After browsing the Design Assignments, I noticed that 70 people had completed the “Messing with MacGuffin Assignment”. This, by far, out numbers all the other number of completed assignments. Why is this? Probably because it is an easy assignment to complete, it doesn’t take much time, and man it is fun trying to come up with something that is different. This Hangover example was one of the first to pop in my head, so I ran with it.
I can totally see this as an introductory type assignment to ds106. Its quick, easy, and fun trying to brainstorm ideas. This is also a great example of a ds106 type assignment I would use to try and explain just exactly what ds106 is. Yes, this assignment is really only scratching the surface, but I think it is a great first stepping stone.
On another note,
With SOPA awareness on the brain (and internet) today, The Daily Create’s assignment went right along with it: Create an image that reflects SOPA in your eyes. Here’s what I came up with: