A Sneak Peek into Me

Original DS 106 Assignment: Today It’s All About Me (2 1/2 stars)

With the craziness of this world, work and everything in between, there are times where we need to step back and appreciate ourselves. At the beginning of every day and end of every night, the only person who is sure to be there is yourselves. Sometimes being early 20’s, I get caught up on doing the next big thing, making the next move or making more money. For this assignment, I just wanted a moment to look back and appreciate everything I’ve done so far. It was easier than expected, thankfully! I want to actually do this every year or every so often to look back and see how much I have accomplished, changed or not done! I journal a lot, but video gives a face to the different versions of me and would be nice to see. I set up to record with Vimeo record to have my video saved there and exported it into Canva to add beginning and end credits.

I would definitely recommend anyone to do this assignment! It is nice to round out your points as well as being able to do something raw and genuine.

Today Is All About Me Assignment

This video was refreshing to make because I was able to talk about what I like about myself, and remind myself that I am a good person! It also allowed me to get more comfortable with working with video and recording myself! Watch below!


Isn’t that special. Well, sort of…

There are some days that I wish that I could have one thing about me that is normal. It’s never going to happen. The weirdness permeates my family on a micro-cellular level. Most of us accept it but I’ve never been one to blindly accept anything.

So, what makes me so special that I would talk about myself on the internet? I have three very special gifts: shopping, klutziness, and being the instant best friend of any child under the age of five. Judging by what you see in this video you may also think that I have a talent for making other people look tan. It’s true. I’m pale. People who think they are looking pale feel better after we compare arms. Does that count as a fourth skill?

Some days I wish I could dance or sing or paint or run complex mathematical equations. The dancing requires a sense of rhythm and balance that I fundamentally lack. I’m a decent singer but I have a phobia about singing where anyone can hear me (long story short: I was once in a children’s choir and held the last note of a song a few beats to long and was on the receiving end of a crowd’s laughter…shudder). I’m a pretty good abstract painter but I lack the time and commitment to develop it and complex math reminds me of my sister who I emotionally chafe against.

In the video, I talk a little bit about my “toddler mojo.” Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great skill. I’ve had many friends just look at me in awe of how easily I can relate to little kids. I’ve had stressed out friends and family members hand me their babies and toddlers as soon as I walk in the door just to get a moment of peace and quiet then get annoyed that I was able to calm their child so quickly.

Sometimes I don’t like the mojo. Sometimes I don’t like having my friends and family ask me to come over to play with the kids or ask me to help them to calm down. Some days are bad days when I’m remembering the day my doctor told me I would never have children of my own. Fortunately, those days aren’t so frequent and the hurt doesn’t last as long as it used to, but I’ll always wonder what I missed out on if I’d have been able to have kids of my own.

I wish I knew where the mojo came from. I think it comes from the fact that I take little children as I meet them. I meet them on their level and talk to them like they’re just miniature adults and they understand everything I’m saying to them. I play with them on the floor and let them tell the story for our game.

It humbles me sometimes that these little kids trust me like that. I hope I never lose my “mojo.”

Luscious Hair and Fabulous Faces

I am awesome…errr….lets just show a video.


Lets just say, this is highly out of character for me. That is part of the reason I took on this assignment. Most of the things I could brag about bore other people. I wanted something a little more…tangible. That is why I decided to brag about physical appearances. In my experience, you don’t have to look good to brag about appearances in the slightest, you just have to act confident. I chose hair as one thing because it has been getting a little long, and has become an active hindrance. I cannot not be conscious of it, so it is more or less on my mind a lot.

My face is a little more serious as a bragging point. Between being a non-talkative socialite, having two young nieces, and playing a brass instrument, I have had plenty of experience making odd faces. I actually am not too happy with how they turned out, but after trying several takes, I realized that I would need a better outside stimulus (such as a funny situation or odd spoken word) to pull them off to the degree I was hoping.

As for the very end, yes, the newspaper did taste awful. I thought I had a bag of animal crackers next to my chair (and indeed, you see me reaching for them), but I accidentally put them away between takes. As a result, I just reached for the nearest thing I could which I could attempt to cram in my mouth. An ad-libbed moment, I thought it worked out relatively well, and was an interesting punctuation to the slight awkwardness that receded it.

Tooting my Own Horn

2 stars – Today it’s all about me

As the name suggests, this is a video talking alllll about myself. Yep, that’s right it’s all about me and my likes about myself… perhaps even a confession.. shh… it’s top secret.

For this I used my agency laptop and recorded myself using recording tools such as photobooth. Hope you enjoy my bragging session.


It Is Me… Victoire

This video is a shout out to Victoire… I thought it might be fun to dress up as her to do this quick video. The original assignment was about bragging about yourself, and I figured Victoire would probably be really good at that so I gave it a whirl.

I used my webcam to make the video, threw it into iMovie, and here we are!

Its all about me! – 2 stars

This is one of the assignments I said I would do last week. I was waiting until the “right” time to record it. I figured why not do this at midnight. I think the late night made it a bit easier to talk about myself. While this was only 2 stars it was a bit […]

All About Me

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypUYuO8X_58&list=UUh8VRFDCB7_Hk0Bu0LwarRA


This assignment was worth 2 stars, and the point of it was to brag about yourself. I interpreted that as my accomplishments during that day. It is hard for me to brag about myself; I do not think much of what I do on a daily basis so its difficult to understand what my accomplishments are but I did find a few that I thought were, were worth mentioning. That is a big reason I choose to do this assignment. I recognize that I need to appreciate myself more, and that I am special in my own way and I need to realize that. If I do not take pride in what I do, and know that I am awesome in my own way, than why should anyone else? This assignment helped me pick out little things that do make me special.

For this assignment you were suppose to do it sporadically; there was no script, or notice, I was about to get ready for the day and decided now was the time to do the assignment.   So do not mind my rough exterior in the video!

“Couldn’t Help But Notice Your Views”

For my second video assignment I decided to do the Today It’s All About Me assignment (3 stars). When I first saw the assignment and its description, I automatically thought that I was going to do this assignment. I immediately began to think about what I could possibly say about myself and then I got down to it.

It only took my one shot to record this assignment. I was thinking about what I saw the first person do in the video on the assignment page and decided that I wanted to be a little different. SO instead of just talking about myself I started to boast and gloat because you usually don’t do that in front of people because it’s rude. I really had a hard time not laughing while I was doing this assignment. I just thought about what my closest friends would think if they heard me doing this and it was so hard not to laugh. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment so take a look and let me know what you think.

Today It’s All About Me

 Make a video and brag about yourself for at least two minutes. The point of this is not to make your head so big that it explodes but to build your self-esteem. Don’t brag about your children, your pets, or anything outside of you. You don’t have to dress up for this, in fact it would be better to roll out of bed and make the video. You can start off small with “I once had a good hair day like two years ago” It might help to make a list beforehand so that you can film the two minutes all at the same time. Yes, you are amazing. Tell everyone why…