Iconic Me

This fan-created Yu-Gi-Oh card tells others that I like Yu-Gi-Oh and Metroid.

My heart is in medicine

For my last assignment bank post of the week to round out my 10 total stars, I selected a 2 star assignment called iconic you. This assignment tells you to make a simple image that somehow represents you. For this image I knew I wanted to do something medical because that is what I plan to do with the rest of my life. I just simply used paint to draw a single heartbeat (no it is not drawn accurately to scale and if you have this exact heartbeat you should probably go to the hospital to be checked for heart complications haha). This symbolizes me because cardiology I really what I think I will end up going in to. I spend roughly 8 hours a week shadowing cardio-thoracic surgery and physically cannot get enough. I am a heart junkie ha ha. I even wear a ring (given to me by my boyfriend) that is a heart beat. No, he did not give it to me to symbolizes like the emotion of a heartbeat, he gave it to me because he knows I’m obsessed with cardiology and knew I would love it for that reason. Everything in medicine also depends on your heart. Without a heartbeat there is no medicine. I think my picture came out okay. It is hard to draw straight lines in paint without making them look robotic.



If I Had to Describe Myself It’d Be

For my final design assignment for the week I decided to do the two star assignment that has you create an icon to describe yourself. As the picture they had Mickey Mouse’s ears, which made me a little sad because I wanted to do Minnie with a tiara (I just love her). So I decided to take a new approach and look at the things that really mean something to me. First of all my family is everything. I love them more than they will ever know and I’m so glad that they will always have my back. So, I wanted to put two things in my icon to represent them, a heart and a four leaf clover (we always have the luck of the Irish, plus I am superstitious like crazy). So I decided, why not make the four leaf clover be my base and put something in each leaf? Brilliant, I know.

So that’s exactly what I did. I opened up paint and set a drew of a four-leaf clover to be my background. I then drew in a heart (for family and love), Mickey Mouse (for believing in my dreams), an apple (because my passion is teaching and that is what I want to be when I grow up, trust me it is not because I like apples (unless they are covered in sugar)), and finally math symbols (since math is the first thing I was ever truly passionate about). I believe that these things all represent who I am as a person and who I want to be as well, so it’s the perfect icon for me! I was proud because I drew all of this freely, which is impressive considering my lack of artistic abilities. Here was my final result:


Thanks for reading!

Princess Karissa

“Who is the star-bearer, and what will he loose that was bound?”

Although I didn’t quite complete the Iconic You assignment in the more minimalist spirit it was perhaps supposed to reflect, I am still SO. DARN. PROUD. of the work I did here. This might actually be my favorite project from the whole semester. I’m SO HAPPY with the balance here, the way I was able to add a little texture to the piece, and how nicely the emboss effect emphasized the design of the stars.

"What are three stars?"

Throughout the Riddle-Master Trilogy, the main protagonist, Morgon of Hed, is describe as having three blood-red stars across his brow. He was born with them, and they are the catalyst to his destiny.

And I swear to God, if anybody even MENTIONS Harry Potter I will flip tables, SO HELP ME.

I’ve actually put a LOT of thought into the way I visualize these stars. The idea of a “star” is pretty deeply encoded into our visual lexicon; most often, when someone writes the word “star,” the visual looks like some iteration of this:

The thing is, these stars are literally part of Morgon’s face. They’re not images or symbols, not really, they’re organic flesh and blood. I always thought they would be closer to scars or birthmarks than the perfect five-pointed design our culture has chosen to represent the concept of “star.” I started thinking about how scars look, how the skin pulls and stretches and puckers around them, and came up with the basic shape I used in the design above. They’re imperfect, and I always envisioned them as sort of recessed in his skin, as if the upper layer of his epidermis had been torn off somehow, exposing a thinner layer of skin beneath that clearly shows the color of his blood.

Yeah, so when I said “I put a lot of thought into this,” maybe I meant “I am mildly obsessed.”

The background color is also significant, though for a different reason. The first time I read through the Riddle-Master Trilogy I was pretty young, and didn’t have much knowledge about diversity in fantasy and scifi except the nagging suspicion that there was a rather marked dearth of brown people in all the books I was reading. A lot of really prominent fantasy, especially, written up until the mid to late 90′s doesn’t really address that, and just posits that since things are vaguely medieval in terms of setting, everybody is basically white. Sadly, McKillip’s work is no exception; although I don’t think any of those writers were consciously excluding people from their writing, it just wasn’t something anybody was trying to address. Either way, it’s buckets of problematic, and while re-reading this series again I decided I wanted to change that up a little bit.

Early in the books, Morgon’s little sister Tristan is described as a “thin, brown reed of a girl,” and from there I decided that in my head-canon, she and her siblings, as well as the rest of the people from their land, all have brown to light brown skin. This is borne out by various descriptions of Morgon and other people of Hed throughout the books. As a reflection of that, I made the background to the stars an approximation of Morgon’s skin color, though lightened a bit so the stars would stand out (the scuffed-up details in the background are just to add a bit of texture). In contrast to my minimalist poster, Morgon’s lover Raederle is what we’d consider white; again, that’s borne out by descriptions throughout the book, so I figure that most people in the Three Portions, where Raederle and her family are from, have pale skin.

