
What Goes Through Their Heads

For my last assignment this week, I did the What Do Pets Think About assignment for three-and-a-half stars. Since I have a habit of narrating Dina’s thoughts already, this assignment was straight-forward. I also needed to relate my video back to my answer for the question of the week; The Wheels On The Bus had to included in some negative fashion.

Time to Run

What a shame, the day had started out so nice. Meg had given Dina her monthly claw-trimming, fed her a large breakfast, and played fetch too. Dina, contented with the company of her owner, had just jumped onto to the couch to sit with Meg. However, she wasn’t going to stay there for long.

Meg said “vet.” Dina remembered what happened the last time Meg said “vet.” Meg had stuffed Dina into a big plastic box, carried her outside, and heaved her into some odd mechanical contraption with wheels. Then the thing started moving, slowly at first, but accelerating to great speeds, making Dina feel nauseous. The rest of that day was a blur for Dina; she had managed to block most of it from her memory.


How It All Came to Be

I made a tutorial video on how to create this analysis video on Mac using iMovie. The tutorial can be viewed on YouTube or via my tutorial post.

Trauma (Tutorial)

A Day in the Life of a Royal…Dog

For 3.5 stars of my Video Assignments, I picked an assignment called What do Pets Think About? Here’s what it says to do:

Your pet cat, dog, turtle, snake [fill in name of pet here] spends a lot of time with you, do you imagine what they are thinking about? Create a series of video sequences of them that show them in contemplative mode, then record over that the narration of what they might be saying to themselves. Pad with an fun opening title, ost to YouTube, and wait for fame and fortune to come your way.

As I mentioned in one of my Week 1 Posts (wow, forever ago!), I have a gorgeous, charming dog named Arthur. To be honest, I chose this assignment partly because it will be somewhat easy for me…I’m always imagining what Arthur is really thinking. In fact, its a source of endless frustration for me that Arthur refuses to learn to talk, so me and my parents will habitually say out loud what we think Arthur is thinking when no one is around. Some families bond over camping or dinner or shared interests…we bond over narrating my dog’s thoughts. Because that’s totally not weird.

To do this assignment, I filmed Arthur on a



I’m obsessed with my dog if you can’t tell

Can you blame me? Look how cute he is!


I’ve done numerous assignments during this class with my dog as the subject, so it’s only fitting that I did “What do pets think about?” using Cooper once again!

I chose my video assignments at the beginning of the week and I knew for sure that I wanted to do this one! I just randomly recorded my dog on my iPhone throughout the week whenever he was doing something that I thought would be good for this assignment. He’s super goofy and hyper so I ended up with a lot of videos to choose from. He’s always playing, cuddling, or throwing a temper tantrum when we aren’t paying attention to him enough – he’s like a toddler!

Once I chose my videos, I emailed them to myself from my iPhone. I saved them to my computer from the email so I would be able to import them into iMovie and string them together. The quality of the video isn’t that great because it was originally from my phone, but it worked well enough. I added some bouncy background music because I felt like it fit his personality pretty well, and I also added a title/ending slide.

To import the clips, go to File>Import>Movies… and select your clips from wherever they are saved.

Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 9.18.04 PM

Next, drag the clips into the empty box below where they you edit everything together. Then, you want to remove the audio by clicking the setting symbol, then clicking Audio Adjustments.

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Drag the volume bar to 0% so now sound will be played and you can add audio later.

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Then record your audio segments as needed by clicking the circular record button.

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Since Cooper is a boy, I had to change the pitch of my recordings to a deeper voice. I clicked Clip Adjustments from the settings of the audio segment.

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The box below will appear, then change the Audio Effect to whichever effect is desired.

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I added a photo of Cooper to the beginning of my video by clicking the camera icon and dragging it to the beginning of the clip.

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I added text for a title by clicking the “T” icon.

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Last, I added background music by clicking the music note icon. I downloaded the audio from here.

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Here’s a look at my final product:Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 10.49.52 PM




Caesar the Tough Puppy! (What Do Pets Think About? **)

I swear, if I were to read my dog’s thoughts, they would always say something about being the roughest toughest dog in the neighborhood! Well now I finally get to see what this dog is thinking! Introducing Caesar the Tough Puppy for the “What Do Pets Think About” video assignment!

Caesar is my Labrador Walker Hound mix and he’s currently 3 years old, but in the video he was only a few weeks old. Caesar was always a tough little guy. This stems back to when he was just a puppy and he would always steal things from the other puppies in his litter. Now that he’s older, you could be sitting on the couch watching TV, and he’d come up and jump on you for no reason wanting to wrestle. He tries to act like a big champ, but he’s just hiding the fact that he’s a total sweetie!

This is him older!


I made the video using a mix of iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Garageband, and GIMP. I used GIMP to create the introduction photo using a picture of Caesar trying to jump out of his box. In Garageband, I used one of the royalty free songs called “Vintage” because it sounded really…triumphant! Then in iMovie I uploaded some video that I’d taken when he was a puppy and then did the voiceover there since I could watch the video at the same time to match the voice up. After I created that, I moved the product to Final Cut to add the introduction photo, transitions, music, and outro.

