il buono

clint eastwood

Il buono


The Bad

il brutto

the ugly

il cattivo



Danger Diabolik!

Danger Diabolik is one of my favorite Mario Bava films, and this animated GIF is taken from probably my favorite scene in the film which has Diabolik tearing around in his bitchin car driving to the tune of Ennio Morricone’s best song off the soundtrack “Driving Decoys.”

From Mario Bava's Danger Diabolik!

I would narrate the process here, but I already have elsewhere. My fourth visual assignment, which means I have met the course requirements for week 1 and can move on with the game….can you?

Visual Assignment #2

Say It Like Peanut Butter -

This may seem like a stereotypical, nothing but action movie for a guy to choose, but 300 is just so badass, had to do it! Might be slow loading maybe I should’ve made the gif a little smaller but this is where Leonidas taunts the Persians after the Spartans are told to lay down their weapons. Of course this is something the Spartans wouldn’t do :P this scene is right before the first big fight where the Persians are funneled into a narrow passageway they call the “Hot Gates” so only a small number, or wave of soldiers, can fight the Spartans at a time.

fragment number ???

trying to reproduce Haneke’s masterpiece of angst and despair…

hell’s full of

ahir vaig veure “Meek’s cutoff“, dirigida per Kelly Reichardt, un western sobre la travessa de l’oest esperant arribar a terra promesa i la desconfiança, ens els “teus” i en els altres, suposadament des d’una perspectiva feminista, o això és el que justifica la seva sel·lecció per la 19a Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona (la mostra, no les dones)

amb un final del tipus “hasta aquí hemos llegado y cada uno que se espabile”, literalment, no deixa de ser un exercici interessant, amb un ritme molt particular

no puc dir més perquè no hi ha més, cal veure-la, així que recomanable

chewing gum death

please somebody explain to the death you don’t need to blink every time you chew


a slow walk in the space station, fun with MPEG Streamclip + Photoshop; grabbed from youtube, sorry about the low quality

First attempt at Gif

gif animators
Gif animators

I’ve seen some really awesome gifs made by people in our class and by strangers and so I figured it was time for me to try it. I made this from three photos I took of my friend Meghan’s cat who is super cute but extremely hard to take a photo of!