Yoda Won’t Eat His Cracker

This week in DS106, I chose to do the Ryan Gosling Wont Eat His Cereal Video Assignment. Instead of Ryan Gosling, I decided to use Yoda from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and attempt to feed him a delicious Club cracker. He was certainly not having any of it.

Using my phone to record the whole scene, I then made 5 separate cuts of the video and created one continuous shot using iMovie.

Movie Character Prop

For this assignment I used the clip from Doctor Who of the Doctor reacting to food he doesn’t like. For fall I changed the food he was reacting at to a pumpkin! I could not figure out how to convert the video to being right-ways-up though.

How Joan felt when She lOst her parentS

I did a video of a celebrity crying and me wiping their tears. This is how Joan feels about the end of world and missing her parents. The video is here


This was one of the video assignments that I decided to do because I really enjoyed watching the Ryan Gosling one that was given as an example. I decided to use a reaction video so there would be a variety of different facial reactions. I enjoyed making it because it was also fun to watch the peoples reactions! I think that the Ryan Gosling video was better executed and I think if I took my time to find a video that stayed longer on one persons reaction it would have come out better but I tried to make it funny and used a funny song in the background trying to make my “frustration” or “sadness” that they wouldn’t use the Chapstick as a joke. I used iMovie to combine the videos add background music and the little comments at the top.


James Bond won’t drink his water

A struggling alcohol, James Bond, tries to make the transition into drinking more water.

This was really simple to do. I really wanted to implement the spy theme, and I had a water bottle with me, so the inspiration came pretty easy. I just recorded from my phone on the computer I was using, so it’s not so believable, but gets the point across.

Tickling Walter White


Here is a clip of me tickling Walter White.

Behind the Creation:

Breaking Bad to me might just be the greatest TV show in the history of television. I watched the entire series when it was airing live on AMC. I also bought the almost $200 dollar box set of the entire series plus extra content. So naturally for this assignment, I decided to use Breaking Bad.

The Process:

Nothing complicated here. I used my iPhone 6 to record the video on my laptop to get the shot. The using the iPhone’s video edit mode, I trimmed the video using the yellow bar to get the part I wanted to upload.


Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat his Cereal

Have you ever seen the video “Ryan Gosling won’t eat his cereal”?

It involves using a prop to make a movie character to appear to be interacting with this prop. Film a short interaction (less than 20 seconds) of a movie character reacting to an object of your choice!