A girl in a park

This photo is for the assignment for the commic book effect in the visual signments.

A girl in a park. The photo is added by comis book effect


I think the keys were color, brightness and sharpness.

Using GIMP, I played with the balance of color and brightness. The yellower it is, the more it looks like a picture in a commic book. Then, I put some filter effects such as newspaper print and commic effect. Be careful ! Putting too much effect makes a model ugly. Although I am happy, she might become unhappy!


Old Office

Nothing really dies on the internet :-)  Sometimes that is a bad thing, sometimes it’s a good thing!
A few years back, I had wanted to join a social network (like MySpace and Facebook) but where the language was Greek.  I discovered a few like Zuni (facebook-like in that it was only for college students at the time, it’s now defunct), and fatsa (Greek for “face” or rather “mug”). Fatsa never really did it for me because it was a bit like the TV show “Jersey Shore.” Despite the fact that I have told this network numerous times to remove my profile, it’s still there.  Well, lucky me, because this is one place I had put that photo I had mentioned in my previous post – the old office, affectionately known as the bat cave.

Thinking pose, in half-tone, circa 2003, alpha version

The New Office

This past week I’ve been trying like a mad man to find a photo that I took in 2005, using Photo Booth on MacOS 10.4 when it first came out.  At the time, I was employed by Media Services and worked with a great group of people.  Alas, my office was reminiscent of the Batcave. Despite being on the first floor there were no windows, the fluorescent lighting felt piercing to the eye (so I had some spotlights strategically placed in the office) so my office was a perfect candidate for a painting using chiaroscuro. It was also cold (year round!) a bit damp (not great for the media playback equipment that I had stored there) and the air quality was questionable.  This was the background of that photo.A few months after that photo was taken I switched jobs and went to another building.

This week (six years later) I am back in that old building, in a new job, but this time I am on the sixth floor (all the way up!), with a window that provides natural light, a private office that’s not a storage area and temperature that’s not in either extreme.  I thought of taking that old photo (done in halftone) and setting the photo frame to be the same as my old office  - amazingly the furnishings in the office are the same as my old office on the first floor so this compare and contrast works well.  Alas, I have yet to find the photo, so I have recreated the shot from memory.  Stay tuned for an “old office” post at some point :)
Yes, I do the thinking pose a lot…

Comic Book Effect


So, i did my best to try and do the comic book effect but eh it didn’t work out to well. But hey it was a learning experience for me!

I chose this picture because i thought it looked fun and comic book like ha! I uploaded the image to picnik and chose the dots and dots effect and did my best to alter it enough to make it visible and kind of comic book like!


Visual Assignment: Comic Book Effect

This particular assignment was a lot of fun. I used picnik to do the effects. Initially I had just added the dot to dot effect, but then wondered what it would look like if I just used this effect on myself. I really like that look but felt like it was missing something. So I [...]

comic book effect

I had more hair then.

It Wasn’t Funny at the Time

This is my version of the Comic Book Effect! I jumped on the bandwagon and I thought I would give this assignment a spin.

The Process:

First, I went into Picnik and used the ‘Dots and Dots’ filter to achieve the comic book pixel effect. Next, I altered the exposure by 30% to create the distinct comic book coloring.

Next, I uploaded my photo onto Chogger to add the two speech bubbles. There might be a better site for this aspect of the project but it’s the site I know best. In Chogger, you have four basic speech bubble options, but you can manipulate and distort each one until you have achieved your desired effect.

Last, as I mentioned in my previous post, there is no explicit embed option on the Chogger site but you can just grab the image straight from the site.

This is a fun, easy assignment and I recommend that everyone give this assignment a try!

DS 106 Visual Assignments “Comic Book Effect”

Concept: 2 guys found a humongous ice cream and start eating like a zombie…
Process: I pointinize a photo on http://pixlr.com/editor/, Then, I used Paint to emphasize/ colour the ice cream and typed the texts.   



Buddy, can you spare a tweet?

Seems that a ds106 student from University of Mary Washington named Briana created a new assignment that is generating some excitement. Create a comic asks you to:

Take a picture and experiment with the “Halftone Effect” in some photo editing software to create a comic book effect.

Having seen Alan’s example and clear description of the process, I thought that even I could do it.

As I don’t have a camera handy, I borrowed the upside down picture from yesterday’s Daily Create and turned it right side up in Pixlr.

I tweaked the hue and saturation to give it an even more old-time feel and then applied the half-tone filter.

The caption was done on a new layer with an elliptical selection filled with yellow and an opacity setting of 34%. Another layer of text was added with full opacity.

As for the question, “Buddy, can you spare a tweet?” It is a play on the depression era song, “Brother, can you spare a dime?” Somehow the comic image made me think of the thirties and I wanted a slightly softer twitter related phrase than I did in the recent YouTubes video.