On March 31st in History…

This assignment I chose is called On This Day where you must design your own Google-esque image by using either your first name or last name, the colors of Google letters, and integrate a theme that you find by searching “your birthday (day and month only) in history” online. For this assignment, I found that the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday (March 31st) in 1889, so I chose to go with that because I thought that it was cool that the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday in history, but it also ties in or relates back to the 80s themes since it opened in 1889. I chose to do my first name, Kollin, and I typed it in Times New Roman in Word. I replaced the “o” in my name with a cute picture of an emoji holding a French flag, and I replaced the second “l” in my name with nice artistic clip of the Eiffel Tower. Lastly, I took a computer screenshot of it. Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment, and I was cool to find out the Eiffel Tower opened on my birthday in history. Here is my Google-esque image.

On December 24th…

I was born. Yes, I’m a Christmas Eve Baby.

But something else really cool happened that day, in 1970 that is. Hold on to that thought though, I want to explain this assignment first. This has been my favorite one so far this week!

This 2-star design assignment “On this day” allows you to take your first or last name and make it Google-esque: using Google’s colors for the letters. Then using “on this day in history” using your birth month and day, not year, search through the years until you find a theme you like to go along with your Google-esque name.

I google my birthday and searched through this website to find my theme. I landed upon the year 1970 and knew I found a winner, especially since I just blogged about my upcoming trip to Disney.

So what happened on December 24, 1970? Walt Disney’s “Aristocats” was released! I love this movie, so I knew it would be perfect. To create this design I first went to Picmonkey and wrote up my name and tried to match Google’s colors to my best ability. From there I uploaded it to GIMP. I found all my “Aristocats” pictures from google images and then had to  use the free select tool in gimp to crop all the images. From there I layered each picture over my Google Name and tried to match them with the letter they “fit” best with.

I absolutely adore how it came out and it’s definitely my favorite assignment of the week! I hope you enjoy it as well!

Google-Kaitlyn + aristocats

Star Point total: 10/15

On This Day

I started this assignment by googling “on this day june 26.” After looking through a few websites that filled with uninteresting events, I found that the bicycle was patented in America on my birthday in 1819 (http://www.infoplease.com/dayinhistory/June-26). I then searched and found it multiple other places to verify that it was true. Next I searched to find a website that made your name look like the google icon. You used to be able to type googlemyway.com/yourname but that site no longer exists. After visiting various sketchy, pop-up filled sites I finally found one that worked and didn’t try to give me a virus. I took a screen shot of the image it created. I also took a screen shot of the google home page. I then did some research to find out what the earliest bicycles looked like and saved an image of it.

The next step was to create the image in GIMP. I opened the image of the google home page. The I opened as a layer the images of my name and the bicycle. (I first had to crop the image of my name down in paint so that just my name was left.) I sized the image of my name and placed it over the google icon. I then placed the bicycle image and created a text box to explain the image. Then I saved the entire image to my desktop.

Unfortunately my name does not have two O’s like google or I would have been able to creatively incorporate the bicycle tires into my image. I tried to make the bicycle part of my name for a while, but it just wasn’t working. In the end I decided it looked best to just have the bicycle next to my name. I think the end result turned out very professional.

On This Day

_cokwr: Design your own Google-esque image using either your first or last name. Use the colors of the Google letters. Pick your topic by searching for "on this day in history" using your birthday (month and day only). Be sure to say what the event is below your creation! , _cpzh4: Design, _cre1l: http://blog.stephlefferts.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sesame-street-image.jpg, _chk2m: Stephanie, _ciyn3: 60, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3:

Design Assignment – On This Day

First after some looking around on the internet I came across a site that writes any word you want in the google font (which I now think is called Catuller?) http://neswork.com/logo-generator/google-font and typed in my name and kept hitting create until it gave a random sequence of colors I liked. I found loads of events/births/deaths that happened on my b-day (Feb 12) on the wiki page of that date: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_12 and picked 4 of those to incorporate into the pic of my name. The gun (Abraham Lincoln getting shot) came from thenounproject, which was confusing at first as apparently all of the icons download as svg files but can be converted to jpeg’s using GIMP as someone noted in their blog post. The other 3 pics all came from google images. I finally got photoshop working to put this together which made fitting the Darwin pic inside the “d” easier among many other things, I just like photoshop ssoo much more than the other similar programs I’ve tried it seems a lot more organized and each layer feels much more easily managed; all of the tools just feel easier to use but probs just because I have a little more experience with it (still not very much).

On This Day

This is my first project, completed. I basically created a google-esque version of my name and played with gif and jpeg images to associate an event that happened on my birthday, July 28, in history with the name. Here it is, lemme know what you guys think!

Zarar - On This Day Design Assignment

On This Day Assignment

When my roommate Steph came up with the “On This Day Assignment” I knew exactly what I wanted to do for it. And finally, 2 months later I quit procrastinating and did this.



I did a simple version, just took a screenshot of a Harry Potter movie duel between Harry and Voldemort and put my name (in google colors) on top of it.

Explanation: I was born on May 2 and according to JK Rowling the Battle for Hogwarts/day Voldemort was killed was on May 2, 1998.  I think it’s a rocking birthday. :) And I know this duel in the picture isn’t from the last movie (as it has not come out yet) but I think it gets the point across.

Design Assignment

So here’s my first design assignment. It was fun to play with and try out some different things. My first two attempts did not work out too well. I ended up doing most of the initial set up in MS Word, then copying and pasting the content to MS Paint, (old school, i know).

The two little MG cars were not created by me. I actually found them online like 2 years ago, and saved them as a GIF file. I don’t have author information, as none was provided then, and since it’s been two years I don’t recall where on the web I found them. But, I will not claim credit for creating them.

This was fun to play around with, and maybe with more practice I can come up with something really cool for my site.

My Design Assignment: On this day…

My birthday is just full of weddings and love!!! Yay me!

I found this one a little bit more difficult to do than the visual assignment. I think it’s because I had more ideas for the visual assignment. And this one was just harder because there was more detail to it like font size, font, picture placement, evenly weighing the picture, finding an event, finding a picture, changing font color, etc.