Guess the Movie?!

Reducing a movie into 4 icons is fun! I had a movie in mind as soon as I saw the assignment on the week 6 blog, so I knew I had to do it! I used my picsart app again to copy and paste the icons in somewhat of an order, although the order doesn’t matter. 1 Hint for you guys is that this movie is a series with 6 almost 7 movies out!


Guess My Movie!!! One Story/Four Icons- (2.5 Stars)

For this assignment, we were suppose to take a movie or story and explain it only using four icons! I absolutely love movies, so the hard part wasn’t thinking of a movie, it was trying to pick from all the movies that I wanted to use. Once I finally figured out what movie I wanted to use it was easy to choose the icons to explain the movie. I picked this movie because it is one of my mom’s favorite stories of all time and I feel that it is easy to represent the important symbols in the movie. I got my icons off of Google, once I found the images I wanted I just saved them to my media library and uploaded them to word press. It was very easy to find them, and I think they do a great job of explaining the plot of the movie. I really enjoyed doing this assignment and I feel it turned out great. Good luck GUESSING!!!




Guess the Movie!! One Story/Four Icons

For the design assignment One Story/Four Icons I had a hard time deciding what movie to do. I was thinking of a classic like Star Wars but I have already done plenty of assignments based on that. Then I was trying to think of some comedies that would be good to do four icons with. Then it came to me an infamous scene from a famous movie. Thanks to the nounproject website finding all the icons I needed was simple. I actually had a bit of trouble unzipping the icons once I downloaded them, so I opened them into paint and then re-saved them as JPEGs. Then I moved all four of my icons into google docs and saved the file.

Pulp Fiction

Photo Credits:

Pasquale Cavorsi: Couple

Erik Wagner: Gun

Jinju Jang: Fast-Food

Ben Cunningham: Briefcase

This assignment is worth 2.5 stars.

One Movie, Four Icons!

Assignment Link (2.5 Stars)

Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 8.18.40 PM

Guess the movie based from the four above icons!

When I saw this assignment, I got really excited to see what movie I could represent through four icons but as soon as I picked the movie I wanted, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I chose one of my all time favorite action movies, and I chose to represent it by using a soldier, helicopter, rocket launcher, and a runner, where all four have significant roles throughout the movie. I have seen this movie several times, and it is always a great watch, not just because of the action, but the story behind the movie as well. I also wanted to a choose a movie that wasn’t too difficult for me to create and too difficult for others too guess. So hopefully, this won’t turn out to be a long term guessing game.

I used NounProject for all my icons in my story, and I had no problem downloading the icons themselves. Now, I don’t personally own photoshop, unfortunately, but I was able to use google drawings to place my images in a simple format without anything fancy.

Credits for Photos:

Soldier by Luis Prado

Helicopter by Marat

Rocket Launcher by Blaise Sewell

Runner by Christopher T. Howlett


One Story/Four Icons

Original Assignment (2.5 Stars)

casinoThere were so many movies running through my head when I started this assignment. For some reason, I wanted to pick a film that was gritty/ruthless. The four icons I displayed represent, greed, murder, money, and deception. Many people consider this film to be a classic. Without giving too much away, the director and main actor in this movie are considered to be some of Hollywood’s greats. There  a few movies that may come to mind when glancing at the icons, but I know someone will get it correct. I’ve watched this flick many times because sometimes I miss certain things that I won’t catch until the second/third time around.

In Photoshop

In Photoshop

Thanks to the Noun Project, I was able to download some nice icons that fit the theme of my story. I threw them in Photoshop and placed them side by side, creating different layers. Then I added two layers of text and some horizontal lines to (somewhat) spruce it up a bit. Overall, it’s a pretty basic black/white layout, didn’t want to get all fancy and crazy with it. Happy guessing my fellow classmates.


The-Futurists (Mob) designed by Giacomo Palamara

Money designed by Atelier Iceberg

Poker-Chips designed by Claire Jones

Murder designed by Ricardo Augusto Cherem



the hobbit (1)

2 1/2 stars

For my first design assignment I did the four icon story assignment, which asked us to take a story we know well and parse it down to four visual icons in a minimalist manner.

I feel like this story is pretty easy to guess, but I’m very happy with the way it came out. It’s one of my favorite stories, and one I know a lot of people enjoy as well. I pulled all the icons from The Noun Project, which is an incredible resource for icons and clipart. I was really amazed by the quality.

Instead of making it plain black and white, I wanted to give the story some texture. I made this in Photoshop by creating a beige background and applying a texture layer to make it look like paper. Then I downloaded and placed all of the individual icons. It still looked a little bare though, so I started playing around with lines. Eventually I made a few tiny triangles, liked the way they looked, and copy and pasted until they resembled a line. I like how they look like tiny mountain ranges (which ties pretty well into the story, if you’re familiar with it.)

I’m a really big fan of minimalist design, and I love how this turned out. The project was actually really fun, and I considered a lot of books before deciding on this one. It make me think about stories in a visual manner for the first time, and I wanted to choose something that would truly represent the story so that viewers would see it and immediately think “I know that!”




The ring was Free Domain




One Story / Four Icons

I am a huge fan of the these guessing assignments! This assignment we had to take 4 icons and be able to guess the movie. To complete this assignment I went to google images, typed in item (word I was looking for) silhouette.     So?! any guess?!!           Hopefully you guessed […]

One Story/Four Icons: My Submission!

Here’s my go at One Story/Four Icons.  This will probably be an easy guess for most people, but I chose to do this movie anyways because it is a classic and one of my favorites!

Forrest Gump in Four Pictures


Here are the credits for the pictures.  I did not list the source for the feather as it is was listed under public domain on the website.

-Sneaker by Simon Child from The Noun Project
-Bench by Drew McCurdy from the Noun Project
-Solider by Marat from The Noun Project


In total, this assignment was worth 2.5 Stars

Take your guess!

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 2.59.41 PM

I’m thinking of a movie, your only four hints are a microphone, drugs, a guitar, and love. It didn’t take me long to come up with a movie to use for this project. The harder part was representing the movie in just four pictures, and not giving away what movie I was using. The movie is one of my all time favorites, and I am afraid to say anything else, because I really don’t want to give it away. Leave some comments and see if you can guess the movie.

This assignment is worth 2.5 Stars!

One Story/Four Icons

Between our two options for “Visual Thinking and Symbols” this week, I chose “One Story/Four Icons” which is 2.5 stars. To keep it easy and stop myself from trying to remember every movie I’ve seen, I just chose to do my favorite movie and the first one that always pops into my mind. Here are the icons:

movie in four icons

I got the icons from the Noun Project website by just searching for images that came to mind when I thought of the movie. The website had loads of options and it was fun to scroll through them- some even gave me inspiration for other key moments in the movie.

After downloading the icons, I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to crop them all together. I decided to download Paintbrush for Mac, which seemed easy, but it kept shutting down randomly. Then every once in a while it kept shutting down after I hit “save” without actually saving anything. My point is that, don’t use Paintbrush for Mac haha. I wasn’t sure what other options I had, so I tried my best to not get frustrated and just edit the image the best I could and put them in an order I liked. Once I finally finished it, I opened it on “Preview” on my Mac, saved it as a JPEG, then uploaded it to my Flickr.

I think the icons represent the movie well, let me know what movie you think it is?! Good luck!

Icons are: Dancer by George Patterson, Crown by Jakub Caja, Bus by Mariagloria Posani, and Profanity by Juan Pablo Bravo.