Caesar has sort of calmed down as he’s gotten older, and now he’s got another puppy to worry about. That’s right, we just got him a playmate last month named Prince. After Goldie, Caesar’s older playmate died, Caesar was devastated and hated being alone. Ever since we got Prince, Caesar has been A LOT happier, running around playing with him. Sorry Caesar, looks like there’s a new tough puppy in town!

Philosicat Returns

So remember that post Master made about a cat video a week or two ago?  It’s finally up on YouTube.  I thought you might want to know, so you can finally hear this cat talk about…something that isn’t in my programming at all.

What is this Pet thinking?

So this post was supposed to be done nearly 24 hours ago by now, but YouTube seems to be refusing to process the video in question.

The video that this was SUPPOSED to be was a video of a certain cat pondering the nature of humanity, in the words of Loren Eiseley, but YouTube is taking its sweet time processing it.  Hopefully, it’ll get processed soon and then I’ll link it into this post.

Until then, think of this as a placeholder.

What is Lilo thinking about?

The assignment, What do Pets think about?, entails that you take a series of video sequences of your pet in contemplating mode and narrate it. I took a different approach to this assignment partly because my audio sound would not record and partly because my pets are an hour away. I really like doing assignments that involve my pets so I took somewhat of different view on what this assignment was…

I have videos of my dog on my phone. They are very brief, but none in contemplating mode. The video of Lilo chasing the reflection off my mom’s iPad is the most recent one I have. So the original plan was to take this video and lay audio over it of what I think was going through her small little brain at the time. However, there are always complications with good ideas. I couldn’t record anything. Audacity wasn’t picking up my voice or maybe my microphone isn’t working. I have no idea. So after about an hour or so of trying to fix this, I decided to just add titles and music.

When I just had the video in the timeline, I thought it was boring. I then added the first few slides beginning the story and having other pictures of her. I thought it added a little something extra to the video. For some reason, I youtubed circus music. Just the way she prance and jumps around made me think of the circus. I found this great clip. I had to cut some of it off using audacity (it would work for this of course) and put it into the movie. I thought it fit with her jumps and looking around pretty well. It adds a bit of excitement to the scene. The font for the titles just came up automatically when I started typing in the words. I really liked it. It seemed fun and fit the scenes. I think it may have been a font I used previously, but it worked well with this movie too.

Lilo is one of the sweetest dogs ever, however she really isn’t the smartest. She was mesmerized by this reflection for quite some time. She is definitely ditsy, so I don’t think much really crosses her mind. I call her the goldfish dog. Her brain reboots after around three seconds. However, she wasn’t bred for her brains. She was bred for racing. She has already won a champion reserve at the National Competition level and she is only 7 months. I’m very proud of her!




Inside the Animal Mind

My first video assignment for this week was the What Do Pets Think About? The assignment asked for us to create a video where the animal looks like it’s thinking, then narrate what they were thinking. I threw a little spin on this. I decided to narrate what my girlfriend’s dog was thinking, but I did it while I was playing with him. My girlfriend SWEARS that he is a smart dog…but I beg to differ. I think he’s gotten goofy with old age(and may be a little slow). So although I pick on him, he is a sweet dog…and perfect for my narration of what he was thinking about!

I chose to do this video because I thought it would be a good way to ease into video editing. The programs I used were Windows Movie Maker(WMM) and Audacity. I also had to borrow my girlfriend’s video camera…and her dog…and her house…WOW, am I a mooch? I guess it’s a fair tradeoff because she loves reading my blog and seeing what I create :) Anyways, I took a couple videos of her dog, Moe, doing random things. I then uploaded the video to my computer and opened them right into WMM. In WMM I began by editing the video volume and turned it all the way down so I could do my voiceovers. I don’t know if it was possible to record audio in WMM, but I knew Audacity could, so I went with what I knew best. I recorded my audio in Audacity, and made sure it went along with the video. Exported my audio as an MP3 and then clicked the add song feature in WMM. BAM, my insight on what Moe is thinking! I also found that it was fairly simple to create title slides and credit slides with WMM.

What is Jack Jack Thinking?! 2*

This assignment was to catch your pet in a contemplative mood and dub over with what you think he/she would be thinking/saying. My dog always has to pee or is super tired so I decided to incorporate that in. I tried to get him when he wasn’t barking but that’s a rare occurrence around our house, he’s always barking at something.

What Do Pets Think About?

Your pet cat, dog, turtle, snake [fill in name of pet here] spends a lot of time with you, do you imagine what they are thinking about? Create a series of video sequences of them that show them in contemplative mode, then record over that the narration of what they might be saying to themselves. Pad with an fun opening title, ost to YouTube, and wait for fame and fortune to come your way.

Inspired by Stand-Up Dog: Open Mic