Dear 16 year old me

This was my first video without actually filming in person and I am so proud of myself =)

I used iMovie for the movie editing software; all of the pictures were from Google Images and the background music was from SoundCloud (Yiruma’s Hope). With the experience I’ve gained from audio editing, compiling both music and clips (in this case, pictures) were not too difficult. While I mainly spoke to Agent Nice Guy’s younger self, the last part of her message related to me the most.

VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments2047

Sixteen Year Old Me

This is a video of myself telling the 16 year old me some life lessons and tips.

This was a cool assignment because I was able to think about what I wish I had known when I was 16. I was able to think about some of the mistakes I have made and how they could have been avoided. It is important to think about past mistakes and learn from them, but then move on. In the video I talk a little bit about saving money and choosing a career path.

Here is the link to the assignment.

It was worth 4 and half stars.

Agent Smith – Past Self (4 stars)

I did a video assignment about talking to your teenage self from years ago and basically the clip is all you need to really know about how I was in the short version. I was extremely unmotivated to do anything in High school due to moving around a lot as a kid so I never really made friends for very long and eventually just stuck to being a loner. I’m still a bit of a loner today but not like I was as a teenager. After High school, I did a good amount of nothing but gaming until my brother in law (at the time) forced me to get a job where he works. I ended up liking it (host at a fancier restaurant) and became more motivated because of it.

Skip around 8 months, my grandfather passed away (my grandmother already gone for several years) and we decided to move to Fredericksburg (from Vienna) because it was a cheaper place to live. I think due to losing him and a bit of laziness, I slumped back into the same period beforehand since I did not want to leave my job and did not care to find a new one. After traveling with my dad for awhile, i eventually was pressured by my mother to go to college and get my license (I didn’t get my license until 19, I was an odd teenager ? ) which finally propelled me to be continue to be motivated and get out of my depression-like stage and move on with my life.

Unfortunately, Germanna is not the place to stay for an actual degree and I learned that the hard way trying to do Network Security. After 3 years of being fed up, I finally got into UMW and changed to CPSC and never looked back. Although it took me 7 years to complete a degree (not to mention around 1 1/2 years between transferring), I am happy to finally be done in may!

I’m also rather a private person, so doing this video was a little out of my comfort zone. I’d also like to mention I wanted to do this using Youtube live/hangouts on air (I used this for my game programming class over last summer) but the progress bar kept getting stuck at 99% and thus would not let me broadcast, so I used Soundcloud instead.

-Agent Smith


sixteen year old me

This is a video of me speaking to my younger self.