A Word… A Picture… A Story

For this assignment called A Word… A Picture… A Story (3 points) I had to make a story using randomly chosen words. And then, look up a related pictures from Google and put those together into a video.
The words that I chose were:

  1. Brown
  2. love
  3. teeth
  4. sweet
  5. candies
  6. chocolates
  7. gloom
  8. sunny
  9. has
  10. make
  11. to

To make a story, I had to choose some verbs and preposition, so choices of words exceed 10.

The story that I made with these words is ‘Brown has sweet teeth, love(s) chocolate, candies (and) chocolates make gloom to sunny’
As you know, sugar makes people hyper and happy. Since he is always by himself and has no one to talk about his worry and emotions, he started to eat sugary food. After he experienced that his feeling gets better and depression is gone whenever he eats sugar, he could not stop eating sweets. He rely on sweets too much. As result, whenever he is stressful, he eats tones of candies and chocolates. With this eating habits, I’m kind of worry about his health.

Oh word!

For one of my assignments this week, I chose to do the assignment, A word…a picture…a story, that was submitted by Kierra Morris.

The assignment is to, “Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.” This assignment is worth 3 points.

Here are the ten random words I came up with:

  1. Dress
  2. Sparkle
  3. Marble
  4. Coffee
  5. Blanket
  6. Piglets
  7. Sun
  8. Mirror
  9. Curls
  10. Book

I went on google and searched for images for all of the words. I saved them all to a folder on my desktop and then imported them into iMovie. I created a movie and then uploaded it to Vimeo! Enjoy :)

Here is the story:

Piglets wear dresses that sparkle in the sun. They walk on floors of marble and sloppily drink their coffee. At night, they snuggle under blankets. In the morning, they look in the mirror and admire the curls of their tails and then snuggle up with a good book!

First Video Assignment

As one of my pre-chosen video assignments I chose one called, “A Word…A Picture…A Story” I chose this one because as soon as I read the description I already decided what I wanted to do. I wanted to use the words in my favorite quote, “live the life you love” but then I decided to use the second half of the quote as well, “love the life you live” and I also added another song, so I had to use my Audio Cutter app to cut and edit the songs down to a time that would fit the video when mashed together, I chose “All Kinds of Kinds” and “Follow Your Arrow” because both songs can be related to the quotes, the meaning behind all is just be yourself and don’t change, just enjoy it! Very powerful statement but when put in video like this emphasizing the words as well as adding the music I think it is even more powerful!

Here is my work-space screenshot, I tired to show a little of everything going on:


Without further a-due here is the final project!




Picture Story

This assignment was really fun! I was browsing the video assignment bank when I saw it. I immediately started asking my friends around me for words. I didn’t tell them what it was for so I could make it better. It actually came out as a small story, which I was impressed!

The hardest part of completing this assignment was that Movie Maker kept crapping out on me! I found all the pictures online, saved them, then uploaded them to Movie Maker. After I had it all set up and tried to save, some of the pictures went gray with a little yellow triangle and a exclamation mark inside. I gave up and completed the assignment again on a friends computer. It took a little longer than expected to complete it, but oh well!

The words I started out with in order are five, chrysanthemum, hockey, flag, blue, fan, turns

Bears are your Friends

this, love, pick, tape, tell, then, bear

This is what love is. Pick your favorite music tape. Tell your friends. Then try not to get eaten by a bear.

Video Assignments: A Word… A Picture… A Story- 3 stars

Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.


this, love, pick, tape, tell, then, bear

This is what love is. Pick your favorite music tape. Tell your friends. Then try not to get eaten by a bear.

My story is very weird and random, but I guess that’s what we were going for here.

The Andrew Thomas Experience 2013-06-13 19:14:37

So I decided to make a short video that shows random words. In the spirit of using truly random words that I didn’t pick, I used a random word generator. Find the generator here. The point of this video is to show the viewer some random words. The words that were picked for me where almost all words that I needed to look up, so I think they are fairly  random old words.

Watch the video I made below

Here are the definitions of all the words below. They are in order that they appear.

Easterly:  Situated toward the east.

Peony: A species o flowers.

Vole: A small species of rodents.

Poplin: A  fabric of many varieties, usually made of silk and worsted. Used especially for women’s dresses.

Cachet: A seal for a letter.

Downtrodden: trample down; abused by  superior power.

The audio is the from Wake Up Call by Maroon 5.

To make this video, I first got the random words. Then I picked a color and font for the word in Microsoft word. Next I copy and pasted the word into Microsoft Paint  in order to duplicate the word and add a background color. I then imported the MS Paint picture in Imovie and made each picture last 1.5 seconds.  Did those steps again 5 more times for the other words. Last but not least, I added audio.

So I liked the way this turned out. The audio in the song lined up pretty good with the end of the video. The line in the song ended right when the video ended. I was surprised with the amount of work in this assignment. I figured it would be a fast 1 or 2 stars. I was wrong. The assignment was rated 3 stars. I felt that is the right amount for the amount of time this took me to make. Good to see the star system is working correctly. So what do you guys think of my work? I think that I am improving and go the hang of basic video editing and making.

This assignment was worth 3 stars and  can be seen here.

Pixie Cluster

One day during her first year, while walking in down one of the corridors at Mercury, the Fandom Princess heard loud noises coming from her favorite East Wing library. She paused, as did Ghost, but then instantly sprinted towards the sound of the noise.

