Book Revamp

Assignment #3

For my final assignment I decided to make a new book cover for a classic book from the Creative Action Network. I have been reading a lot of books recently so I felt like this would be an assignment I would really enjoy. I chose a book I have not yet read before but heard a lot about, Anne of Green Gables. I used canva to make the book cover and got inspiration for the cover by looking up images of the book/movie on google!

Secret Garden

Simplified cover of the secret garden

Design A Cat Garden

For this weeks assignment I chose to do DesignAssignments1836 Recover a Classic. For this assignment you had to take a classic novel and create a new cover. The theme on the page seemed to be to simplify the cover. 21636368109_c87a300431_mThe Dracula cover is an example from the website. I chose to do The Secret Garden. My mom read this book to me when I was little and I still have a copy on my shelf.

To create this image I decided to first try it in Word. I created a rectangle and an arch but I could not make the image have multiple colors. So I decided to try again in Paint. I have a Mac so I had to download Paint 2 from the app store. I created the whole image but it would not let me save without the paint symbol on the image! GURRRRRR

So I started again but I did not want to start from scratch so I took a screenshot Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 3.40.30 PMof the image in Word and uploaded that picture to GIMP. Ahh GIMP I have created many projects for this class using GIMP. In GIMP I was able to change color and then add the text I wanted. I did a simple design of a grey path leading to a arch, the arch to the secret garden. The Secret Garden By Frances

While I was going through the assignments to upload my book cover I found another assignment I wanted to do just for fun. DesignAssignments1721 Dog It Out is where you alter the image of your pet to make it awesome. I thought of a web page where you can to that. Gangstify Your Pet  is a page created for the Key and Peele movie Keanu.  You can upload a picture of your pet and Gangstify it! Here is Rascal looking amazing. IMG_5186

Dracula, The 2016 Edition

As a lover of books, I was at awe when I saw I could recreate the cover of one of my favorite classics. I have the Barnes & Nobel’s hardcover edition of Dracula, by Bram Stoker, and I was absolutely love the way they designed the cover.

For this edition, I wanted to recreate Dracula, but more kid-friendly. I did this by adding bat clipart to represent Dracula, but still kept the creepiness by writing out Dracula in a horror-movie themed font.

As for creation, I again created the book cover layout through paint, the computer application. I gave it a red tint, and added text to it through PicMonkey, as well as the clipart.

This is what I created.

Dracula Cover

Recover the classics

The Creative Action Network is running a campaign for Recovering the Classics. I thought it would make a good assignment, so now it is. Supposedly you get a kickback if your cover sells. So I made this thing:


I probably should have gone more minimal and just used two red dots for bite marks, but instead I went overboard and tried to represent a neck. I googled neck to find an image (because I’m lazy), cropped it a bit and traced an outline. I didn’t think it looked neck-like enough, so I put a chin line in there. That was actually quite a pain because I did it in Illustrator and I suck at bezier curves. I used Baskerville for the typeface because it’s a classic. The Sherlock Holmes connection is completely coincidental. I wanted to use the Golden Rectangle for the proportions, but the site specifies 12×18, so I guess we can’t make Vignelli happy. In retrospect I still don’t think it looks neck-like enough, but I’m calling it done anyway.

Recover a classic

Help out the Creative Action Network and Recover A Classic. Design a book cover for one of the public domain classics on their list ( It’s for a good cause. Details are on the site.