Lost and Found

Droids McGuffin

This DS106 McGuffin was inspired by this post from Allen Liddell.


Bugs Bunny gets all the love, but Woody Woodpecker was just as bad ass, so I’m dedicating my first GIF in a long while to the classic “Niagara Fools” episode, which this GIF is taken from. If you haven’t seen this one yet, you really, really should.

What’s more, I came up with this animated GIF while searching for another Woody Woodpecker episode titled “Bunco Busters” (see it here) that has the classic line “If Woody had gone right to the police, this would never have happened.” For me, this episode of Woody Woodpecker is the ultimate in messing with the MacGuffin because at several key points throughout the cartoon a noir-inspired detective with burning cigarette intervenes to let everyone know how Woody could have avoided being swindled by Vulture. It’s great stuff, and in many ways the ur-messing-with-macguffin, at least from Woody Woodpecker cartoons.

Psycho macguffin

psycho macguffin

Originally uploaded by rushaw.

First Hitchcock macguffin?

Alternative Movie History: The Pogo Stick

You’ll jump your eye out, kid?

Just Don’t Use It After Midnight.