DNA: A poetry reading

For my first audio assignment of the week I chose to the poetry reading assignment. It was pretty simple, not shocking given it’s only worth 1.5 stars. When I saw the assignment, I felt it would be relatively easy to find a poem that expresses who Isabelle Franklin is. She’s a scientist; she’s curious. Initially I started looking for poems about curiosity. I was pretty quickly disappointed. So, instead I took a shot at searching for poems about science and found a really cool book full of poems. I chose to do “DNA” and tie it in to Isabelle’s issues with her Dad. At the end of the poem,  I sigh and say “Oh, Dad” to add an element of story to the audio (as was part of the assignment). With this assignment, I was able to bring out how Isabelle still longs for her Dad. Yet, still has a lot of resentment towards him.

Also, I know design week is over but I can’t help sharing the beautifully designed page for the poem I found. The book is called 30 Days of Quantum Poetry by xYz which was the pseudonym for biologist and writer Joanna Tilsley. I think it’s both stunning and brilliant so I have to share!


The purpose of this assignment was to pick our favorite poem or just any poem and recite it and then relate it back to a story. I choose a poem by E.E. Cummings (biography) called  I carry your heart with me. There are many interpretations with poetry, and you can find meanings in each line and stanza but for me it was not so much of a lovey dovey poem but a poem that was expressing an overwhelming love and loyalty. That reminded me of Odysseus and all the trials he went through in the Odyssey and the Iliad. Nothing could make him waver and he stayed loyal and kept the love he had for his family, and country in his heart until he returned home.  I did not do anything special when making this. I recorded the poem being recite on my phone and uploaded it to sound cloud. Then I pasted the final product in this post below. I also attached the poem itself.



Claire Patrick 2013-06-09 18:45:50

So, for this assignment we were supposed to read a poem and make it a story…. I found this short poem excerpt online dedicated to Rod Serling and his heart-throbiness and made a recording of it as part of my thoughts on his babe-ness. love rod Difficulty: 1 1/2 stars, but I’m lobbying for another 1/2 star for this one because I made such a cutie pic of him to go along with it. View the Original Assignment Here

Audio: Take 2

The last time we did audio work I really enjoyed it and learned to appreciate it…these past couple of weeks I learned to appreciate it a lot more. These were very difficult for me and technology was not always being my best friend. I did really enjoy getting more acquainted with Audacity and I think got [...]

Audio Assignment #3

I love poetry, so I loved this assignment. It’s only worth 1 star, which maybe should be worth more, but oh well.


I read Daddy by Sylvia Plath. 1. I love Sylvia because she’s brilliant and we have the same birthday (oct 27). 2. My dad is not involved in my life and this poem aptly sums up my feelings.

I recorded myself with my built in microphone in my laptop. I then uploaded it to soundcloud (it might have taken a few tries at recording with rhythm). The poem can be found here.

I love audio assignments and this one was probably my favorite. I also read poetry for the roadtrip radio show. I love the rhythm that comes with reading poetry. The words take on their own meaning and spoken word is SO powerful. To recite this poem was liberating because people always ask about my dad, but I never really tell the truth. This poem is my way of declaring I’m done. So thanks ds106.

Me Who? Exactly What?


This is a poetry read of a Shel Silverstein poem, entitled “The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt” and I read it for the “Poetry Reading” audio assignment. I like this poem because it reminds me of how homophonic the English language is, which just makes it all the more confusing. (From a Linguistic point of view, English is a baffling language.) I see it as a story in an abstract sense. I see the cyclical nature of the poem, and relate that to the cycle of life, which to me is always a story–the poem begins and ends with a similar “Knock, knock” phrase. To complete this assignment, I recorded myself on Audacity reading this poem (a confusing sounding poem, it’s actually easier to read, that to listen to), exported it, and uploaded it to my SoundCloud. Lemme know whatchu think about that.

Vergnügungen von Bertolt Brecht

A 1-star Poetry Reading assignment: Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud in a way that itself makes it a story. Then at the ending of that poem extend it or connect it to a story — this has to be more than just reading a poem to be a story.

Bertolt Brecht, “Vergnügungen” [1954]

Der erste Blick aus dem Fenster am Morgen
Das wiedergefundene alte Buch
Begeisterte Gesichter
Schnee, der Wechsel der Jahreszeiten
Die Zeitung
Der Hund
Die Dialektik
Duschen, Schwimmen
Alte Musik
Bequeme Schuhe
Neue Musik
Schreiben, Pflanzen
Freundlich sein.

Translation: Pleasures

The first view from the window in the morning
The newly found old book
Happy faces
Snow, the change of seasons
the newspaper
the dog
Showering, swimming
old Music
comfortable shoes
new music
Writing, plants
Being kind.

Poetry Reading for ds106

The audio assignments for ds106 have intimidated me a bit more than the design or visual assignments. As a result, I started with Poetry Reading because it didn’t scare me as much as others. This poem, The Country, by Billy Collins is one of my all time favorites.

If you enjoy the poem, you can also hear Billy Collins read it.


Poetry Reading — MISSION: DS106 Poetry is meant to be read aloud. Select a poem – it can be a personal favorite or one you find randomly – and read it aloud. Explain in your recording why you chose that poem.

Lots of S sounds I am afraid.

I am reading a poem by my daughter about hillwalking.
An Caisteal and Beinn a'Chroin

Phenomenal Woman Poetry Reading

I did a reading of Phenomenal woman for my DS106 Audio category. This was a stressful assignment, mostly because I kept messing up and having to re-record. Not to mention how terrible I think my own voice sounds, all nasally yuck! In any-case i chose this poem because it was a very powerful poem and it has lots of fun rhyming. Also because I think it suits me well. I am not sure how to upload a sound-cloud, so I hope this works.

Oh but then I remembered that we had to do something future related, so this will be a double DS106. A very hard to read poem about the Future. Have a listen, I made a couple of mistakes, can you catch them? Here is the poem:


someday everyone will be wise in the future
everyone will be sensible and forward thinking
wear sensible shoes and act accordingly in the future
wise action according to everyone will be the act
of the future everyone will be futuristic someday
according to god according to everyone and their shoes
in the future everyone will be godless and free
act accordingly in the future or else
play accordions wisely in your godless future
in the future accordions will play themselves

act three in the future: there will be no accordions
everyone will get nostalgic for the accordion god
and act as if they were wise in the future
everyone will be according to god
in the future everyone will not act accordingly
wisdom is unholy in the future
to act accordingly is to stay out of trouble
in the future jails will be bigger and much better
everyone will need some punishment in the future
thinking of accordions will be a crime

lawrence welk is a revolutionary in the future
to act accordingly is to act with wisdom
everyone will act as one in the future
accordingly for everyone to act
in the future everyone will be discredited
everyone must act now to avoid the future
be wise and dont act accordingly
play accordions in the street the future cannot
wait for wisdom and forced accord
one chord might save the future

Stephen Roxborough
And here is my Recording: