Just Creepin’, NBD

This assignment was Creep on a Movie Scene. I used to have a poster of this scene in my dorm room and thought it’d be funny to edit myself in to it because of the nature of it and its age. Once again I used Gimp to edit myself in to gray scale as well as copy myself in to the scene.

Remix #1 Creep on a Movie Scene

Remix #1

For my first remix assignment I thought I’d do a little movie creeping. I really enjoy many movies and found myself at a crossroad when selecting one that can be considered “famous!” Then I thought back to a trip I took to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida for Labor Day and remembered the fun I had eating at Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Co. All of the great food and Forrest Gump trivia really got me thinking! I decided to creep on Forrest and Jenny and what better way to creep then by including a pair of shoes from my own Nike Collection!

To remix this photo I first went to google images and selected a Forrest Gump photo. Next I went into Pixlr where I selected open URL and inserted the web address. Next I went to adjustment and add image. I selected my own image and after some serious adjusting I inserted it into the original photo. Finally I went to the History Brush where I was able to erase my body to fit into the original screen.

It was truly a fun experience and I cannot wait until my next Remix assignment!

The Creep to El Dorado

Our next assignment was to creep on a movie scene. Weegee filled in for me.

Creeping is fun.

Life is like a box of chocolates

I searched for a movie scene that everyone would know and was from a movie that I enjoy. I used Photoshop to insert myself in this famous movie. I used the scene as the background and used the lasso tool to copy myself out of another photo. I then pasted my image and moved my picture around to the right spot. Yet, it still was not quite right. I  used the same technique that I used to cut myself out on the suitcase in the background and pasted that onto of my image. So it looked like I was actually in the scene rather than pasted on top.

I love Forrest Gump. It makes me laugh and it always moves me to tears. You watch as Forrest goes through his life, making friends, overcoming obstacles, and wandering through history without a clue. So just for a moment, I will be someone that sits and listens to the story that Forrest has to tell. As Forrest would say, “And that’s all I have to say about that.”

Creeping on Alien

I figured I would do one more visual assignment before we move into my favorite part of ds106 bar none, DESIGN!! I chose the “Creep on a movie scene” by the great Jack Mulrey because it is very much inline with my movie saturated mindset right now. I creeped on Alien using this screenshot from the film and this picture taken by Tom Woodward back in 2008. The picture of me is all wrong because there’s direct sunlight on the right side of my face—and given we are in a cafeteria in deep space that’s probably not gonna fly too well. Nonetheless, I kinda liked it. Anyway, here I am as part of the crew of the Nostromo, and given my coffee and cigarette I think I fit right in with these badass mofos.

Movie Scene Creeper and a story

Call me butter, because I’m on a roll!  Wheeeeeeee!

Here’s a visual assignment that Jim Groom can maybe appreciate.

A long time ago (almost 3 years ago) I had this life where I watched movies and read books and listened to music.  Then I had a baby (now a toddler), and I don’t do any of those things anymore, because my time is spent trying to raise this child to be a decent human being.

Back when I watched movies and read books and listened to music, the husband and I would visit our friend Matt Mills (who can be seen playing drums in the video below).

Matt Mills worked/works at Video Fan on Strawberry Street in this lovely city called Richmond.  Here’s a picture of Video Fan that I didn’t take:

Video Fan (RVA)

Matt Mills was a horror/exploitation/cult movie aficionado.  We spent a lot of time watching  questionable movies like White Dog and Tenement and gems like Spider Baby.  He talked a lot of Argento and Bava.  Matt was sweet enough to lend Will and I his Bava boxed set after my son was born.  Unfortunately, I was too sleep-deprived to remember any of what I saw.

I do, however, remember the shadows in those Bava films.  After reading the prompt for “Creep on a movie scene,” I thought about those Bava movies and I thought about this great picture I have of myself mopping up someone’s spilled drink at a party.  The picture is a shadowy, dark, and creepy:

The original photo is in color, so I just did a quick edit in iPhoto and changed it to black and white.  I then open the photo in Photoshop.  I found the still from Black Sunday through a Google Image search.  I downloaded that photo to my desk top and opened it in Photoshop too.

There was a lot of fumbling around in Photoshop, which I’ve never used before.  I created two layers–one with the mopping photo, the other with the Bava still.  The background from the mopping picture was deleted.  I experimented with the brightness and contrast.  Then I dragged the altered image into the Bava still.  I looked like a giant compared to the characters in the Bava movie, so I sized myself down a little.

I’d like to repeat it all just to make sure I have the hang of it.

Evil truly does lurk in the shadows.  Here’s the proof:

I shudda been in pictures

Creep on a movie scene

Add yourself to a movie scene! Preferable a famous movie. The creepier you are, the better.