How to…The Book

How to Tutorial, 3 Stars

This was not the video I had intended to do.  I tried to do one where I showed you around one of my favorite places, but clearly it was not movie makers favorite place.  When ever I tried to edit it the program would stop working.  So I found this one and chose to show people how to make paper cranes.

If I were to do this again I would try to be more descriptive as well as get better camera angles to show the folds.  I like the music I chose to go with the clip and the effect I added.  Hopefully the steps are able to be followed.

I would like to do a tutorial again and make it easy to follow and have step by step instructions. Maybe I would add text to it as well as the visual.  I could also have another person with me following my steps and showing some possible mistakes along the way!


How To Tutorial

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

For the how to tutorial, the objective was pretty clear… create a how to tutorial on anything.

I chose to combine clips of songs from Frank Ocean’s Nostalgia/Ultra… Amazing Album by the way… The tracks I used were: Dust, There Will Be Tears, and Street Fighters. I gave directions on how to cut, copy, paste, and export the new created file of combined tracks.

My assignment went left field when I realized that my lap top doesn’t believe in screen recording, so I used my iPhone to record everything… Sorry if it was a little shaky.

The assignment was fun though, I got to share my audio skills that is tedious but very fun.

This assignment was worth 3 stars

How To Tutorial

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

For the how to tutorial, the objective was pretty clear… create a how to tutorial on anything.

I chose to combine clips of songs from Frank Ocean’s Nostalgia/Ultra… Amazing Album by the way… The tracks I used were: Dust, There Will Be Tears, and Street Fighters. I gave directions on how to cut, copy, paste, and export the new created file of combined tracks.

My assignment went left field when I realized that my lap top doesn’t believe in screen recording, so I used my iPhone to record everything… Sorry if it was a little shaky.

The assignment was fun though, I got to share my audio skills that is tedious but very fun.

This assignment was worth 3 stars

How To Tutorial

This is my how to tutorial on how to use the pioneer djm 900 nexus mixer. Taught it would be cool to show and explain how it works and some of the different things it could do

How to Tutorial

Make a how to tutorial about something you are good at like a sport or honny. Add a song that fits and narrorate it!

I made a new video assignment

This is a video assignment for my new made video assignment. I made a video assignment called make a tutorial. This is a basic horsebackriding tutorial. A few weeks ago I took my horse tag out and my dad helped video recorded me riding. Its very weird to watch myself riding lol I can pick out everything I do wrong! Anyway… I took the SD card from my dads camera and put all the videos on my copmuter. I used AVS to edit them. THe video begins with walking and lots of turning . I had to edit out alot of footage for times sake. THe trotting the jumping a small cross rail. I skiped cantering because Tag hasnt been so good lately at the canter. He threw me the a little before I did this video. lol He is out of shape and cant hold himself up at the canter very well its frustrating but since gotten much better! He is a forward horse and loves to run a jump. I added a song ” too close” by Alex Clare in the background and narrorated the video myself. I did this all useing AVS! It has taken me a while but another work done! more to come lol I have lots of works in progress at the moment!!! ENJOY

By the way its takes quite a bit so i definitally think it should be a 5 star