This assignment I chose is called On This Day where you must design your own Google-esque image by using either your first name or last name, the colors of Google letters, and integrate a theme that you find by searching “your birthday (day and month only) in history” online. For this assignment, I found that the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday (March 31st) in 1889, so I chose to go with that because I thought that it was cool that the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday in history, but it also ties in or relates back to the 80s themes since it opened in 1889. I chose to do my first name, Kollin, and I typed it in Times New Roman in Word. I replaced the “o” in my name with a cute picture of an emoji holding a French flag, and I replaced the second “l” in my name with nice artistic clip of the Eiffel Tower. Lastly, I took a computer screenshot of it. Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment, and I was cool to find out the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday in history. Here is my Google-esque image.