Did I say “mildly obsessed”? Let’s just go with “I have basically been living this story for a month and I can taste it when I breathe,” and leave it at that.

My Iconic Image


Of course, you know me by now… My iconic image would be a penguin. I created this in Paint. I drew out a penguin and colored in Paint the rest of it. This penguin would be used on any site of mine to represent me, as I love penguins for some odd reason, and anyone who knows me well enough would know I would have nothing but a penguin haha.

Iconic ashley..

When I saw the design assignment Carol Yeager’s Iconic you (2 stars), I instantly knew what I was going to do.  Anyone that knows me would not be surprised that I chose to do a softball as my “iconic image”.  I have played softball sense I was 10 years old and it has been a major part of my life, shaping me into the person I am today.  To create the iconic image I opened  a new template in gimp and used the pencil application to draw half of a softball.  Once the image was drawn I exported it, saving it as a .jpeg and uploaded it onto flickr.

softball iconic

Once the image was uploaded onto flickr I added the tags: DesignAssignments54, DesignAssignments, ds106, and softball.

ds106 Design Assignments

My goal with participating in ds106 (in whatever way that played out) was to learn something. I’ve only scratched the surface but I’ve learned quite a bit about GIMP and Photoshop today. In addition, without putting in much effort (as I probably should have done) I am looking at design differently, more aware of choices made and how those decisions impact the overall view of an item. Again, lots more to learn but I’ve gotten started.

I had to make some lame workarounds to create my CC poster because I’m not yet proficient enough in GIMP or Photoshop. That said, I’m fairly pleased with how it turned out. Here’s the original picture from Mean and Pinchy on flickr:

Here’s my take on Creative Commons:

The next assignment I attempted was If Movie Posters Told the Truth. I’m less pleased with this work because I know if I had more patience I could fix the ‘bad script’ part to look more a part of the poster. Unfortunately it’s late (for me) and I’m not a patient person in general. 
I picked a movie I can’t stand because that seemed more fun. It required inventing a new word but it captures my sentiment pretty accurately.
Finally, I tackled Iconic You. As simple as this looks, it took me a while because I kept trying to make it do too much. I could not come up with one thing to illustrate me and I wanted to create something that included a lot of the ways I define myself. This design came pretty quickly but I spent a lot of time trying to add more to it. I thought about using the top of the music note to be waves and add something to symbolize biking and running in order to show my participation in triathlons. I thought about adding some little faces to the apple to symbolize my children and husband. After trying some of these out and not liking anything, I got back to the simple. It may not show everything that matters to me, but I like it.

Iconic Me

This is a symbol for me for years, and as Iconic Me assigned me to do I have uploaded an image of it. The KST on the points of the cross mean to me the three core values of my life, Knowledge, Strength and Truth. The Scythe is for my number of seven and luck as well as Strength. The cloth has many meanings the waviness of at the bottom of the hanging cloth symbolizes wings and lightheartedness. The other meaning is the left side if for knowledge and the right side is for truth, the cloth is suppose to be 2 toned blue for Knowledge and green for truth. The strong meaning of Knowledge, Strength and Truth is, Have the knowledge to know what you are doing, or of a situation. Strength to fulfill and stand up to what you are doing and to life. Finally Truth is to know what is really occuring and the truth of the matters you are working in and behind your actions.

Iconic You. Iconic Me.

Design Assignment: Iconic You

The objective of this assignment is to “create an iconic image/design for your own site that somehow represents you”.

More than half of the semester has ended and the schedule we’re managing is like a roller coaster. Yet, I still had not put out anything particular about my blog title or my name, mhacca. This design assignment has not much relevance to what I was just wondering, but I would like to note on that too in the article.

My title of the blog you are looking at right now is called “neopessimist23″. I took it from a song title by the band Moi dix Mois. The number “23″ at the end comes from the Japanese era. Year 2012 equals to Heisei year 23 in Japan. In a image like this, maybe the blog title was better off placed to the side instead of how it was finished design-wise. I guess it works fine this way because you wouldn’t want to tilt you head sideways to look at it…

I personally love the fancy design of the number.

The process of the assignment was done on GIMP and Pixler. I find it easier to use GIMP for cutting out pictures as I want it to be. There were some experiments done with effects as seen below. I played around with colors, dots, and lighting.

  Now, I’ll explain the imagery. The oval white object on top of the vase is an egg. It represents myself as being a newbie. I hope I’ve become a semi-newbie or someone more experienced at the technology we’re all manipulating. Next is the flower sitting upon the egg. I put the rose there to show my (past) identity as being called the “flower girl” back in secondary school. We keep a garden full of trees and flowers in front of our porch back at home.

Speaking of plants, my name “mhacca” refers to peppermint (hacca) in Japanese. My mother’s hometown used to be one of the world’s busiest peppermint growing area.

Iconic You

As you can tell from the name of my site, I am a dj and it’s the one thing that I am truely passionate about. Right now besides school its all I really focus on. This was my favorite assignment to do this week because i feel this image truely describes me and my passion. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/iconic-you/. Been djing for a few years now and have a crew of close friends that i dj with as well and there truly is nothing else we rather do. Here a link to my soundcloud so you can have a listen to a few of my mixes and if anyone ever needs a dj you know where to find me. http://soundcloud.com/ian-hamilton-1