A Word
 A Picture
 A Story (3 Stars)

I chose the words…(BUMBLE BEE…FUMBLE…RESIDENCY…WEBMD…NO….ATHLETIC TRAINER….AND BENTLY). Then I went to google image search on the words and chose one of the first visible photos for the words…then after I chose both the image and words I put them together in video form and tell a story.

Bumble Bee –> bumble bee jersey’s from the steelers

Fumble –> the Steelers vs. Ravens game…Steelers fumbled!

Residency –> Thinking about fumbles and injuries, I started thinking about the years of school I need to get my degree.

WebMD –> Then I thought about what normal people do when they get hurt… Doctor < WebMD

NO –> Next word that popped was NO…WebMD should never answer questions you have about your health.

Athletic Training –> As a student Athletic Trainer I deal with a lot of injuries…Sport related or not.

Bentley –> After working hard and working for the NFL..this is the car i’ll be getting.


Process: Got the pictures, went to iMovie and uploaded the pictures then added titles for every word I used. Then I exported that file into mp4 then uploaded it on youtube.

If you tie a lemon to a rainbow

A Word. . . A Picture. . .A Story

For this assignment I I picked the first seven words that came in to my head; lemon, rainbow, tie, nose, window, if, loser. I have no idea where those words came from, but they were there so I used them. As per the instructions I Googled each word and picked one of the first ones that came up. I then imported them in to Windows Movie Maker and created title slides in between the photos to help my story along. I used the speed up effect so it didn’t lag too much. My story kind of came out of no where, its more of a poetic piece.

3 stars

A Word
A Picture
A Story ***

A Word…A Picture…A Story ***

Other Great Examples:

1) 105 Degrees 

2) My story through words & pictures

I chose to do ths assignment because there seems to be a dichotomous viewo n how this assignment should be done.. with picture of the literal word or a picture of the representation of the word. I thought that those who did the literally word had interesting concept, but it seemed to easy to make up a story. How random were the words being picked? It too easy to pick words that make a story than it is to find pictures that make a story. (I had a thought about how this assignment could have been done… one could have found a literal picture of the word and put words on either side of the picture to make a story… maybe that is how the assignment was ment to be done). In any regard, the other way has been interesting too. I chose to go that route becasue it seemed more challengeing. I’m in a Thanksgiving mood, so a lot of the first words that came to mind had to do with season (I wish there was a way to be supplied with random words instead of trying to think of them).

My words :Fall, Clean, Apple, Thanksgiving, Tart, Travel, Fighting, Love

The Story is about Fall. Fall is the time of crisp, clean air, Fresh, juicy apples, and of course Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the holiday where eating a little extra is forgiviable. It a holiday where family travels great distances in order to see eachother. However, we all know when family gets together there is always some big fight. In the end, the fighting is just a superficial event, the love is all that matters.

In order to make this video, I used Window Movie Maker. I uploaded the pictures and used title slide to create text. Once I wrote what I wanted, I move the text to the correct photograph and deleted the title slide. I add music which was a deflaut song on my computer. Then, I faded out the song and exported the video to YouTube.

Christmas Stories

A word..A picture..A story

I decided to do this project just for fun. The assignment said to think of several random words and write them down. So my list went as follows:

Lights, Snow, Tree, Presents,Santa, Anticipation, Hot Coco, Singing, Kids, Joy, Savior, Angels, Peace.

OKayyy, So as you can see my mind was thinking about more then just DS106. With this cold weather I’ve already gotten into the Christmas Spirit. I know we still haven’t had thanksgiving and I usually try to hold out. But, this year I just couldn’t do it! I decided Thanksgiving will be a part of the Christmas celebration this year.

That said, I was listening to Christmas music as I worked on this assignment. So, my list of random words was not all that random.

The next step in this project was to plug in each word to google image. I searched through the pictures and found one I like for each word. The links to the websites where I decided to pull the photos from are linked below.

Lights, Snow, Tree, Presents, Santa, anticipation, hot coco, Singing, Kids, Joy, Savior, angels, Peace

After downloading these pictures to my iPhoto it was time to get to work on making them into a motion film.