Ghost ran right behind her and when they got to East Wing library, what they saw made both their mouths open wide. There were pixies, little tiny cream ones (the bad kinds, mind you) flying all over the room. They were taking over the bookshelves, they were lying out on the tables, and the students all just stared in wonder and slight terror.

“Well, this is peculiar,” the Princess stated and looked around for a professor who could hopefully solve the problem.

Not finding one fast enough, she rolled up the sleeves of robe and said, “Well, I guess it’s up to me.”

Ghost was the first one to charge in, barking loudly. The pixies responded in a flurry, turning and flying right towards the window which they had flown in from. The Princess began to clap her hands loudly in a specific rhythm and yelling at the top of her lungs, “Be gone, naughty pixies! Shoo! Shoo! You’re messing up the books!”

One by one, cluster by cluster, the pixies began to fly out of the library. It had taken only a few moments, but when all the pixies were finally gone from the room, all the students began to clap for the Princess’s smart tactic.

When the professors finally made it, they all smiled widely at the Princess.

“You are indeed quite a clever darling,” they said. The Princess merely smiled.

I found this video assignment title, A word… A picture… A story, intriguing while I was browsing and trying to find out which next assignment I wanted to do. The assignment called to pick between 5 and 10 random words and put them together in a video in order to create a story. This was more up my alley than anything else to be honest because it had to do with words, and I am a writer, so obviously, I love words and identify with them better to create a story than anything else.

So, first I had to randomly pick words. But I know me. I knew that I couldn’t randomly do it because I would think about the words that I was going to pick too much. So I had to find some sort of objective way to do this, some way that wouldn’t allow me to have any choice in what the words that I picked were.

Thus, I went to my good friend Google, and searched for a random word generator. The first hit brought me to this website, Random Word Generator, where I could pick between 1 and 8 words that would be generated for me! Nice, huh? But because I’m me, and still couldn’t just sit with the list that it gave me, I refreshed the list 3 times (that was my number limit) and determined that whichever it landed on would be the words that I would have to work with. So, my words were as follows:

beard, forest, motel, shadow, coffin, vase, crown, parrot

So, now that I had my 8 words, I had to figure out how exactly I wanted to put them together in the video. You know, how to make it tell a story and all that jazz. I struggled a bit at first, mainly because the English major in me panicked at the lack of verbs. But then I remembered that this didn’t necessarily have to be a sentence, it just needed to creatively tell a story. So I worked on rearranging the words in a way that would tell a story.

I guess I’ll tell you all my train of thought first, and then go into the actual video that I made to go along with it. I figured the beard could represent the man that would be the main central figure of the story, and that he lived in the forest and owned a pet parrot. While exploring this forest one day, he found a motel immersed in the shadow. Upon entering the, obviously, ancient motel, he found a strange and eery coffin, located next to a large vase, and a jewel encrusted crown, all seemingly belonging to the same person. And, to this day, the place remains a mystery to him. Here’s the end product!

After creating my hypothetical story,  I then did the Google search where I looked for images that went along vividly with the word as best that it could. After finding the images that I believed best encompassed the word (as you will be able to see in the video below) I then put them together using Windows Move Maker. I saved it, then uploaded it to YouTube, and then boom! The assignment was completed! Pretty neat. Since I had a great time, I also decided to use this as a tutorial! I hope it helps some people, especially that website if you’re like me!

3 Princess Stars


A word, A Picture, A Story 3 stars!


Before creating the story for this video I chose 5 random words.





Beach Ball

Google gave me a lot of options of pictures for each word.  I chose which ones I liked and then put them all into Movie Maker.  My sister and I sat down and looked at the pictures.  I started the story saying there was a monkey in the jungle.  We each left our statements open ended for the next one to fill in using the pictures and words I chose.

After we finished and I added in so jungle noises I watched what I had just created.  I do not think this assignment was as fun as some of the others were, but I think I did pretty well.  My story flows together and is kind of silly.  The picutres help guide the film and I am proud of what I produced.

The movie maker tool was very easy to use for this assignment.


A day at the Beach

The second assignment I planned out last week was the A Word…A Picture…A Story… You can read about my pre production plans here.

I was at the beach while I wrote up the assignment so I went with a beach themed story. I picked out pictures that I wanted to use and uploaded them to Flickr. However, when I put this story together I realized I needed some more pictures. So I went to Google Images and got a few more.

From there I uploaded them into iMovie and added a Title Screen and Credit Screen. I went with the “underwater” design to match the beach theme. I absolutely LOVE the beach and have since I was just a little girl. So my inspiration for this story was from my own experiences.


In the video the little girl builds sandcastles, boogie boards, catches sand crabs, gets ice cream from an ice cream truck, chases seagulls, and flies a kite. The day ends with a rainbow over the ocean, which I saw about 4 times this past summer. Life at the beach can’t be much better can it?

For the music, I wanted something instrumental so as not to be so overwhelming to the story, especially so people could concentrate on reading the words. I felt it was perfect to go with the song “Carolina Girl“. I good an instrumental part of the song and had to make it longer, so I tried to line the song up evenly. Unfortunately there’s a minor hiccup, but I don’t think it’s too noticeable. I worked on it for a while and it just didn’t happen. I also tried to make the end fade out a bit, but once again I had issues and I still feel like it ends a little too abrupt for my taste. I did all of the music work in Audacity and then added it into the video.

beach 2

beach 3

I’m really happy with how it turned out. I think it’s pretty adorable! Let me know what you think!