. Like 100% farm fresh dairy, no pasteurization required… yet. Fresh grated cheese kind of real. Homemade yogurt real. I can call up Ben & Jerry for a pint of ice cream at 3:00am real!


… Now, I just want dairy.

Anyways, here’s my tagline. I think it speaks for itself.

My Pug is Smarter than your Honor Student- Audio Assignment 1725

For my final audio assignment of the week, I chose to create my own tagline if I were on the Real Housewives. My roommates and I joke around that we’re actually the Real Housewives of Fredericksburg, so this came to me pretty quickly! Enjoy!

If any of you have read my blog, you know I’m obsessed with my pug. If I were on the Real Housewives, my pug would definitely be my baby/child/obsession. It’s casual, but in all seriousness I get tired of seeing those bumper stickers: “My child is an honor student at blah blah blah middle school!”, so I felt my character would appropriately mock that tagline. And my pug probably isn’t smarter than your honor student, but I’m self-centered and entitled, so therefore you can’t convince me otherwise.


Here is how I completed the assignment:

  1. Use SoundCloud to record your voice.
  2. Go to Upload, and select “record.”
  3. Speak clearly into your microphone, recording until pleased with the result.
  4. Upload and publish for all to enjoy!