Crack Spirit Guide: The GIRLS Trading Card

Crack Spirit Guide trading card

Making movie trading cards is easier than I thought it would be when I decided to do the Movie Trading Card Assignment. I wanted to make a more traditional movie trading card and not a Pokemon card so I lucked out when I found this trading card from Silkwood.

I chose to base my trading card on GIRLS, which if you hadn’t noticed from my previous work, is one of my favorite tv shows. One of my all time favorite scenes from the show is from season 1 when Shoshanna accidentally takes crack at a party and Jessa appoints Ray to be her “Crack Spirit Guide” to help keep her safe. The pink background on the trading card was extracted from Shoshana’s shirt and the text and the border are in white. I usedĀ this image that I found from the scene and scaled it up to fit better in the frame.

After readingĀ this articleĀ about the typography used for theĀ GIRLSĀ logo, I searched for some art-deco inspired fonts for the text of the card and after trying a few fonts, decided to useĀ ParisishĀ for the quote on the trading card. I copied theĀ GIRLSĀ logo and edited it in GIMP before pasting it into the card.

The whole process wasĀ simplerĀ than I expected and I love how my trading card turned out.

Movie Trading Cardsā€”now with animation!

The Thing Trading Cards: FlamethrowerInspired by the Sno-Cat movie trading card for The Shining, I started messing around with how I could do this in GIMP. While playing I started to think, why can’t we animate the movie scenes? A few hours later I figured it out and I’m currently working on a tutorial—I already submitted a new assignment for this in the Animated GIF category. There are a few things I need to clean up, like adding the trademark information below the Flamethrower title and making the card look a bit worn. Above is my first experiment with one of my all-time favorite films The Thing (1982)—and if you know the film you know how important the flamethrower truly is!

Collect Them All! Fan-made My Little Pony trading cards! (****)

Now for a limited time you can get the new “Insanity Twilight”Ā  Trading Card! Once played on the field, this card is unstoppable!
"Insanity Twilight" MLP Trading Card

I love Yugioh cards, and I love My Little Pony, so why not combine the two and see what happens? I created this for the Movie Trading Cards assignment.Instead of using a movie, I ended up using a screenshot from one of my favorite episodes of MLP (Movie, Episode…they sound the same to me. I don’t watch many movies.)I tried to duplicate the format of an actual Yugioh card to create this. I used 12 layers in all, including the background, border, title template, text, and drop shadows. The background is a mix of a tile filter, and a multicolored gradient.

I took a screenshot from an episode called Lesson Zero where Twilight only has 24 hours to submit her weekly friendship report. She ends up going crazy because, as a straight-A student, the thought of being tardy is devastating to her. She ends up going to extreme lengths to make up a report to turn in. What this episode and the card have in common is that both are results of waiting until the last minute to do something. Only when the player’s life points are almost gone can this card be played, and when it is played, it deals an immense amount of damage to the other player’s life points or card. (Life points are like…points that keep the game in motion. If you lose them all, you’ve lost the duel.)

There’s already a kid-friendly version of MLP Trading Cards, but I figured mine is what they would look like if they were characters that you could actually battle each other with. If they all looked like this I would TOTALLY collect them all!

Jareth ā€“ Magic Trading Card

For another DS106 assignment I chose to make a movie trading card. I wanted to remix not only the movie but an iconic trading card template from the famous card game, Magic the Gathering. Here it is, I hope everyone likes it! I had a lot of fun with this one.

I did everything you see here with Photoshop CS5.


That way when GIMP decides to crap out (because it will. It will.) and you are faced with the Immovable Filters Menu and nothing works even though your Task Manager says the program is running, you will not end up whimpering pathetically in front of your laptop and staring at this:


I’m going to re-do this assignment. I WANT TO FINISH THIS WEEK DAMMIT. But I also wanted to show that yes I’m working and doing stuff and. Just. UGH.

Why is everything going wrong this week? WHY?!?!

Top Gun

From the Movie Trading Cards assignment:Ā Design trading cards for your favorite movie. Use a screenshot from a film an use it to create a trading card in the spirit of the classĀ Star Wars movie trading cards. Also see the imagine trading card forĀ The Shininghere. Idea inspired by Sean Hartter’s rendition of Brazil trading cards inthis post.

It is one of the cheesiest movies I have ever watched, and I watched it for the first time in my life last night as part of my ongoing movie education. Ā I loved it. Ā I thought it only fair to create a movie trading card in GIMP of Top Gun. Ā I got my images here and there. I layered the images and used a sans serif condensed font to write in the little tidbits of information.

Lillian is really doing it!

This is 4 star design assignment 448, “Movie Trading Cards.” This assignment was to create a trading card for our favorite movie! I chose Bridesmaids, shocker I know.

I used PicMonkey to create my trading card. I chose the scene where they all get food poisoning and Lillian goes outside to find a bathroom. She doesn’t make it to one in time, so she just uses the street instead. It was very funny because all this occurs with Lillian in a WEDDING DRESS. I tried to give my card a girly touch since it is a girly movie, but a girly trading card just seems weird. It isn’t as good as Jim Groom’s trading card, but I am okay with that.

Lords Of Dogtown

Lord of Dogtown trading card? I think YES! Lord of Dogtown is a classic movie about boys trying to make it big skating. I picked a scene where several of the main characters are “shredding” or skating a drained pool. I used to create this trading card. I gave the picture a boarder to create the card look. I then added some words and the name of the movie to make it legit.



Tumbling through The Shining

There is this….

From which this was born

And then there is this

Which I already turned into a ds106 design assignment here.Ā Have I mentioned how much I love my Tumblr these days? And in no small part because I can follow the Overlook Hotel :)

Movie Trading Cards

For this assignment I had to make movie trading cards. Similar to Pokemon cards that us teens use to trade with our friends in elementary school. I used my all time favorite movie for this project, Titanic. I used the main characters of course which are Jack and Rose Dawson. I would say these cards are the exclusive cards, and only 10 of them were printed and sold. I showed that the cards came from Titanic INC. and are $1.00 each. I had really fun doing this assignment because it’s different. People can trade these cards for other characters that were in the movie as well, or people can collect them and keep them forever.