I’ve been tinkering with Imovie a lot these past two weeks. And, I’ve learned ALOT!!! One by one, I dragged the photos to a new project in my iMovie. I actually used a themed project for this film. It created a really unique way of presenting the photos. With a little christmas music the project was golden!

The purpose of the film is to tell a story with the pictures. The assignment gave the option of having sentences to do so, or just allowing the photos to do the talking. I added a title to get folks minds set then allowed the photos to tell the well known story.

See for yourself


My story through words & pictures

The purpose of this assignment was to tell a story using 5 to 10 randomly selected words; with the images found in Google.

I have always wished for peace, love, justice and equality in my country. Therefore, when I saw this assignment I instantly considered doing it. Afghanistan has been in war for decades now, I do not remember any single time when Afghanistan was not in war. Growing in a war torn country is very hard therefore I have always wished for a peaceful and equal Afghanistan.

I chose 10 words randomly; the words were In, Wish, For, Justice, Love, Peace, And, My, Country, and Equality. Then for each word, through Google search, I chose one of the first visible photos for the word. I put them together in Windows Live Movie Maker; and arranged them in a way to make a meaningful sentence. On the other hand, for each image I chose different animations from Windows Live Movie Maker. Similarly, I downloaded a tune called Peaceful music meditation from YouTube; I then used that tune as background music. I also added a title sequence and a closing credit screen to make it more attractive to the eyes.

The first previously done example that I reviewed was Story de Words; I found the example very helpful because the process of doing this assignment was well explained. Secondly, the comments on that example were very helpful; since I learned through them how to make this assignment more effectively. I could not find any other example for this assignment but I gained a lot from the example that I reviewed.

I really enjoyed creating this assignment, because through this assignment I have been able to put my dream into a visual form.

Here is the final project:

Story de Words = )

I am a very random person. I love saying random things at random times, just because its funny. When I saw this assignment I instantly became excited because I had a chance to be random. For once in my life, I can use my randomness for something productive.

I chose 10 words off of the top of my head. I chose to words, MAN, FUNNY, CHEERLEADER, LOVE, ALSO, PURPLE, SING, MUSIC, HAIRY, UGLY. After I had chosen my words, I tried my hardest to make a sentence that made sense, but it was hard. This assignment was overall easy to do. These are the steps to how I created this project.

1. I googled my 10 words on Google images

2. Saved the images to my computer

3. Opened up Windows Movie Maker

4. Imported the 10 pictures in

5. Dragged each word separately, and placed it into the timeline

6. made the pictures smaller, so they would flow faster, yet smoothly.

7. Imported the instrumental version of “Disturbia ” – Rihanna

8. Dragged the song onto the timeline under the pictures

9. Made the song fade towards the end

10. Matched the music to the pictures




And that was the whole assignment, it took me about 10-15 minutes to do and it was fun as well. I hope you enjoyed it.


For More. Click Here. –>>[A Word. A Picture. A Story]<<–

105 degrees

It’s hot.  It’s been hot all week, and I’ve been thinking about The Twilight Zone episode called “The Midnight Sun.”

The word that Mrs. Bronson is unable to put into the hot, still, sodden air is ‘doomed,’ because the people you’ve just seen have been handed a death sentence.

Yeah.  That’s kind of how I feel.

If you’d like to view the episode in its entirety, do it:

Last night I started working on video assignment #539.  I generated the random words and found some of the pictures through Google Images.  I had some idea of where the story was going to go.  I went to bed.  I sat down with it again tonight, and the tale veered in a different direction.

In “Midnight Sun,” civilization faces its last days.  The story below focuses on a doomed relationship. What has happened?  Has the couple fallen into different rotations?  Has the affinity for a crappy band taken its toll?  Maybe the constant tallying of mistakes has worn thin.  Or maybe it’s just the damn heat.

The opening of the project was stolen from this tweet which appeared in my stream this afternoon:

a word… a picture… a story

Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.